Freddy Buff Idea

Just a couple of thoughts to really give Freddy a much needed buff. Rather than a white aura for survivors in the dream state maybe change the color to a fiery red, this makes it easier to see them during chases. And/or, while survivors are asleep they suffer from the hindered debuff, between like 10 or 15% and change the Garden Rake, Prototype Claws, and Paint Thinner add-on effects to further hinder survivors. Just an idea, tell me what you think! Do you think this is a perfect buff or a bit broken?
You seem to be missing the reason for a buff for Freddy, his ability, The Dream Demon, helps none what so ever in chases, he still gets looped and even if you sneak up on someone they can simply run to one of the multiple palettes or windows. Perks like Sprint burst, Lithe, Balanced Landing, Dead Hard, an Mettle of Man completely smoke Freddy. I'm also suggesting that the aura change just isn't the same white color the rest of the world is.
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@DudeDelicious i agree totally, but this still leaves him incredibly weak in chases, I know that the ability hinders the speed passively, but the dream and run tactic donsnt work because they can easily find another, or fail a check, in chases he is awful, out of chases he is still pretty awful cause it's so easy to wake up.
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@DudeDelicious none the less my friend I still feel as if he needs the noted buff, plus itd make sense for asleep survivors to run slower
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This is perfect rework
This is called the ######### rework. Anyone who cares for freddy know he needs a whole lot of ######### in his playstyle.
I dare anyone to give me a moment where you could say ######### as current freddy. Survivors can say it all the time towards the current freddy specially after waking self up easily with gens and self care.