Be honest: how often have you been hit with DS since the rework

Because for me personally it's been twice out of the 25 some odd hours I've been playing killer the past 2 weeks.
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Once, by a Laurie trying to get adept Laurie. Don’t think she’s gotten it yet, oof.
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once or twice you always got that 1/100 that really wants to use ds and lets you down them.
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Twice, but those 2 were in the same match and were the 2 last survivors left.
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Depends on how stupidly the survivors are playing. If they're playing very stupidly and unhook in my face, I get punished for playing efficiently by getting hit with DS. I don't keep track of the number, though.
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0! I don’t tunnel. 🤡
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2-3 times. But I barely see anybody running it either lately
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I just got a legion who was dumb enough to pull me out of a locker while it was ticking down.
First time I've been able to pull it off successfully in about 20 ds games.
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Not very often myself... i usually forget about it. I've had a couple survivor actually run to me so they could use it... was almost like they don't ever get the chance to use it or something.
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Not once
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Like once because I've been tunneling a lot less ever since the rework
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I don't tunnel
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I think I got hit once
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Like twice. I usually avoid tunnelling, moreso lately than usual, meaning it's working as intended.
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Quite a few times after its change cause everyone was using it.
But for a few days now I haven't seen anyone using it.
I play both sides.
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Played 1 game, been hit once.
Playing survivor afterwards =)
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6 times in like 20 games with none camping or inteded tunneling.
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Once but I had enduring so gg
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Twice, one time was a survivor that gave up (5 gens still needed, the other remaining survivor that unhooked them disconnected after being downed) and the other was a genuinely smart play where a recently unhooked player went for a save while still having DS active.
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1 time. Lol.
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1 time, and I had Enduring. I felt bad for the guy so after I downed him (Took me less than 1 second after the DS) I let him go
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1x and I downed them a few seconds later anyways.
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Once, intentionally. The obsession was super immersive and I needed Remember Me stacks. Noticed an injured survivor all but trying to bait me less than 10 seconds after they were unhooked. They clicked their flashlight, so I figured I could use a new obsession. Downed them, DS, downed them within seconds and continued to down them over the next 3 to 5 minutes till I had 6 stacks. Then started hooking her. She kept coming back.
Did not see the immersed Claudette till she was trying to open a gate. Fun 4k.
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About 2 times since the initial rework, 0 atm from the buff it received.
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0 as killer. However I saw a Nea use it on a Wraith near an exit gate, it was open too. Let's just say that Wraith didn't get a kill 😬.
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Zero. I don't like rehooking survivors right after they've been unhooked.
Once, after a Claudette got unhooked, she kept trying to get in my way as I chased another survivor. I slugged her and ignored her, continuing the chase. On the end screen, I saw she had DS. It amused me that I ruined her plans of stabbing me.
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2 times. One of them, I was caught off guard as I chased the unhooker after they got unhooked, caught them really fast and hooked them, then found the DS user with Nurse's Calling.
I did feel like a bit of an ######### when I instantly downed them again with Enduring.
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0, I'll slug'em and go punish the person that sandbagged them.
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It depends on me. Some survivors are running injured straight into my arms to use DS, but I'm not such a stupid 4head. Others do it more subtle. I also rarely keep track on names, who got unhooked etc. So it happens that I down someone who has DS active whiteout realising it.
In average I eat 1 DS every 2 days or so
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1 because it was trash. The buff makes it great. :P
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Played about 10 games today, been hit with it in about half of those game, and in one game multiple times. Wasn't like this last week where i'd only occasionally encounter it, makes me wonder why everyone's running it now? Is it because it pairs well with Ash's new perks? because it still wasn't doing much against Enduring.
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At least once in every second Killer game. Although sometimes the Survivor falls right under the hook and I get the hook through DS. It's hilarious. I know they tried to use DS because the Obsession changes.
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Well if you're back on a survivor before 60 seconds passes and you don't slug expect to be hit by it a ######### ton
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0, never feel the need to tunnel anymore.
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I'm sorry unhooked Survivors run right at me? Gotta make sure Survivor mistakes are rewarded amiright?
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This. It basically punishes you and rewards the survivor for playing dumb. It forced you to ignore survivors mistakes and choose not to capitalize on them which is exactly what killer is about.
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And you dont anticipate them having ds if they run at you? That's getting outplayed.
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That is pretty much why this perk exists in it's current form. It's like buying insurance against dumb team members.
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I've not been hit by it since it got changed.
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I have yet to see DS make an appearance in my matches since the rework. Of course, if someone tries farming the poor guy on the hook when im still in the area, i tend to slug the hooked survivor and chase after the farmer. The DS timer typically runs out before I get back.
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I didn't give a number because I don't know the number. It's right there in the comment you quoted but didn't read.
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By punishing the killer instead of the dumb teammate. For a fair perk, it should be like BT, except it injures the idiot who unhooked you.