High ping killers need to be the ones punished for their connection, not everyone else.

I've gone against so many 100+ ping Huntress players. I swear people use a VPN or play on WiFi deliberately to gain an advantage. For those unaware, killers get an advantage when they have high ping. Hits that should miss on the survivor's screen will connect and feel extremely weird, like a cheap shot.
Huntress specifically gets a major advantage with high ping because her hatchet hitboxes are as big as refrigerators. If you've ever been hit when you were fully around a corner, this is why, and she probably had high ping to top it off.
This needs to change already. If a killer player has poor connection, then they need to figure it out, or play in a way that they know lag might make them miss their shots. It's completely backwards that people with good connections in this game are outright punished for it. Especially when it's VERY easy to intentionally raise your ping like I said with a VPN or other lag switching software.
Yeah idk why people don't bring this up more often. It has been proven time and time again that high ping killers have some level of advantage when it comes to hits. I don't think the devs are going to do anything about it since it's likely going to make the game unplayable for killers with high ping, but it's also not fair for the survivors to be subjected to these hits.
If the killer has +60 ping you can already being to notice that you're getting hits that should have not hit, this is more obvious when you're vaulting pallets or windows.
Post edited by sQuAdeLUL on12 -
This is a game I had where for some reason I kept getting lag spikes. Clearly this gave me HUGE advantages... The weird survivor movements and rubberbanding were awesome. I checked my ping immediately afterwards to see it went back to 50. Sometimes...servers just suck.
-7 -
100% agree! Why is slow Killer internet speed allowed to ruin the experience for everyone else…? That's just stupid.
13 -
The community has asked for this thousands of times and BHVR continues to ignore the issue. They won’t enforce ping limits because then fewer people would be able to play, which means less revenue. They are prioritizing $ over player experience and so far it has worked for them because plenty of people are still playing the game. At this point it’s just a waste of time to keep asking BHVR to do something about it, because they won’t.
8 -
I never said anything about enforcing ping limits on players. That's something you concocted in your own head. I said punish people with bad connections and not people with good connections. If the killer clearly misses a shot on a player with good connection, then the hit validation should screw the killer player over, not the people playing the game correctly.
5 -
Lag Spikes =/= high ping. A stable but high ping gives you an advantage. Lag spikes do not.
13 -
it's not omly VPNing or bad wifi, i have optical net with no network issues and sometimes i get into matches where i constantly have 120 ping. Guess what's the cause? Game decides to randomly put me on a different server
2 -
Why do you think you're making a point by saying this? I wouldn't even be complaining at all if WHOEVER HAS THE BAD PING PLAYS WORSE plain and simple! If that's a server issue for you "SOMETIMES" which is a word you used, well tough luck, go next. The POINT is good ping players should NEVER be punished EVER.
Your bad ping regardless of how it happens, I literally do not care, should always be a you problem. Not a ME problem.
0 -
you definitely misunderstood me, first of all players should be not put on another server for the sake of having lower queue times, never ever. That's the first and probably the most widespread problem when the word is about bad ping.
0 -
That's a completely separate issue. BHVR should fix that, fine. Not what I'm talking about. Ping being high is far more regular than it should be in this game. Regardless of WHY it happens to a player, the ones with the better ping should have the better hit validation. There's nothing else to say on that. Most of the time, it's someone on a VPN, Wi-Fi, or just plain terrible internet connection. Majority of the playerbase should not be punished in their matches for someone else's poor connection.
2 -
Not really. From my experience when this happens (and indeed it does happen sometimes), all 5 players are from a different region, e.g. 5 European players are on an East Coast-Server and all of them have high Ping. But this is quite rare.
What is not rare is that as Survivor with a good Ping you face a Killer with a really bad Ping and get the most unreasonable Hits.
3 -
it should be no secret by now that BHVR has been handholding killer mains since update 6.1.
-3 -
Hear me out….
We take high ping killers and throw them at high level SWFS. They will both complain about each other and it'll be an endless loop, and maybe, juuuuust maybe we'll stop hearing about both!
-2 -
So when we play with our Asian friend in our SWF we should suffer? or tell her that we dont want to play with her ??
-4 -
Ummmm no? What? If you want to play with her, then her ping would be the higher one since she should be going to the group's majority server, wherever you are located. Also, your case is so niche once again. People coming in here throwing out such grasping at straws examples. If your ping is bad, you should always bear that responsibility. High ping on survivor is hardly ever much of a disadvantage anyway. Killers with high ping gain obvious advantages with hit validation, which is what the post is all about.
The ratio is important here. 3 survivors with good ping and 1 survivor with poor ping is doable. But 1 killer with bad ping is a huge problem for 4 other people. Not fair in the slightest.
3 -
Im all for this. Any player with bad ping should face the negative consequences, not the other way around. If that means the killer may miss every once and a while so be it. Your network issues are your burden, not your opponents
11 -
Bad ping dosnt work in your favor most of the time, why do i know this? because we sometime join her on Asian servers to be fair towards her (read that twice). Having a bad ping dosnt help us. But… if people use a lag switch to avoid the killer, that is another story, because then the ping is much worse and the player using it is not where it looks like.
But in our SWF, we do better with low ping, no matter who got the short straw.
-2 -
Can you relax and read instead of just typing the first thing that comes to your mind?
I said KILLERS get an advantage with HIGH ping. Survivor players are always disadvantaged in either scenario. A high ping survivor will have a bit of a harder time, yes. But a good ping survivor with a HIGH PING KILLER will also be disadvantaged as well. Killer players can have good ping or bad ping and never be at a disadvantage.
7 -
Its not crappy connection its server distance, Are you going t to punish players because the game doesnt have enough players to host a server in every country? Who do you think you are ?
0 -
Very on-brand for you to come here and throw in a trolling “us vs them” remark that has nothing to do with the thread topic
0 -
why are you arguing with me and others who agree with you that this is a problem? The fact that BHVR doesn’t enforce ping limits is the reason why you frequently see these high-ping killers in your games. Don’t post threads if you’re just going to lash out at everyone who comments
0 -
Either way - bad connection or distance from server- the problem is the same. Players with local servers and good pings are being punished with unfair matches because BHVR allows players from thousands of miles away to also play on these servers. So keep in mind that you’re ok with the local players being punished with unfair matches with high ping players. I’d much rather ensure a quality experience for the players with local servers and am totally fine with not allowing high ping players on those servers.
2 -
its the truth. I play both sides. night and day. killer is e z mode
-4 -
Show everyone's ping in lobby so people can dodge.
9 -
If I remember right this was years ago can't remember who, but was stated the advantage over bad ping has to be killer sided. Even if the ping is bad for killer the match is some what playable and plays out like a normal game with hooks, downs, gens, saves and w/e. If it was flipped around in survivors favor the killers would likely won't get any hits or downs. Maybe a few hooks if any, but it becomes border line unplayable for the killer and if the killer can't do anything the what's the point of the match?
Devs likely choose to give the killer's the advantage other wise there'll be far less killers playing and survivors would be sitting in que for a lot longer then player base would drop.
-3 -
say it again for the ppl in the back !
5 -
Because you came in here and brought up ping limits, which I said nothing about. I heard this topic talked about somewhere before, maybe a twitch streamer or a twitter post, so I knew instantly you’re a person in the know. You tried bending the topic to something else.
The system is way too easy to intentionally take advantage of to gain an artificial advantage in games -plain-and-simple. I know for a fact doctoring up your ping is way more common than people want to admit. It’s no coincidence that it just so happens that every 100+ ping player is on Huntress in higher MMR lobbies. These people know what they’re doing. Framing everyone with an innocent “they just live far away :(“ narrative is exactly the tactic used by players who don’t want their cute little fun advantage taken away.
Fix the servers, and fix the high ping advantage hit validation. I don’t care how. It makes the quality of many games unenjoyable. It also just generally just makes the game feel CHEAPLY made. Not a good look at all.
2 -
I’m so confused about why you’re mad that I’m talking about ping limits. That would literally solve the problem that you’re complaining about.
0 -
It wouldn't solve the problem. It would cause many players to ACTUALLY physically be unable to play the game. I'm not asking for these people to outright be unable to play the game. I'm asking that their outright advantage be stripped from them for simply having a bad connection. The delta between good and bad ping players needs to be closer. That is the point.
0 -
What solution do you propose then? I don’t think it’s even technically possible to somehow make hits smooth and accurate on both sides when there is a high ping. Don’t you think if there was a technically possible way to resolve this that it would have been done by now?
The only way to make this work is to ensure everyone has a good ping.1 -
My solution is that if you are a killer player with high ping, you should have to play the way survivors with good ping play against a killer with high ping right now.
This means, the killer with high ping can still technically play the game, it wouldn't be UNPLAYABLE. BUT it would mean they'd have to get used to the fact they will probably get stunned at pallets when going for hits unless they are right on the survivor's butt for example before taking the M1. Because right now, survivor players have to basically pre-drop pallets against high ping killers or risk getting slapped through the pallet. It should be on the killer with high ping to play in a weird way, and players with good ping can just play normally. Never allow high ping to be advantage. This would mean they'd need to change hit validation to not favor high ping killers basically.
2 -
So then we’re just making the game miserable and unfair for killers instead of survivors. We still have a problem, but you just passed it along to someone else.
1 -
Miserable and unfair for (HIGH PING) killers. Yeah, it would be a bit miserable probably, but people would get used to it or get on an ethernet connection.
It makes no sense to say this and just be okay with survivor players (who have actual good connections by the way) having to play in a "miserable and unfair" way.
I don't care which side (killer or survivor) you play on. High ping should not be an advantage. Good ping shouldn't be an advantage either. it should be the NORM for fair gameplay.
I swear in no game other than DBD do people actively fight in favor of letting high ping players get an upper hand. Any other PvP based game you will be told to upgrade your internet and get off the WiFi. It's crazy to me.
0 -
So with your proposed solution, wouldn’t high ping survivors have an unfair advantage? If that was true, now it would be survivors abusing high ping and VPN instead of killers. Also, now you’re telling people “get a better internet connection” when above you said that you don’t want to exclude anyone from being able to play. What if the killer has a great internet connection but no local server? Your solution would punish them, but above you said you didn’t want to punish people for not having a local server to play on.
Also, who is “actively fighting in favor of letting high ping player get an upper hand?” I’m pretty sure everyone here agrees that high ping killers are a problem and I haven’t seen anyone argue otherwise.
Your arguments are confusing and inconsistent.
0 -
was just about to do a post about this until I found this post already up. Just went against a huntress with 108 ping and I was 50-60 ping, I was confused why she kept throwing hatchets 2 feet behind me until I was running her on a jungle gym and she hit me when I was check spotting around the corner (none of my body was sticking out) and I checked ping and she was 110. It’s so irritating that killer’s get an advantage when it comes to ping in this game, I would go as far to say the game should just validate everything through the survivor’s screen since their inputs are much more important than the killer’s. For example if I can clearly see my feet touch the ground and start to run after vaulting a window or pallet the game should NOT prioritize the killer’s hit on me. Same with dropping a pallet, the stun and getting hit should not happen at the same time, it should prioritize the stun first as long as the survivor started the pallet drop animation.
0 -
Why are the survivor’s inputs much more important than the killers? Both sides have to do things that require precise timing. With your solution, the Huntress will throw the hatchet at a survivor, have it appear to be an hit, and then have no hit register. That’s not fair either.
When someone has a high ping, the timings get thrown off and we have to decide which side gets the “benefit of the doubt” when action timings are not aligned. The only solution is to minimize the timing lag on both sides, which means enforcing ping limits in lobbies.
Just throwing this out there as well - I’ve had many instances of hitting survivors at pallets, game shows blood splatter and survivor screams( making me think I got a hit), and then no hit registers and I get stunned instead. It’s not just survivors that are suffering from the high ping problem.
-2 -
True, I would say the game should prioritize whoever has the lowest ping but that would make survivors with 12-25 ping almost impossible to catch if they have their timings right
2 -
Maybe don't punish killers for having low ping then
-6 -
You are correct
-1 -
I'm not an engineer. I can't sit here and give you exact solutions. All I can do is identify a problem and give my opinion on it.
Low ping players should never be punished. NEVER NEVER NEVER. NEVER. NEVER. High Ping players should have a slightly more difficult experience, and have to play in a way that requires them to work around their high ping. They should NOT BE OUTRIGHT REWARDED FOR BAD CONNECTION.
That is all I have to say to you. You are going in circles because you are just a stalwart killer defender. I literally play both sides. I have good ping on survivor AND KILLER. I WOULD NOT BENEFIT FROM THIS ANYWAY. From my perspective IT WOULD JUST MAKE THE GAME MORE FAIR. The game should cater to good/low ping as the BASELINE not HIGH PING.
0 -
Ping cant be fixed. There is also a desync. Which can bei only fixed when all have a Zero Ping which is Impossible to get. With Ping limit you also reduce Players to Play the Game. Not in every country IS a server. And many highpings comes from the matchmaker which Put the Players in wrong Server region or that IS the lowest Ping what they can get. And there Hit validation will never working properly as Long they want to with her clientsided detection.
1 -
while ping may have an impact on huntress' hatchets it's actually more of a lingering hitbox problem especially around corners. I have recorded games where I have had high ping no fault if my own. (Good Internet here 1100Mb/s or like 80-95 MB/sec.) When my ping is high the game is almost unplayable as it should be, the lag is insane. Now the hitboxes those are an issue, don't need to see any part of the survivor to hit them off you know precisely where they are at some check spots, behind rocks, or cover. I can't speak for other killers but I definitely can for huntress.
Now regarding the ping issue I definitely think something should be done as well. If you have crappy ping you should be punished proof no matter what side your on.
The servers suck period and that's the main problem this isn't a survivorsy vs killers problem at all.
2 -
I think the game should favor the group with lower ping where possible, but I do think a very significant effort should be made to reduce the outcome of ping on matches generally. People living in regions without a dedicated server shouldn't be hindered by the place they live, just as they shouldn't be helped by it either.
I'm no expert, so I apologise to the BHVR employee collating thoughts on this that I don't have more to work with, but I'm sure there's some genius way to make the ping less of a decider, especially in egregious cases like 200ms+
4 -
From personal experience latency tends to get a bit iffy around vaults and what is/isn't determined as a hit. I've played matches with crappy ping on Killer and you absolutely do FEEL it. Especially if you're playing as a killer that requires precise timing/accuracy on something. However I don't shifting the burden from one side to the other is a productive solution either, in an ideal world BHVR would pay for a couple of extra servers so people in less populated regions can enjoy decent matches but that's a matter of cost. That being said it's a lot better than what it used to be when lobbies were using the killer's connection soley for everything. I'm glad we aren't back in those days.
2 -
People keep bringing up the issue of “their region might not have a dedicated server”. Okay so this is valid but not even a good argument anyway. The point is moot in relation to the topic at hand which is the game outright rewards high ping killers.
These regions are ALSO impacted when they play survivor against high ping killers, because of the clear advantage playing a killer on high ping brings. I’ve heard of the complaints from the playerbase in the Middle East/West Asian locations that wish they could get servers there so they didn’t have to deal with high ping either!
Should there be more servers in countries, regions, and places that do not have one? Yes! BHVR absolutely should expand their server locations. But even if every single region in the world had a server, there would still be high ping abusers until BHVR changes the way hit validation works. That’s just a fact.
4 -
It wasn't an argument, because I'm agreeing with you. I just wanted to add that we should also make further improvements so that high ping play is a non-point, rather than a punishment for players with high ping or without.
2 -
Fair but I was speaking generally when I said that because a few times in this thread (and certainly other places online), it's been brought up in a way that feels like a "whataboutism".
-1 -
Give more regions servers then. they added servers again to existing regions already like the US and the UK also "ping limit" I've been playing this game since before dedicated servers when it was peer to peer and i was matched with people from my region and now i don't. Not my fault go blame BHVR im not gonna stop playing a game i sunk tons of money into. Downvote all you want
3 -
That's why I advocated for more servers to be a thing that Behavior needs to do.
I went against a person in Canada (I am in Florida) and I was getting 100+ ping throughout the match.
I went against a Doctor where everyone, and I mean everyone was lagging. It was so bad that everyone, including my duo friend decided to kill themselves and luckily I found hatch.
Behavior either needs to invest in more server locations or simply matchmake people around similar locations. Obviously harder when you SWF and you're in different locations, but this would remedy the issue. There is no reason why a killer with 100-200+ ping is matched with other players causing them to have massive lag spikes or consistent 100-200+ ping throughout the match.
I'm not familiar with VPN (I'm not a tech girly) - I know what it is, but Behavior needs better ways to make the game have more QOL changes when it comes to these servers.
1 -
This could be solved with more servers.
There is STILL no server in the entirety of Africa, so ping being high is a standard.
Also, the Middle East region has some issues, not sure if those got resolved.
Not matching people from other regions with you for the sake of queue times would also help.