8.6.0 PTB Feedback

8.6.0 PTB Feedback

Surrender Option has some issues for killers and survivors

Member Posts: 1,012
edited March 14 in 8.6.0 PTB Feedback

Adding a surrender option is really nice but the option for killers is rather unfair:

Killers and survivors should have the surrender option once two survivors are replaced by a bot (so two bots and two players)since this already means the game is over for the last two survivors and makes the match just boring at this point. I rather wanna go next immediately to get an interesting match ASAP instead of stucking in a match that is over

Next, I really don't understand why the killer has to surrender when the survivors refuse to do anything for more than 10 minutes. This should be changed and allowing the killer to claim the win for the match (with the BPs and emblems like they would get if they had killed every survivors). The issue with the planned version is it encourages survivor players to hide forever to force the killer to surrender as tehy see it as a win for them or that the killer player will not surrender since they see it as a lose. I also feel like if a killer uses this option, this should be an automatically report for these survivors as holding the game hostage.

I misunderstood the feature. It's when the survivors haven't completed a generator within the last 10 minutes and not when they haven't touched a generator within the last 10 minutes. In that case, the feature is fine to avoid an unfair abusing of the feature.

I was also thinking about an option to surrender for both sides when one survivor dcs within the first minute of the mmatch or when the first hooked survivor kills themselves on hook but I am afraid that this could be abused by friends, for example: they don't like the kkiller and one takes the dcs for the team to get a free go next for their friends. But on the other hand, when someone dcs right at the start, it is already difficult for survivors and - at least for me - boring to have an 1v3. Additionally, we will also get the Go-Next-Prevention, so maybe this feature will solve this issue(?)

Post edited by HolyDarky on

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  • Member Posts: 3

    I like the idea of it being an automatic win if the survivors refuse to do gens for 10 minutes, they shouldn’t torture the killer and then win from it.

  • Member Posts: 359


  • Member Posts: 16,714

    Point 1: I agree. I think the Surrender-Option should be a bit more lenient. I had a game where 2 people DCed right at the start. I obviously ran to the Killer and went next, because I am not playing a game with 2 Bots from the start, but in the future that might get me a penalty. I think surrendering is fine in this case for both sides.

    Point 2: I disagree, at least for now. Maps, especially reworked ones, can still spawn strong 3-Gens. And I dont think a Killer should be rewarded in a way to hold those 3-Gens to basically win the game after stalling for 10 minutes. If they do something against 3-Gens, sure, worth a thought. But currently their solution is better.

    Point 3: Yes, big fan of that. I dont want to play out 3v1s on either side, simply because it is impossible for the Survivors to win. So as Survivor you are a BP-Pinata and as Killer you basically have to choose between winning fast or dragging a game you already won out. Not really cool. I dont see an issue there with SWFs, since penalties apply to the whole party. So even if some Survivors would be able to leave without a penalty, all would still take the penalty of that one person leaving (e.g. if my SWF-Mate DCs and has 5 minute penalty, I might be able to DC without penalty, but would still have to wait for his penalty to expire).

  • Member Posts: 869
    edited March 14

    First point agree it should be that the survivors surrender and the killer wins. Identity V does that of which other side gives up, the opposite wins.

    Second point disagree cause as @Aven_Fallen says ever since map shrinkage 3 gens be spawning so easily on maps and no matter what killer it is, its a real pain to deal with especially if your not swfing. If bvhr god knows when update gen spawns then sure. Once again idv do not really have something like 3 ciper spawn, it can happen but it is so extremely rare it almost is non existant.

    Third also agree.

  • Member Posts: 1,074

    The devs said that if a generator is not completed within ten minutes the killer can surrender. What you are asking for is a new win conidtion for killer. Just hold a tight three gen, stall the game for ten minutes, and then win the match by just leaving.

    If survivors shouldn't be stalling out matches for free wins, why should it be okay for killers to do the same?

    Let's not forget that soon, killers are getting basekit tracking for survivors who refuse to progress the game. So there will be no excuse for not finding survivors that are stalling.

  • Member Posts: 1,012

    To point 2: my bad. I thought it was "when survivors haven't touched a generator for longer than 10 minutes" (just hiding and do nothing besides hoping for the hatch) and not "when no generator has been completed within the last 10 minutes". But no, in that case I agree and the surrender option should stay as it is to avoid an abusing of the feature by playing into it.

  • Member Posts: 16,714

    Yeah, if it would be not touching a Gen for 10 minutes, it would make more sense to turn it into a Win. But not with BHVRs condition.

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