Blight Should Be 110%

I usually don’t agree with Ayrun on things because he seems far tool survivor sided but I think he is right on this one. I mean if Blight is 115% then why on earth is Huntress, Slinger and Hag 110%
If he was 110% he’d still be A Tier and he’d still be far better than the other 110 killers.
Unlike survivors, BHVR does not balance a killer on high performing, they balance around killers that have no idea how to use the power effectively.
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Wont change much with him honestly.
The amount of times you get m1'd by him because of his base speed is probably in the less than 3% category.
Which is probably why they dont want slinger and huntress at that speed. They hit you plenty and they have range. Giving them more speed to fake a shot would just be unnecessary.2 -
Blight being 110 does not fix any actual frustrations with him, he will still dominate on loops and maps he dominates on, at best its a nerf to bad players and begging rng to take the wheel by dulling him down on maps where he can't use his power well so maybe you have an out by getting a "good" map because he is a 110 killer with less of a power.
If you want to nerf blight actually make something good. The 110 is a boring and lazy way to try and drag his metrics down.
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If that was true Huntress and Slinger would be 115% because they are the worst killers in the game if they aren’t good with their powers
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Worst killers in the game if they arent good with their powers?
Uhhh no that would be nurse
Where you move SLOWER than the survivors.6 -
If you miss 1 Hatchet or Spear at a pallet that survivor gains massive distance. Blight and he is literally on top of you right after.
If Blight does M1 you which a lot of new ones do then they can immediately down you with power.
Blight being 110% makes way more sense than the other two being 110%. They get punished way worse than Blight does and he is far stronger than they are.
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I forgot about her lol. My point still stands.
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Welcome to my life as a Huntress main boring way to drag me down as a killer. Makes zero sense for me to be 110% still while Blight is 115%.
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None of the killers should be 110.
Maybe Spirit.
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This you op?-1 -
Nope but they are 100% right.
Nobody and I mean not one single person has ever come up with a reasonable explanation as to why she is so slow. 77% is ridiculous and outdated and there is ZERO reason for her to be 110%. In 2017 she was fine. It’s not 2017 anymore.
Blight being 115% and Huntress being 110% literally makes ZERO sense.
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It’s refreshing to see someone with common sense lmao.
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I mean with slinger they would have to rework alot and with huntress if they give them base speed.
Both insta shots would have to go.
The slingers range expose hit and the 1 shot hatchet for huntress.
Youd probably have to nerf windup time or something as well. You could just destroy at every loop, they may as well not be loops with speed.-1 -
They wouldnt have to change anything at all. Make them both 115% and leave it. If their kill rates skyrocket past 60% (which they won’t) then revert it and I’ll never mention it again. I just want to see it. At the very least if they leave her 110% she should move at 85% when holding a hatchet at default. People complained about her zoning potential but she is still 15% slower than a survivor and Demo moves at 115% when zoning with Shred, an ability that can break pallets. Literally no winning at shack if he’s close.
Huntress’s one shot add on should’ve gone a long time ago. It’s a testament to horrible design. The most fun part of the character is throwing hatchets so you give me 2 ultra rares that encourage me to not have hatchets or zone like crazy? Absolutely horrific add ons.
You could definitely nerf the wind up although I don’t think it would be necessary since you would still be ridiculously slow. I use shiny pin AND flower babushka and I still have to breathe down a survivors neck at certain loops to land a hit. And if I take even half a second to long they break los. Two supposedly OP add ons but still very little room for error.
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This change makes no sense. Making him 110 only makes him bully material for newer killers and experienced blight players will still be as oppressive as before with no difference at the top level. Awful idea. If you want blight nerfed, then simply nerf his movement speed, number of tokens, fatigue duration, what have you
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And 110% Huntress and Slinger aren’t bully material for noobs? Huntress has afar lower kill rate at low MMR than Blight. So that means even noob Blight players do better than noob Huntress’s.
Either Blight goes to 110% or Huntress goes to 115% literally makes zero sense for him to be 115 and her be 110
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If huntress were a 115% she would need a longer cooldown after throwing a hatchet or a longer windup to make up for how well she can position before / after a throw with more speed. Backrev into instant downs are no longer rare at that point.
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Yes, he should.
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Making him 110 will change nothing. Most hits he gets are by his m2, so making his m1 worse will barely affect him.
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You really wouldn’t need to I don’t think. Besides back revs are some of the hardest hit when a survivor has no options and starts spazzing out.
But her kill rate wouldn’t even touch 60% I would rather her be 110 and move at 85% when holding a hatchet but people complain about zoning for some reason.
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If it changes nothing then make all killers 115% again Bloght should not be 115% while Huntress is 110%
I would much rather leave her 110% and move faster while holding hatchets but they wouldn’t let that happen
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Huntress doesn’t need a buff, she is literally fine.
All I’m saying is about blight, you could probably make him 4m/s and it would still not change anything about his strength. This nerf would literally not affect him if you want to nerf him.
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Skully and Chucky nerfs suggest that game is also balanced around survivors who have no idea how to play against killer powers effectively.
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It won't affect good blights that much, but it would still make him worse.
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If she’s fine then Blight should be 110% end of story
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It still won’t change ######### about his performance. It doesn’t matter what speed he has if is power is the same.
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Yeah but not in a meaningful way.
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I don’t think you understand how a 110 killer functions. He will have to use his power for almost every hit or he will lose way more. It forces Blight players to not just M1 and run a loop normally like a lot of them do.
Forcing them to actually use his power and learn flicks.
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well that works till they destroy his power one day making him unusable and a 110% killer which sounds really sad
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That's just not true at all. Blight being 115 means when he makes mistakes he gets very little punishment. Even if a blight fails to outplay a loop he can always just fall back on forcing the pallet down which he can do easily because he is 115, and once he has forced the pallet down, he can kick and use power to catch up and get a free hit on you before you can make it to the next loop. This playstyle does not take a lot of skill, it is very low effort and gets better results than most high tier killers for less effort. Making him 110 makes it much more difficult for him to force pallets down and punishes him more for making mistakes since you can make more distance after he misses with power.
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I mean its still positioning based with back revs but being a 115 on top of that lets you create deadzones faster which means more areas where with a bit of proper corralling you just always get a backrev into a down so thats why I think it needs to be adjusted but other than that the rest of her kit is fine to go 115
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Making him 110 is a boring way to make "mistakes' more punishing because it doesn't only make mistakes more punishing it also leaves room for rng to take the wheel with bad maps.
If you want mistakes to be more punishing don't make a change that affects outside of that because you want an "easy" change just make it 110 and don't think too hard about its full impact. I'm gonna pass till someone actually has a more comprehensive idea that while ideally having punishes mistakes more isn't a widespread factor to now worry about.
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Not boring. Simple and elegant. Don't need to make things more complicated than they have to be, or introduce more side quests for survivor or completely new mechanics that will bug out the spaghetti code.
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I disagree. Blight should be 95%
115% for M1 killers.
110% for killers with special hits.
95% for killers with insane map mobility (Hillbilly?) that should relay solely on their power to get hits.
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With that logic, all killers should be 115% including Nurse, and Huntress holding hatchet - it changes nothing for experienced players mastering those killers but would help new players.
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Im not against that at all. 110 killers are an outdated design in my opinion.
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Not even simple and elegant, his power is a speed mult based on his base speed not a flat value added, to make him 110 you also have to adjust his power speed, adjust his 4 of his addons added speed, adjust his lunge speed out of power, and even for fun you have to adjust his meme addon and make sure that any speed increases from the 99 speed bonus perks they want killers to have work properly with it. That would still take a few days to make / adjust / test. Which could be time spent making a better fine tuned change.
unfortunately its not as shrimple as that
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Ayrun acting like he is the only one coming up with that idea when half of the community was literally constantly talking about how Blight should become 110% is funny lol.