Generator Speeds are too fast and its ruining the perks I WANT to run

EliteTertle Member Posts: 14
edited March 17 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've just bought the houndmaster. trying to LEARN this killer right? well every single game is stacked medkits, stacked toolboxes, and map offerings. it just feels so bad man. I'm running some regression, but its never enough. I feel like the only way I could compete with survivors is by instadowning all of them. I like how most good regression perks have been nerfed, but to compensate, base regression, and base generator times have been also nerfed. But I still think with the ease of access to commodus toolboxes, it's too much. generators take forever solo, and it feels boring, but have a friend with prove, deja vu, resiliance, or built to last, they just fly. and all you can do is bring 4 slowdown, and that just sucks to do. I want to get value from other perks. Like I've enjoyed BBQ or Rapid Brutality on Houndmaster. but idk if my Houndmaster just started off with comp team MMR or there's just too many things buffing gen speeds.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 724

    And survivors wonder why killers tunnel, this is why. I don't run regress perks at all, but I do use corrupt and gens just fly. Quicker gens fly, quicker I need to kill. Spreading hooks don't kill fast enough but tunneling 1 out asap helps bring balance to the force. I think gen speeds should be reduced so killers can actually use different perks without feeling like they need to hard tunnel to get anywhere.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,958
    edited March 15

    This is why i'm an advocate for doing what they do to killer addons. When killer addons feel "required" to play the killer, often times what they do is buff the basekit, then nerf the addons to be the same as they were before the buff, so if you run the addon nothing changes, but if you don't then its not as bad as it used to be without it. So i would be for a blanket proposal like:

    • Basekit gen kick set to 10%
    • Basekit gen regression set to 0.5 c/s instead of 0.25 c/s
    • Basekit corrupt that lasts 60 seconds ends as soon as a chase (or injury) starts instead of a down
    • Basekit corrupt on totems that lasts 60 seconds
    • Basekit pain resonance-like ability for 10-15% that encourages unique hooks instead of tunneling out

    Then go and basically just nerf all the gen defense perks by like half or more, or keep the bad ones as they are. Then we'd see more variety because killers wouldn't have to bring tons of gen defense perks anymore. You could do like:

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,387

    Might be killer dependent but on Legion all you need is Surge.

    Stacking multiple slowdowns these days runs the risk of magnifying games where you start in a losing position; reducing your downtime can be just as valuable as reducing the value of survivor uptime, or sometimes you need something to breakthrough and punch through survivor defences

    Take Oni for example; if he's being denied 1st hit entirely by SWF running Finesse he could lose before ever using pain res pop grim etc. But if he had literally anything else like a random Enduring or Fearmonger maybe a health state could have been secured much sooner, allowing the ball to get rolling.

    YYour Build is powerful, don't get me wrong.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 957

    it's not gen speeds that are problematic at all, the biggest problem is gen splitting being so easy with the spawn logic and the fact that it's so easy to waste so much of killer's time for majority of killers. To mitigate this, Corrupt and slowdowns are your best friends. However, you still need proper game sense to be aware of where survivors are to an extent.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,972
    edited March 15

    Agreed. I still maintain that the +/- gen speed variation is the cause for both sides to feel bad about how fast they do(n't) get done. There are just too many ways to speed up or slow them down, and most of them just involve loadout choices for either side. Conceptually it just makes them impossible to balance until they're hemmed in from both directions. Addressing stacking (de)buffs regarding gen speed would be where I would start personally.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,905

    Was saying that awhile ago when forever Freddy was a thing. You could stack his addons with various perks to make healing and gen speeds take forever. Their fix... gut the addons and call it a day. Essentially made the addons by themselves completely useless since they were only adding like 2 seconds on a gen.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,207

    I disagree on that. Generally Bamboozle is more than enough for killers that have a weak chase. On Legion for example, you already have tracking, so you don't need aura perks, and you can't use stealth perks because it hinders his power. So what I generally use on him is Pain Resonances, Dead Man's Switch, Surge, and another perks of my choice. I generally choose Franklin's, Grimm Embrace, or Bamboozle. Even other M1 killers operate in a similar manner, in a way that you get much more value out of regression, specially since gen speeds are crazy these days.

    Sure, a survivor may be really good a looping making it impossible for you to mind game them, but if they are that good you shouldn't even be chasing them in the first place. One of the most important skills as killer is knowing when to switch targets after all.

  • Dadeordye
    Dadeordye Member Posts: 192
    edited March 16

    Played a lot of 2v8 with my Wesker friend and he was using the new RE4R skin + Shadow class.
    We realized that this is Wesker most "ordinary" look and having no TR made him look like a surv. He did A LOT of grabs in our matches. Even I sometimes would try to punch him on how "survy" he looks when he crossed in front of me.😂
    With this in mind he decided to try a for fun stealth build (Plaything, Trail of Torment, Dragon's Grip and Pentimento for some form of gen defense) with this skin and so far it's working to give him wins and heart attacks for survs.

    He also "coached" me these days to find flaws in my Nemesis gameplay and to find a suitable build for him.
    His first idea had flaws and I ended up losing, but the next 9 matches I ended up winning with his second idea of a Nemesis build. It's not fun, but works pretty great.
    I hope Operation Health does something so survs can't makes gen fly like rockets (maybe FINALLY a native 2nd objective for them) so I too can find a fun build.

  • iloveandhatethisgame
    iloveandhatethisgame Member Posts: 418

    basekit corrupt should be the only thing that should be implemented. Every thing else you mention? Yeah no thanks

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,905

    Because each killer is more or less suppose to be matched with its own MMR. If the system works as intended, I should be matched with experienced survivors when playing my best killers and inexperienced survivors when playing my worst.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,362

    We can't even tunnel at this point. Survivors just take forever to go down when they know what they're doing.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,719

    Yes, but this obviously does not work when a player tries out a new Killer. You should know that by now, so I dont get your post. It would not make any sense to have people start at the lowest MMR when trying out a new Killer.

    And after a while the MMR should settle itself.

  • ChuckingWong
    ChuckingWong Member Posts: 563

    Get better, pressure better.

    Pick your targets and objectives better.

    Generators are not too fast.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,905

    Not the lowest, sure... but still should be lower than when they're playing with the characters they have experience with.

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 571

    No, because if you are OP Nurse/Blight main, you shouldn't be paired with not experienced survivors while trying Ghostface.

    You know the maps, you know the tiles, you know the perks, you know totem spawns.

    New players don't.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,905

    I didn't say new players. I'm saying if someone is starting a brand new character, the MMR of that character would be lower than their main. That doesn't mean new players.

  • iloveandhatethisgame
    iloveandhatethisgame Member Posts: 418

    I have not seen a killer run 4 gen perks in a long time. You don’t need that much game delay to win most of your games. If every team in every single lobby was team eternal then these changes would be fine. But all this does for 99% of the rest of player base is make the game more miserable and just lead to more losses. Who the hell wants to play a game that they can barely win? Yeah 10 percent escape rate is definitely gonna be awesome

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 310

    this game has always been balanced around you having some slowdown perks on killer . You need corrupt and something else in the least . Always been the case on the killer side .

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,958

    "To win most of your games"

    "These teams are rare"

    Doesn't matter, these teams exist, so unfortunately if you are playing to win, you have to play like the enemy is eternal, because if you don't, and it turns out they are, you will lose. You have to play hard from the start.

  • biggybiggybiggens
    biggybiggybiggens Member Posts: 892
    edited March 16

    Make Deja Vu and Kindred base kit for solo Q and put Gens back to 90s. Done. Not going to comment on how it would buff SWF. I mean BHVR never mention it so why even bother..

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,958

    It is a game design problem, if you are in the camp of "its ok because these teams are rare" then you must also believe that nurse needs to be buffed right? Because MOST nurses you go against have her at a below 50% win rate, and she is one of the lowest kill rate killers in the game.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,080

    It's a shame that BHVR wasn't able to calibrate the rubberband mechanic for gen speeds very well when they added it to 2v8. Hopefully they haven't thrown it out after one failure. I feel like it could benefit both sides if it is implemented well.

  • TripleStryke
    TripleStryke Member Posts: 120

    If you are trying to learn a killer, then you shouldn't be expecting a win to be gifted to you ngl. If you are good with most killers, especially ones that are quite strong like hound master, you can still run chill builds and get good results, but it will take time. Obviously the weaker the killer, the less true this is, and if you're a newer player its rough out there, but this still holds true for the most part.

  • iloveandhatethisgame
    iloveandhatethisgame Member Posts: 418

    nah it’s not a game design problem that they don’t give you every basekit gen defense so you can guarantee wins every game. Survivors already lose most of their games. Who the hell wants to sit there and play a game where they are already sentenced to lose. That’s what you want with these changes.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 353

    Because whenever a new Killer player is less than perfect and doesn't secure a 4 man escape, they have their game held hostage by tbagging survivors, get abused in the endgame chat on how bad they are, how they suck and how they should delete the game (and not just the game if you know what I mean) and even on their Steam profile. In the environment the game creates losing is not an option - it's to be avoided at all costs.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,183
    edited March 16

    literally every match I go into these days is Surge + Pain Res + some sort of blocking perk and ends in a 3/4k. So I don’t know what to tell you because right now it feels like either nothing gets done as a survivor or you get to 3 gens and the killer decides to slug.

  • EliteTertle
    EliteTertle Member Posts: 14

    exactly, playing solo q with no toolbox and gens take forever, then i eat 2 pain res' on the same gen. it sucks.

  • EliteTertle
    EliteTertle Member Posts: 14
    edited March 16

    I sure hope so, because every time this happens its when im not running lethal. and I spawn in the middle of the map.

  • EliteTertle
    EliteTertle Member Posts: 14

    Its not exactly that, its just its so odd that I go against such stacked survivors on a brand-new killer. I totally understand losing because I'm bad at this particular killer, but heres the thing, even if I get fast chases, or im always in chase the entire game, and the gens still fly.

  • EliteTertle
    EliteTertle Member Posts: 14

    Easy for a nurse player to say 🤣 but seriously, your right. generators are not fast. But a commodus toolbox with extra speed and extra charges is absolutely busted unless i'm blight, nurse, or even singularity and billy in some maps.

  • ChuckingWong
    ChuckingWong Member Posts: 563

    Yea I mean if you think playing nurse will solve all your problems with pressure and macro play go for it. Not sure why you are saying to play nurse here.

    Id suggest though pressuring correctly, and picking your targets correctly over playing nurse though. As most players who play nurse, as seen by stats now, 4 times, is not a good idea.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,958

    Ok great, i'll be waiting for the nurse buffs that you so desperately think should happen.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,051
    edited March 17

    Just reposting this since its the best piece of advice on this thread so far.

    Anyone 110% sweat all the time really do themselves and everyone else a disservice. And this will be flamed likely because ego.

  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 601

    Then you wonder why survivors run anti-tunneling and second chance perks.

    The point is that the game has become heavily competitive since MMR was introduced.

    I'd love to go around and play with many perks and do all these wacky builds for survivor, but alas I cannot.

    I have to always have a safety net (exhaustion and an information perk) along with two perks that synergize together because I like to run different builds, as I get bored otherwise.

    Both sides have become more efficient and even if you remove MMR, you would still have efficient survivors and killers. It's not one side of the equation, both have learned tactics overtime and it's not 2016 DBD anymore.

    Killers run gen regression, tunnel, camp, and slug to alleviate pressure.

    Survivors run anti-tunneling, gen progression perks, and even will run Resi to just sit on a gen and do them injured. Both sides have been using macro and micro level strategies to win, especially in high MMR.

  • iloveandhatethisgame
    iloveandhatethisgame Member Posts: 418

    funny I’m not the one that acts like killers are weak and can’t do anything. Thats you.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,958

    Thats precisely my point.

    One of 2 things is true.

    Do you balance the game around average level players, or top level players?

    If you balance the game around average level players, then you MUST by DEFINITION contend with the fact that the nurse is one of, if not THE lowest kill rate killer in the game.

    If you balance the game around high level players, then you MUST by DEFINITION contend with the fact that survivor teams like this DO exist, and do something about it.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 743

    Currently you have an issue when several, or all (you are screwed) survivors spawn separately. That is supposed to be changed in future update (I don't remember which one).

    That should slow down early game quite a bit. Survivors will actually have to do some work, if they want to spread on gens.

  • Zuiphrode
    Zuiphrode Member Posts: 96

    I run corrupt + deadlock on all my killers but it must be hellish for newbies.