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Is it just me or are survivor bots better than >50% of the player base?

Member Posts: 261

Maybe I'm a trash killer stuck in bottom of the barrel dumpster mmr. Maybe it doesn't matter? Either way I've noticed that I get looped insanely efficiently by bots as opposed to players. To as point where it feels like straight up walling. At times bots will perfectly mirror me at powerful pallets / tiles and maybe I'm missing some mind game forbidden knowledge but it doesn't feel very fair to me. I will say in defense of the survivors, It's nice to have a leg up with a wall bot after one of your baby rager teammates leaves due to the slightest inconvenience. But It's disheartening to see as a killer main. "Well the survivor that kept running in front of me during chase left, now I have to deal with the T-1000 of dbd looping fml"


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  • Member Posts: 16,769

    Its just you. The Bots are as helpful as a DCed player. Sometimes they are even worse, since they are really good at bodyblocking.

  • Member Posts: 732

    Personally I prefer bots. As a survivor they often perform better than the real people because they don't suicide on hook or try to go next and don't leave people on the hook to die when it's 1st hook. They do gens which so many people seem to avoid at all costs.

    As killer they can be more challenging in certain situations due to wall hacks but atleast they try to do gens and don't hide for like 20min hoping to get hatch. Iv had many killer matches where people DC at the start and I'm left playing a match with 4 bots, way more fun imo.

  • Member Posts: 732

    Wish I was playing your matches because the players in my matches DC, go next, avoid gens, deliberately float around waiting for a blind save and hide for as long as possible when there in 2 v 1 situations. Give me a bot any day over that.

  • Member Posts: 305

    They are generally far more productive than the folks who they replace. I have at least a dozen screenshots from the 2 v 8 event. They show bots at the top of each scoreboard. Just is what it is.

  • Member Posts: 732

    Bots are okay. Whether they're better than 50% of survivors just depends on the distribution of players I guess. Strong survivor players will outperform a bot almost all the time since they have better knowledge about when and how to link or abandon tiles, where to run to get the best advantage, and can't be as easily forced into bad positions. I think bots also aren't familiar with killer-specific counters.

    But bots are much stronger than new players. No debate there at all. The prevailing understanding of bots is that they have wallhacks. Whatever the case is, they sometimes have to be forced out of loops and can't be mindgamed. So I'd agree that a bot is a strong addition to some teams. Personally, I like bots because you know they'll do gens and go for saves when it's safe to do. If one of my teammates gets replaced by a bot, I know the match is looking worse for my team, but I still smile when a bot comes to unhook and heal. And then I get a weird loyalty to them :)

  • Member Posts: 895

    Yep. It feels like DBD has THE lowest avg IQ players out of any game I've ever played.. Not joking..

  • Member Posts: 1,233

    They are, sometimes because of their looping logic but mostly just because they can do impossible things. Especially some dodges they do and almost every single flashlight blind are absolutely impossible for humans xD

  • Member Posts: 2,444

    I very rarely play killer and I've gone against a comp team in my last 5 matches. I hate playing matches where the survivors give up at the start as well, but when they are actually trying they are far superior to bots. I could play perkless trapper without using traps vs 4 bots 4k at 3 gens, it's just 0 fun.

    Let me reiterate though, dbd players are not good. Bots are just beyond terrible and abusable.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    I thought this too but I’ve had it where some bots go back and forth and the window never gets blocked for some reason.

  • Member Posts: 476

    Bots function by a specific set of rules that can be learned and exploited. They do have wall, first of all. Do not mindgame them. What makes up for this is their preference to loop themselves into edgemap and to predrop and spam-vault literally everything, letting you make them waste good pallets or make them spam vault a window you then down them at.

    They're also not particularly great at macro, often pushing gens you want to leave for last or repeatedly missing skill checks, alerting the killer to key gens being worked. They're timid, avoiding the Killer if they can which often leads to them spending time being dead weight if the killer is close to key objectives.

  • Member Posts: 75

    bots are easy to kill cause they're artificial intelligence which means predictable. bad survivors perform worse than bots cause your average player just looks up what their favorite streamer is doing and copies their build/playstyle. so because they act predictably like bots they are just bots with worse mechanical skill. the actually intelligent survivors that have learned the game by themselves play better than bots.

  • Member Posts: 324

    One of the topics the whole community agrees on but gets completely ignored by BHVR

  • Member Posts: 68

    Both yes and no. I've had bots with wallhacks running the killer for several gens, and I've had bots bodyblock, blow up gens, miss healing skillchecks, and run to the edge of the map for no apparent reason.

  • Member Posts: 2,460

    The reason is that you lose chase/or have no chase. If the chase stops the window will never block.

    That happens because you dont see the survivor running for a time/ dont see him at all. Its similar to the shift tech if you want to know more.

  • Member Posts: 2,933

    One of the key parts of why you might feel this way is that Bots have wallhacks and are impossible to mind-game. Aside from that, I've never really noticed them being better loopers then actual people

  • Member Posts: 699

    The bot see the aura of the killer all the times, even when you are a stealth killer (like, ghost or myers, if you try to stalk them, they run immediatly, or now where are the dead angle like Hux)

    Plus, they get a bonus at repearing generator, they make them much faster than a normal survivor

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    Oooooh how interesting. Thank you for clearing that up.

    What is shift tech?

  • Member Posts: 7,186

    Bots do gens and go for hook saves. Makes them better than a lot of solo queue team mates out there.

  • Member Posts: 25

    I swear they've got them running some AI bot learning off actual players, because I see them trying techs and teabagging and stuff.

    They have literal wall hacks, but they seem to be programmed to only use them some of the time. Super bizarre.

  • Member Posts: 2,460

    Simple said you dont use shift (the running-button) for a time while the killer sees you and bc of that the chase ends. That means windows dont block and the killer loses bloodlust.

    Important: its about the button not the running. So if you stand still and press shift, a chase starts.

    So how to you use it? Not running would make it easy for the killer to catch up. Thats why you use it on loops with long walls (like Shack). Jump through the window, walk around the corner and when your out of sight, start running.

    Extra-tip: you need to hold shift for a fast vault, but you can stop holding it while in the vault animation. With that the no-shift-time gets extended.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    I can’t believe the intricacies of this game.

    Extra-tip: you need to hold shift for a fast vault, but you can stop holding it while in the vault animation. With that the no-shift-time gets extended.


  • Member Posts: 415
    edited March 18

    Bots do have wallhacks, so you can't mindgame them, but you can make them mess up on window vaults quite easily, making them trigger the entity blocker.
    When that happens, their AI just melts down, and they stand there with a big question mark over their heads, and you essentially get a free hit/down.

  • Member Posts: 2,460

    Yh there are a lot of little tricks in every game. Some are known, others are rarely talked about. Like short-swing into palletdrop or insta-momentum shift.(when you bump into an object as killer, you dont lose momentum while changing directions)

    Shift-tech is not easy, but you can revive old infinites with it.

  • Member Posts: 104

    This doesn't seem to bode well for the future of dbd

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