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General Discussions

So we've buffed DS...



  • Member Posts: 134

    Not really a buff, use enduring. Besides DS is so bad nobody is going to use it anyway

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    It needed a change IMO.

    Enduring made it completely useless and now I’m sure we’ll have some time.

  • Member Posts: 1,463


    Considering almost no survivors want to be chased by killers they just unhook and leave the unhooker unprotected and running away, leaving scratchmarks that lead to them...

  • Member Posts: 606

    Maybe don’t tunnel...

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    There is nothing wrong with proxy camping, i make saves during that all the time.

  • Member Posts: 819

    What do you want as an answer? It doesnt do anything better than before. Its trash as it is. just extending the timer for one second doesnt mean anything to counter tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 13,032

    @MegsAreEvil I want to know if the perk actually affected it more than before, which it does, you get time to run away from the killer after using it, Enduring or not

  • Member Posts: 819
  • Member Posts: 628

    2k hours killer main, I actually like this change, before it was too situational to bother using, so you just didn't see a single ds user, it was nice for a time but making a bit more powerful is good. Although I would have gone a step further and instead if increasing the stun time, gave the survivor jumping off a .5 second speed boost (like an instant dead hard) just to make escaping a bit easier, only because long stuns can feel oppressive to the killer player.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    No that's not efficient because you're not applying any pressure, you've still got 3 ppl not injured and thus not worried. That person that's injured will most likely go off to heal or be healed.

    If you're a good or great killer you go after the rescuer now congrats you've only got 1 possibly 2 doing gens.

  • Member Posts: 507

    You know how it goes. The devs cave into the crying survivors. Dealt with a broken DS for a while. Then when they cry again, they change it instantly. Miss my LOL reaction :D

  • Member Posts: 507

    Can't wait for my squad and I to run (Borrowed Time, MoM, DS, Dead Hard) Gonna get these EZ escapes boysssss.

  • Member Posts: 507

    Nah, I am going to abuse the new and improved DS and ruin games for these killers and get these EZ escapes.

  • Member Posts: 626

    Please devs, DS is very op. We want DS for killers and Barbacue for survs

  • Member Posts: 7,771


    Good players do not heal in this meta.


    You'd be better off running Adrenaline and instead of DH - You can create unwinnable endgame scenarios.

  • Member Posts: 507

    You know what. I like the way you think mate. Cheers! (Laughs in Evil Survivor)

  • Member Posts: 7,771

    It definitely sucks to be on the receiving end of endgame Adren/DS/BT builds, but yeah, it feels super evil to run it >:3

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    I don' t ever run Adren except recently when some friends pestered me to run it 1/3 with it took it right off. I've also not run DS since getting the adept and sadly only have BT III on 2 characters.

    One of which even with Vigo's outfit gets dodged immediately the moment I load into the lobby even without any items equipped.

    Lastly the histrionics is hilarious since you all do it every time there's a PTB or patch and claim this will be the new broken perk/meta. Like when Deliverance came out it was going to be op and the meta, niche perk.

    When Breakdown and Distortion came out and were going to be the new meta, niche perk, and before that Feng and before that etc etc etc.

  • Member Posts: 7,771
    edited April 2019

    It's a talent ;3

    What's the meta at this exact moment, pray tell?

    I'm more than happy to be wrong in this case.

    As an aside, I enjoyed your reaction to your angrypug disconnect, my histrionic brother.


  • Member Posts: 7,068

    Ah yes the typical troll move, bring something irrelevant into the conversation while leaving out the actual details. Lets see he camps and when it doesn't work says it's for the meme's. When it works it's ggez because he fooled a bunch of potatoes and acts like it took skill.

    Also I did 3.5 gens while he hard camped, 3 totems and had there been an actual looping spot I could've looped him. The pallet was already used in that area and lets not forget he's rage quit when he's been bad as a survivor.

    Oh and lets see one of us hasn't posted exploits nor been extremely toxic on Twitch and been punished for both. But since you enjoy following the one that has that says everything about you.

    When you decide to stop trying and failing to troll me, I'll be here.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Thank you for increasing the stun to 5. If this perk is supposed to punish tunneling, you needed to be able to at least have a chance to escape. 3 secs was absolutely nothing. The only thing that needs to be looked at now is possibly increasing the timer.

  • Member Posts: 7,068
    edited April 2019

    I think eeh timers fine as it is and if anything once the exit gates are powered as long as you're not down or on the hook be reduced.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    There's a difference between an unsafe unhook in front of the killer and coming back and tunneling the person off the hook. But of course you knew that but just had to try and play the blame game anyways and act like killers are saints.

  • Member Posts: 7,771
    edited April 2019

    I don't follow any Twitch DBD Streamers, unless you count the Dev streams.

    I'd just make it inactive (eats the whole timer) outside the gates.

    edit - @not_Queen Can we get the old quoting system back?

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    "act like killers are saints."

    Nothing he said inferred this at all.

    He literally just pointed out that a lot of people complain about "tunneling" more than it's actually happening which is indeed a true statement.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    That's your opinion because to others that infers killers are saints all the time and don't tunnel, so my point is still valid.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2019

    Mine is not an opinion.


    "because to others that infers killers are saints all the time and don't tunnel"

    is an opinion.

    Also, even if what you said was true, you are projecting what you think he believes based on others even though he didn't say anything of the sort.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    You're joking right, you say yours isn't an opinion than say mine is, how is that any different than what he said not being an opinion? What you're saying is there's nothing in what he said that wasn't an opinion in any way shape or form?

    He left out all the times killers tunnel right after a completely safe unhook or a BT unhook and simply tunnel the person till they go down. But of course it's always survivors doing unsafe unhooks not killers doing something wrong.

    Also you're saying I'm projecting but isn't that what he just did as well, he lumped all survivors into that category then said the definition keeps changing. That's his projection of what he feels aka HIS opinion.

    Now you see why I say double standard, you say one thing while ignoring someone else doing the exact same thing in the very post.

    If we really want to get technical then everything said on here is an opinion and a projection of what we think others are saying.

  • Member Posts: 1,858

    why NERF Enduring though, i thought that was the purpose of bringing it lol. I do agree the first time with 3 seconds did nothing to help the survivor in most cases. Tug of war

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2019

    "how is that any different than what he said not being an opinion?"

    Because one is true and the other is not.

    "What you're saying is there's nothing in what he said that wasn't an opinion in any way shape or form?"

    The only statement he said is..

    "The definition of tunneling has become so broad."

    This is a true statement. Lot's of people consider things tunneling these days that is not.

    "He left out all the times killers tunnel right after a completely safe unhook or a BT unhook and simply tunnel the person till they go down. But of course it's always survivors doing unsafe unhooks not killers doing something wrong."

    This is you using a straw man argument. This is NOT what he said, at all. He did not blame survivors for EVERY situation. He simply mentioned that there were situations. You are conflating what he actually said.

    "Also you're saying I'm projecting but isn't that what he just did as well, he lumped all survivors into that category then said the definition keeps changing."

    This is incorrect. He did not lump ALL survivors. That was you conflating what was actually said. He simply said that a lot of "tunneling" situations aren't actually tunneling. This isn't ALL and this isn't EVERY. It's simply a lot. Those are very different things as a lot is NOT lumping all survivors in a category because he did not include them all.

    "Now you see why I say double standard, you say one thing while ignoring someone else doing the exact same thing in the very post."

    You say double standard because you are misenterpreting what someoone said into what you think they said.

  • Member Posts: 2,773
    edited April 2019

    *clears throat*

    Don't tunnel.

    I never do purposely, if i do redown the unhooked survivor right away i just leave em. I've had 0 decisives hit me since it's change because it's typically unnecessary to tunnel.

    I play around rank 1-4 typically and of course the gens get done quick. This doesn't mean you have to ruin someone else's fun by never giving them a chance to actually play. Quick gens just means survivors are doing what they're supposed to do.

    Edit: It's much much better to just put pressure on multiple survivors. If you REALLY want to knock down the person who got unhooked, go for it. Just leave them, this'll force another survivor (or multiple) to get off gens while you chase the unhooker.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Fine, they changed it, but what happened to letting the community try adjusting before quick changes? We had barely any time with the new version.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    It needed to happen. DS was pretty much useless before the buff. It didn't do what it was designed to do (stop tunneling). The stun was too short. Don't tunnel survivors when they get unhooked and you will be fine.

  • Member Posts: 942
    edited April 2019

    You obviously don't realize that Enduring made DS absolutely f*cking useless before this patch. The killer simply had to turn and smack after DS was triggered.

  • Member Posts: 767

    When comes an anti looping perk?

    When running 3 times around a pallet, get a DC.

  • Member Posts: 1,796

    So it countered DS. Isn't that what Survivors have been preaching for ages?


  • Member Posts: 1,737

    Unlike survivors, killers do adapt. They get nerfed every time they do, though.

  • Member Posts: 942


    I don't think anyone wanted something that made it a waste of a perk slot. DS is already terribly situational. You need to be hooked first, and you need to be caught again within 60 seconds after being unhooked, AND you need to hit a skill check in order to use it. Then, on top of all of that, Enduring completely negated the stun.

  • Member Posts: 781

    I don't see an issue here. If you don't tunnel you will never see this perk again.

  • Member Posts: 117

    Why people complain, they nerfed ds into completely useless, and even more useless for enduring, so they have to re buff it, the stun is the same as before, but now it's very situational enough, all you need is just simply not tunnel, it's not that hard, it's not like you guys dont have meta perk like bbq to find people anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Member Posts: 767

    Ignore someone unhooked in front of your face for 60 seconds.

    Simulation begin.

    You definetely never even touched the Play Killer button.

    I hate people judging other people without even respecting their opinion.

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2019

    I used DS for like 10 games today. I was able to use it twice. Once because the killer decided to tunnel me off the hook. The second time I was able to bait the killer into chasing me while it was active, and being on my death hook they took the bait. They were mid-chase on someone else also on death hook. The first game I escaped. The second I still died by the end of the game (I got away with DS, but then got caught at end game when gates were powered, though me using DS did help others to escape). I also technically got to use it a third time, also by baiting the killer to chase me and not someone else. However it was a Doc running Unnerving and I missed the skill check because it's SUPER tiny.

    Long story short, I basically have to go out of my way to use it, unless the killer tunnels me off the hook. Enduring AND Unnerving are counters to it. You can slug (in fact I had gone down a few times with about 10 seconds left but the killer decided to break gens/pallets first and waste a bit of time then I lost the option to use it). There is literally no reason to complain about this perk now. If you do, you either fell for bait or tunneled someone. Both of which deserve to be punished.

  • Member Posts: 5

    Tunneling is the most inefficient way of playing (if the survivor is good) most of the time, is not genrushing, is that killers focus themselves on the only one that can escape them leaving 3 other players boringly having to do generators only. I get that sometimes you may get the little trolling flash spamming rave dressed ruski boi, and you want to give him a lesson, I totally get that. But either you succeed in teaching him a lesson fast, or you have already lost the game losing a lot of time. Furthermore especially the very next days after the rework, I got tunneled A LOT more, I guess bad players thought: ds is now useless --> now I can tunnel them without any risk, and you know what? I never unequipped DS an used it a lot more than before even with the new time related incarnation, the only problem was the nonexistent stun.

  • Member Posts: 5

    mostly main survivor, occasionally killer here: I play nurse...with long range addons, the only rare cases in which I think tunneling can be acceptable is to teach a lesson and, for me, there are 2 main situations:

    1_ mr smartypants unsafe unhook while you were just leaving (average distance 3 meters from the hook) in that case I might down again the hooked survivor, at endgame I explain that you don't unhook people right in front of the killer, and to blame their trolling squad. trolling unhooks are a plain invite to down him again and stupid survivors have to learn to play good for the benefit of the entire match both killer and survivor side.

    2_mr manchild mc.streamerfan: has 200 hrs, has seen a couple of noob3 or orchid's videos and think of himself as a jukemeister devour of pussies. he enters the game pewpewing you at every occasion, usually he dc after the first single blink double hit at the beginning of the match.

    beside this, I usually try hard to fina a survivor early game, hook him and I leave to look for th others, rarely had complains

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    Funny how people say “killers shouldn’t be punished for playing efficiently” ok then noed shouldn’t punish survivors for playing efficiently.

    Just cleanse totems and don’t tunnel.

  • Member Posts: 66
    edited April 2019

    I feel like the only people that complain are also people who tunnel every match. Survivors never got to use DS against me yesterday, even though I was playing killer for 6 hours and in every match there was at least one person with DS. In 2.6.0 the stun was actually a joke and I didn't feel like I got punished for tunneling, especially when I had Enduring, because I could get a free hit 2 seconds later. Now you can actually feel like the perk does something.

    If you really want to down the same person again, leave them on the ground for a couple of seconds to make sure they don't D-Strike you, but I think you should go after someone else anyway. This is why the perk exists in its current form. It should give you another chance if the killer decides to tunnel you. If you're the killer, it's up to you if you let them use it. I have 4500 hours on record and the perk is fine. I almost never see it being successfully used, but when you get to use it, it actually gives you something now.

  • Member Posts: 1,463


    You tell me how is that a thing against people who dont heal, which is almost any survivor with half a brain... You clearly havent played against a team full of Adrenaline...

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