Ask me a question

I enjoy answering anyone's questions about the game, or dead by daylight, not that map, so ask me a question, killer or survivor, I main 50/50
Ok why not?
Does autoaiming exist or is it just how the game smooths out the animations?
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@JawsIsTheNextKiller I believe that it does exist, due to the fact that usually I would 360 a killer and still get pinged by the hit, and when I play killer it shows it does, I would not turn my camera much, and I will end up hitting the survivor at the speed of using a mouse
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Hey Feng! If you’d like to discuss the game itself, I highly advise you check out the game’s official discord. In a chat called #game-discussions , you can talk about it there too! I’ll give you a link.
EDIT: Here it is!
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Did you learn how to play Billy?
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@tt_ivi_99 I am not as good as billy, but I can play him much better than before, so pretty much yeah
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It definitely does exist. And you notice that while playing killer. Autoaim negates hits cuz u hit sometimes walls you never aimed to. Slow vaulting sometimes gives Autoaims to the window frame. Try to hit as Freddy someone in the dreamworld who runs next to a survivor who is awake. Sometimes it gives you short lunges while you keep holding m1. Bumping with Billy chainsaw into walls while u aim directly at a survivor. Ghosthits from billys chainsaw are probably a combination of Autoaim/aimassist and latency (hopefully gone with dedicated servers).
It's obvious I guess.
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Feng! My friend. How are ya?
So, my question is...Favourite survivor and killer?
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Hey Hoodedfengm1n, should I buy an Audi or a Mercedes?
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In your opinion what has been the best addition to the game in the past year?
What has been the most harmful addition (if any) to the game in the past year and why?
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If someone plays killer, how/when would they "win"?
If someone plays survivor, how/when would they "win"?
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DS nerf was probably the best change we ever got. But my happiness got so fast destroyed with the Ash leak lol
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Normal hits actually do not have autoaim. What happens is when you attack, the game checks a cone shaped area in front of you to see if any survivors are there. If they are, the game will move you and your camera towards them to make the hit feel like it connects. If the survivor is outside of that cone at the time, the hit will miss and the game won't move you into position.
To put it simply, it's purely visual. If you got the hit, you got the hit and the game then dresses it up a little. If you missed, you miss.
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How much distance can a Survivor cover after getting hit by the Killer until the Killer can move again.
How long does it take for a basic 4.6m/s Killer to catch up with them again?
E: Another question after reading @Peanits post:
Can I bookmark a single post? 🤣
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That's just language gymnastics here.
I will just quote this here again. Ahh, and btw. Remove it, noone likes it. It's hindering the more skilled players then helping.
"It definitely does exist. And you notice that while playing killer. Autoaim negates hits cuz u hit sometimes walls you never aimed to. Slow vaulting sometimes gives Autoaims to the window frame. Try to hit as Freddy someone in the dreamworld who runs next to a survivor who is awake. Sometimes it gives you short lunges while you keep holding m1. Bumping with Billy chainsaw into walls while u aim directly at a survivor. Ghosthits from billys chainsaw are probably a combination of Autoaim/aimassist and latency (hopefully gone with dedicated servers).
It's obvious I guess."
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I... I can't... He just... The pure mental gymnastics performed to completely disregard a post made by someone who knows how things like that work is fascinating. Mayhaps you are right on the Billy ghost hits, but seriously the answer was given to you on a iridescent plate.
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Should I quit this useless game like I should have when I first got it?
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It does not exist. What looks like auto aim is the game smoothing the animations. This was confirmed via dev stream.
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Where would you place The Plague in the killer tier list?
Is there a way to balance SWF and solos? If so, how should SWF and solos/low ranks separate between one another in terms of balance?
Should Freddy be buffed or nerfed? How should he be?
Does Billy have a chance to dominate every game if you have mastered him? Or is there gap where SWF are enough? Is he balanced?
Should NOED be nerfed? Should it be reworked?
What is your escape rate as a survivor? Sacrifices per game as killer? Do you think you have room to improve as either role? Any specific killer?
What are your thoughts on perks adrenaline and ruin?
Who are your top 3 killers in terms of skill? The killers who you are best with.
Will Mettle of Man be the new DS?
Should survivors be given more credit for their skill in terms of looping certain tiles?
Is this too many questions?
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It is not inconceivable that there is old code left in there and a bug calling the old code instead of the new. People seem convinced that autoaim exists despite the devs assurance that they removed it.
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@KillermainBTWm8 - I can answer this one. No. This game is great. Other games are not as good. Take a break and then come back.
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Everyone can have his opinion right? I might be wrong, but I don't think that peanits has the technical knowledge but just provides the informations which was given to him (not saying that I have the knowledge tho, I don't even have access to the game code to analyse it).
But what I read is just "well there is no Autoaim, but actually there is. But only for smooth animation."
And every experienced killer knows/feels that Autoaim/aimassist in moments when it screws you over.
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I can answer for the Mettle of Man question. Definitely not.
The reason is because many killers' powers negate the perk from activating.
For example Nurse hitting you after blink, Chainsaws, maybe Wraith and Spirit after reappearing. And I found out by accident, while playing Trapper, that if you are caught in a bear trap and the killer hits you it will count as a normal hit, so it can make you completely waste it. I hit the guy, he glowed white, I was confused for a second, hit him again and he falls to the ground. MoM wasted, baby~ haha~
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@DwightsLifeMatters Problem is, it's not opinion. And there is a difference between auto aim and animation smoothing. I admit it sounds similar when said out loud.
Honestly, latency is what makes me motion sick, as I can often knock someone down and question how. Anyways, this is nothing to have a conversation over, please do have a nice day.
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That wasn't not_Queen
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@LCGaster I just feel bad for Freddy lol.
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Ups my bad, edited it. Thanks
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What u think about the disconnections? Survivor fault or just game unbalanced?
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Survivors fault and the game unbalanced in survivors favor.