Crutch Perks - Which side has more?



  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited March 2019

    BT isn't a problem for us killers that don't stand near a hook nor go after the guy that was just saved. If you find yourself encountering BT often then you're doing something wrong as killer.

    Tunneling BTW is not an efficient way to play killer. It's actually the worst way to play killer because you put ZERO pressure on other survivors. They gen rush you because you tunnel. Try IDK going after other survivors to stop them from doing gens. If you think tunnel is the best way to play killer then that says everything about how bad of a killer you are.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    You want to play against skilled survivors with no op ######### and see how fast gens are going to pop if you dont tunnel \ camp?

  • XavierBoah17
    XavierBoah17 Member Posts: 204

    This is kinda 50/50 for me. Killer has Noed and Dying Light (which is just a tunnel and camp perk) while Survivor has Adrenaline and that is pretty much it. I dont favor either side and I dont think Dying Light isnt seen as much but is annoying to play against when they do use it. DS isnt as broken as it use to be, and is more of a anti tunnel perk now. Noed and Adrenaline, however, are those massive shifts in momentum that can quickly favor the other side. the problem with these perks are that there really is no way of changing one. Noed will always be what it is and Adrenaline cant change into anything else but what it is.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    You wanna try putting pressure on them so they don't do gens so fast? Because that's how you actually slow them down. Go after 1 person and the other 3 are free to do whatever they want.

    It's pretty obvious by you thinking tunneling/camping is the best way to play killer that you're not a very good killer. That's literally how you throw a game. Good killers pressure everyone and make it harder to do gens.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148
    edited March 2019

    Pressure can be done if you had a good start like having 2 survivors already on a ground but please show me your killer against competent survivors where you just playing nice by survivor rules and not getting gen rushed before 3-4 hook. Can you? I think no.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Never said you had to play nice, I just said tunnel/camping are NOT efficient ways to win. If you get pressured into doing it, that's a different story. If you set out to do it from the start you are almost literally putting up a neon sign that says "PLEASE GEN RUSH ME" because everyone NOT being camped/tunneled will just go and do a gen while you ignore them.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    For me, crutch = covering up glaring flaws in one's gameplay, or somehow replacing the need to get better at the game's fundamentals. So it's way more reliant on the player than in the perks themselves.

    If a killer runs NOED to force the survivors to cleanse all the totems and pairs it up with a late game build/strategy, it's not a crutch. If they use it to ensure late game kills because they can't apply pressure/chase, it's a crutch. That's why I stopped using NOED for a while, because I felt like it was becoming a crutch for me, especially when learning new killers. I still use it on killers I'm better at or when running a late game build (as much as it's frustrating sometimes, it's part of the game).

    If a survivor runs stuff like Spine Chill because their strategy revolves more around objectives and stealth, it's valid. If they run it because they're not confident in their chase mechanics and need it to survive, it's a crutch. Same thing with running a flashlight for playmaking and extending chases x using it to lose the killer after a pallet drop because you can't otherwise.

    Notice that by that logic, A LOT of things can be crutch factors depending on the context. Ruin can be a crutch for someone who can't pressure the map. Tracking perks can be crutches. Exhausted perks can be crutches. What makes a crutch is whether you're using it because of your personal choices or because you can't play the game any other way.

    For old DS, it could be a crutch or part of a bigger strategy as well. What's really important is that it was unhealthy overall. It's up to the community and the developers to determine whether things like NOED, Adrenaline and other controversial perks are unhealthy or not. I personally think they're both fine.

    TL;DR what makes something a crutch is how and why people use it. Something's core design can only determine whether it promotes healthy gameplay or not.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    Decent survivors always gen rush and they wont leave until killer is close . Sprint burst covers for all the troubles .

  • Blue_Diamond
    Blue_Diamond Member Posts: 122

    Did...did you just call Unrelenting a CRUTCH PERK?

    And Bloodwarden?

    And Franklins?

    You must be new.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777

    People seem to be changing their stance on MoM, acknowledging the possibility of it being strong.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I suppose it depends on how you define a crutch perk. Technically every perk is a crutch. That said:

    Killer: Noed is the only crutch perk to me really. I suppose I could argue rancor as well. But rancor is so limited I'm not sure I'd make that leap.

    Survivors: Old Ds and arguably adrenaline are about it to me really. I know people have argued exhaustion perks to be crutches but I see them as strategy the same as most killer perks.

    I guess I'd have to say survivors then.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    Ruin, Nurses, Franklins, Enduring, UNRELENTING!!!!, Blood Warden are crutch perks?

    Welcome to rank 20.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    The only crutch killers have is NOED, and honestly, it's only a crutch on killers with insta-down powers and Nurse. On Huntress and Legion it's actually a terrible perk since it doesn't work with their power. Everyone else, it's a high risk high reward perk that can be cucked before it's even useable.

    In the literal definition sense, I guess you can consider Unrelenting a crutch, but it's a really ######### one, and not really applicable to this discussion.

    As for survivors, you've got Adrenaline, BT, Distortion, Poised, and every exhaustion perk. BT before 2.4 was perfectly fine, but making the timer a Deep Wound timer makes it so every killer has to Legion their target to reliably down them (moonwalking lol). Distortion would be fine if it didn't hide scratch marks on top of auras. Adrenaline removes the need to heal, wakes you up, and gives you 150 for 5 seconds; it's also foolproof with how you can pocket it when being carried/on the hook as well as ignoring exhaustion entirely. And what makes Balanced Landing a crutch isn't the speed burst, it's the stagger reduction. That turns a lot of looping spots into infinites if ran correctly (like the entirety of Haddonfield).

    Tl;Dr survivors by a landslide. Although killers do have some crutch add-ons (Prayer Beads, anyone?).

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Any perk can be a crutch, depending on your definition. Personally, seeing as how survivors have the most second-chance perks, well...