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Killer concept - The Broodmother


The Broodmother is a area-control and chasing killer, venomize Survivors and release her spiderlings into the realm.

Her personal Perks, Spider Senses, Entangled Web, Hex: Web of Lies provides her with heightened awareness, trapping Generators and spread delirium among Survivors.


Once, in a world where the borders between the known and the unknown were clear and rigid, there lived a curious young woman named Annalise. She was born in a small, peaceful village, nestled at the edge of a vast, mysterious forest. The villagers spoke little of the forest beyond the border, only warning the young ones to stay away from its dark depths. They said that terrible things lived beyond the trees, things that no human could understand. But Annalise had never been one to heed warnings. Her heart burned with the desire to know what lay beyond the borders, to explore what others feared.

For years, Annalise had gazed longingly at the thick treeline, her mind full of questions. What was so dangerous about the forest? What secrets did it hold? The stories the elders told always seemed incomplete, as if they were hiding something, and Annalise couldn’t bear the feeling of being left in the dark.

One day, unable to resist the pull of the unknown any longer, Annalise packed a small bag with food, a flask of water, and a knife for protection. She whispered a silent goodbye to her village, knowing that she may never return, and set off toward the forbidden woods.

The deeper she ventured into the forest, the more the trees seemed to close in around her. The sunlight barely reached the ground through the thick canopy, and the air grew heavy and still. Annalise pressed on, heart pounding, as she discovered strange and unsettling sights—plants that seemed to move on their own, eyes peering out from behind thick roots, and the faint sound of whispers on the wind. But still, her resolve did not falter. She was determined to discover the truth, whatever it may be.

After what felt like days of walking, Annalise stumbled upon an ancient stone structure, half-covered by ivy and moss. It seemed to pulse with an eerie energy, as though it had been waiting for her arrival. Her breath caught in her throat. This was no ordinary ruin; it was alive in some strange way, as if the stone itself was aware of her presence.

Curious, Annalise stepped closer and touched the stones, feeling a surge of power rush through her fingertips. The ground trembled beneath her feet, and the air seemed to grow thick with dark energy. Before she could pull her hand away, a force she couldn’t explain gripped her and pulled her forward, dragging her into the heart of the structure.

As the darkness closed in around her, Annalise felt her body change. It started with a strange tingling in her skin, followed by sharp pains that coursed through her limbs. She screamed, but no sound came from her mouth. Her vision blurred, and her hands twisted into something unrecognizable. She felt her back crack and stretch, her spine elongating. When the transformation was complete, Annalise was no longer a woman. She had become something else.

A monstrous, grotesque creature stood where Annalise had once been. Her body was now that of a giant spider, long and spindly with a grotesque, bloated abdomen. Her once-human eyes were now large and multifaceted, seeing the world in a way she never could have imagined. Her skin was pale and waxy, and strange, silken threads began to weave from her body, forming webs that seemed to pulse with unnatural energy.

As the transformation finished, a voice echoed in her mind—an ancient voice that filled her with dread. "You have crossed the line, Annalise," it whispered. "The border was never meant to be crossed. The forest is not just a place; it is a living thing, and now, it has claimed you."

Annalise’s new instincts were wild and primal. She felt a sudden, overwhelming hunger—a need to create, to build something that would tie her to this place forever. In the corners of her mind, the thoughts of her former life—the village, her family, her dreams—began to fade. They seemed distant, irrelevant. All that mattered now was the web she could spin, the domain she could control. She was a mother now, in the truest sense, bound to the forest and its dark energy.

With great effort, Annalise tried to hold onto her humanity, but it slipped further and further away. The voice in her mind called to her again. "The forest will be your home, and you will serve as its protector, its queen. Your children will be born from the dark, and they will inherit your power."

And so, Annalise became the queen spider of the forest, her webs stretching far and wide, trapping those foolish enough to venture too close. Her human form was a distant memory now, lost within the tangled threads of her new existence. She gave birth to countless spiderlings, each one more powerful than the last, and together, they ruled over the dark heart of the forest, keeping anyone who dared to approach at bay.

But deep within her twisted heart, a flicker of the woman she once was remained. And on quiet nights, when the wind whispered through the trees, Annalise would remember her village and the life she had lost. She would remember the girl who had once dared to explore beyond the border and wonder—if she had only listened to the warnings, would she still be human? Would she have remained the same? Or was it her fate to become something else, something monstrous, all along?

And so the legend of Annalise the Broodmother spread, a warning to all who dared to challenge the boundaries set by those who came before them. For in the end, the border was not just a line on a map—it was a boundary that separated the human from the unknown, the safe from the dangerous, and the living from the cursed. And those who crossed it would never return the same.


Spider Senses

Her heightened arachnid instincts allows her to detect Survivors lurking in the shadows, even when they think they’re hidden. She can feel the vibrations of their movements, and the tension in the air makes her aware of their presence.


  • Tier 1: When a Survivor enters your Terror Radius, Spider Senses activates for 10 seconds, revealing their aura for 2 seconds.
  • Tier 2: When a Survivor enters your Terror Radius, Spider Senses activates for 12 seconds, revealing their aura for 3 seconds.
  • Tier 3: When a Survivor enters your Terror Radius, Spider Senses activates for 15 seconds, revealing their aura for 4 seconds.

Like a spider feeling the vibrations in its web, she becomes attuned to the subtle movements of her prey. Their fear is palpable, and she can strike when they least expect it.

Entangled Web

The web ensnares the Generator and causes malfunction in the inner-machinery.


  • Tier 1: Kicking a Generator entangles the Generator with a sticky web-like substance. When a Survivor interacts with the Generator creates a unique mini-game where the Survivor have to destroy the web as quickly as possible. If failed on time, explodes the Generator, losing 5% worth of progress, regresses the Generator and reduces the movement speed of Survivors by 10% for 20 seconds.
  • Tier 2: Kicking a Generator entangles the Generator. When a Survivor interacts with the Generator creates a unique mini-game where the Survivor have to destroy the web as quickly as possible. If failed on time, explodes the Generator, losing 5% worth of progress, regresses the Generator and reduces the movement speed of Survivors by 10% for 25 seconds.
  • Tier 3: Kicking a Generator entangles the Generator. When a Survivor interacts with the Generator creates a unique mini-game where the Survivor have to destroy the web as quickly as possible. If failed on time, explodes the Generator, losing 5% worth of progress, regresses the Generator and reduces the movement speed of Survivors by 10% for 30 seconds.

Hex: Web of Lies

Her deceitful webs cloud the truth, distorting reality and forcing Survivors to question what is real. Once activated, your Hex totem’s power manipulates the environment around them, making every step a dangerous game of uncertainty.


  • Tier 1: Survivors suffer from the Confusion status effect. This causes all sound cues, including audio from the Killer’s Terror Radius, to become distorted (e.g., quieter, muffled, or delayed) after they interact with a Generator, Heal, or perform any other action.
  • Tier 2: Survivors suffer from the Confusion status effect. This causes all sound cues, including audio from the Killer’s Terror Radius, to become distorted (e.g., quieter, muffled, or delayed) after they interact with a Generator, Heal, or perform any other major action.
  • Tier 3: Survivors suffer from the Confusion status effect. This causes all sound cues, including audio from the Killer’s Terror Radius, to become distorted (e.g., quieter, muffled, or delayed) after they interact with a Generator, Heal, or perform any other action.

As long as the Hex totem remains intact, the effects of Hex: Web of Lies persist. If this Hex totem is cleansed or blessed, the Killer will transfer its Terror Radius to the Survivor for 60 seconds and make the killer Undetectable during that time.

"She should have never entered the forest." - Annalise's grandfather

Weapon: Enlarged Fangs

Her fangs are big and sharp enough to puncture through steel.


Spider Web & Silky Web

The Broodmother can spin a spider web and place it around the map or use the silky web to spit at survivors, pallets or windows.

When a survivor interacts with a pallet or window affected by her silky web will reduce the survivor's interaction speed while increasing the vault speed for Broodmother. When The Broodmother hit the survivor with her silky web, the survivor gets slowed by 50% and stops the survivor from vaulting pallets, windows or using items. When you down a injured survivor that is affected by her silky web, wrap the survivor in cocoon and spiderlings. Anyone who unhooks the cocooned survivor will transfer the spiderlings to the survivor who is unhooked.

The Broodmother can coat the area with a blanket of her web. The Broodmother has her movement speed increased when walking in her spider web. Survivors inside the web have their line of sight reduced, making it harder to see things from a distance.

Survivors are able to rip the spider web with their hands.

Egg Sacs

Holding the secondary button releases a Egg Sac that acts as a proximity trap for survivors. When a survivor gets too close to a Egg Sac, the Egg Sac burst and covers the survivor with spiderlings. The spiderlings reveal the survivor to their mother, signaling the survivor's presence. The spiderlings continuously move around the clothes, skin, and bite the survivor. A meter fills up and the spiderlings will inflict the Poisonous status effect. Every second fills up 1 charge. Reaching 50 charges inflicts the Cursed Poison status effect.

Survivors can remove the spiders by getting close to one of the 3 Campfires which is randomly placed around the map. Standing long enough near the Campfire burns the spiderlings around you.

Cursed Venom Glands

The Broodmother bite injects a venom into the Survivor inflicting a unique Cursed Poison status effect. When a Survivor is Poisoned, decreases the survivor's healing speed by 1% and the line of sight of survivors inside her spider web is reduced by 1%. Every time a survivor gets hit by Broodmother, triggering Egg Sacs or the spiderlings fills up the meter increases the potency of Cursed Poison by 1% per stack.



Ancient Stones

The Ancient Stones that transformed Annalise. This is where it all started.

  • Increases the proximity range of Egg Sacs by 2 meters.


The strong exoskeleton of The Broodmother and her spiderlings. No mere sword could defeat its tough armor.

  • It takes longer for Survivors to remove the spiderlings at the Campfire.

Torn Dress

A intricate dress made by a clothier at the village. The dress used to be worn by Annalise which got destroyed during her transformation.

  • Increases the range of Silky Web by 2 meters.

Evolved Spinneret

A complex silk-spinning organ capable of creating strong, lasting webs.

  • Increases the time it takes for Survivors to destroy the web.


Liquid Innards

Unknown species which got turned into liquid goo by one of Broodmother's spiders.

  • Increases Cursed Venom Glands to 2% per stack.


Remains of a Spiderling's exoskeleton, moulting to maturity.

  • Decreases the time it takes to fill the meter.

Venom Glands

Their venom glands are used for turning food into liquid juices. Also using it to hunt bigger prey than they are.

  • For every 2 stacks of Cursed Venom Glands gives the Exhaustion Status Effect to a Survivor for 30 seconds after injuring them.

Golden Strands

The gold-like substance on the webs reflects light even in the most darkest places.

  • Survivors inside the Spider Web inflicts the Blindness Status Effect.

Spider Silk

A adhesive trap made to build webs.

  • Increases the radius of the Spider Web by 4 meters.


Envenomed urticating bristles

The primary defenses of these spiders causing irritation and lacerations due to the ends having short hooks, making it more difficult to remove. Apparently it's coated with this cursed venom.

  • Stunning Broodmother or removing the Spiderlings grants a stack of Cursed Poison.

Vibrating String

Prey are often unaware that spiders can sense their movement through vibrations coursing through their web.

  • When a Survivor performs an action whilst inside the Spider Web reveals them in Killer Instinct.

Exploding Nest

A volatile nest capable of coating any prey with acid who comes near.

  • Replaces the Egg Sac with Exploding Nest. When a Survivor gets close, the volatile nest explodes and inflicts anyone in its vicinity with Cursed Poison. Reveals the Aura of the Survivors who got near the exploding nest for 10 seconds.

Web Wall

These social spiders can create a wall to catch as many insects as possible.

  • Replaces Silky Web with Web Wall. The Broodmother can spit a wall from one point to another to create a huge wall. Anyone who crosses it gets slowed to a crawl and becomes Oblivious for 30 seconds.

Very Rare

Elk Remains

The skeletal remains of an Elk. They suspect that spiderlings, who haven't fully developed their venom glands to turn food into liquid, are the cause of this unfortunate event.

  • When there is a Egg Sac inside a Spider Web and a Survivor enters the Spider Web, the Egg Sac opens and the spiderlings attacks the Survivor.

Necrotizing Tissue

When the spider's venom seeps through their veins, it's already too late. Amputation is the only solution.

  • After reaching a certain amount of stacks of Cursed Poison causes the Broken Status Effect for 90 seconds.

Missing Villager

One brave villager who tried to search for Annalise despite the warnings received from his kin. He never returned.

  • Reduces the cooldown of her abilities and allow Broodmother to place more Egg Sacs and Spider Webs.


Iridescent Cobweb

The cobweb of The Broodmother enhanced by The Entity. Entering the forest is a death sentence.

  • The map is completely covered in Spider Web.
  • The movement speed of The Broodmother is 4.4m/s.
  • The bonus movement speed from Spider Web is removed.
  • The Spider Web can't be destroyed by Survivors.
  • Always grants Undetectable for The Broodmother.

"You dare trespass my domain?!" - The Broodmother

Egg Sac

Spiderlings born by Broodmother. Undying loyality to their mother, they protect her at any cost.

  • Whenever a Survivor harms the Broodmother (Stun, blind, etc.) will trigger an Egg Sac and the Spiderlings will hunt down the Survivor.
  • Once attached, the meter is immediately filled, instantly poisoning the Survivor and grant The Broodmother a stack of Cursed Poison.
  • Shows the Survivor's Aura at all times until they remove the spiderlings.

New Map - Cursed Spider Cave

This is a map of a cave home to The Broodmother. It's a map filled with horror and dread. Spiderwebs, spiders, spiderlings and skeletons/corpses. Spider eggs on the walls and ceilings. Everything that would shiver even the non-arachnophobics. There is some light going through the splits in the ceiling. Damp moss and rare fungus species living in the dark corners in this vile cave.


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