Best Map in Design

I don´t know how many times it has been brought up, but i have not seen it since i joined.
Which is your favorit map? My main concern lies in balancing, but be free to explain your choice.
For me its Yamaoka Estate. I feel like this map is pretty balanced. It´s small-medium-ish but with a lot of really good hiding spots for survivors. Also it feels like the distribution of pallets is pretty fair. I really do enjoy playing on this map as killer as well as survivor.
Thompson House.
Free hit in the house and they always think i suffer from corn vision, even after i clearly show off i don't.
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I enjoy all MacMillan Estates. Mostly because it coincides with my Trapper Main background.
I also enjoy both Red Forest maps. Just because it feels right for me.
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The Clown Map seems pretty fair.
Suffocation pit too.
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Yamaoka estate has like no pallets. They added more in the recemt update but it's still non existent.
My favourite in LOOKS is Autohaven wreckers, Blood lodge. It looks so creepy and ghostlike, I love it.
Design wise, the game it's very balanced for both sides now, still aids if it's a Nurse but not half bad, and with balanced landing, it's an effortless playground for survivors.
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Balance wise it's the clown map. This map feels really fair for both sides. All newer maps are trash btw
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Coal Tower is pretty balanced imo, the main building isn't that annoying to face and theres some good loops around too. Pretty fair map for both sides imo
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What are you opinions on Haddonfield?
I would say its pretty survivor biased (except you´re a Trapper :P ), i dont enjoy this map at all playing killer it´s like 4 accessable houses and each contains a major loop, espicially if you are running BL.
@Poweas i still hate playing on this map, maybe it´s the thing that small game is not very reliable and the totem spawns are still quite good and hidden, or maybe it´s that i dont run BL very often.
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Hello everyone!
We have share your feedback about your favorite map design with our Level Designer.
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Springfield. Very fun to me on both sides and decently balanced imo
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I think Haddonfield...
Needs a cul-de-sac map. 😋
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As survivor blood lodge
As killer the game
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The Game & Lérys.
You can easily lose orientation on those maps which makes it so much more interesting to me. Rotten Field is also nice for that matter.
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A Campbell's Crotus Prenn. Balanced pallets (before 2.6.0...) , map is beautiful , the carnival, Fortune Teller, Horse and music is perfect ^^ We need more "interactive maps" with some addons like Campbell, the Game or Temple of Purgation
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Lery's! I love indoor maps and i'm so sad we only have 2 in the game :(
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In terms of survivor I prefer the hospital map, since its fun to look for totems and generators, and killers like Michael myers, or even the pig are more fun to play against since you never see them coming.
In terms of killer I prefer the game, since it is easier to memorize generator locations, and know where the pallets and windows are, however the map lacks lockers.
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I think for me it's Suffocation Pit. I like the look of all MacMillan Estate maps, but I enjoy a lot the design of this one.
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Haddonfield and clowns map
Haddonfield is great in design and basement is in a great location
Clown is also greatly designed and a test about new mechanics
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Lery's Memorial Institute, i love this map when playing both sides. All of the wall's, corridors and rooms make for interesting chase's and moment's. It's not to large either. The design and theme is also a very nice change amongst most of the other maps. Just not sure if that's ash or snow outside.....
It doesn't appear as often without offerings, which isn't a surprise given the number of map's, so i'm always grabbing the offerings and spending them when i can.
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Gideon meat plant just cause of the linearistic design and cuz it's small
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Thompson's house is my favorite but I don't think it has the best balance.
Most of macmillian and autohaven maps are pretty good and balanced imo.
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@PunL I think Haddonfield was balanced a while ago, but ever since Balanced landing became meta, it's gone off the charts OP for survivors and definitely needs a revamp.
Also, run Balanced landing and go to The Game for one match, and you'll see what I mean. It's so strong, it's ridiculous.
Then run Object of O with Balanced landing and go to Haddonfield, and go to the infinite (Myers house I think), and run that. Literally 3 gens can go before they even hit u, and then use Adrenaline to escape.
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I like Father Cambell's Chapel. It decently sized and have two large unique areas that have no overly powerful loops.
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I think the Clown map is the best designed.
As for what I enjoy playing most, Crotus Penn, even as killer. It’s just a very cool map.
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Were it not for the hideous red-blend, i would say that Ormond, but as it is, find it among the more unpleasant to play.
As far as most balanced, I would agree with Father Campbell's chapel
Absolute favourite as Killer would have to be Shelter Woods, as ironically, there is No Shelter ...
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Visually, my favorite is the Temple of Purgation, followed by Mother's Dwelling. The Red Forest is just gorgeous; it's probably the rain.
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As survivor my favorite is Haddonfield.
As killer its Lerys or the Game for my spooky Myers build.
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All the autoheaven
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I love Lerrie’s. It’s the best hide and seek map and has the most horror atmosphere.
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I like the Thompson House, any of the MacMillian estates, and most importantly, Gas Heaven.
My most hated maps? Any of the Swamp maps.
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Red Forest. It's just a nice looking map in general.
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I used to hate Badham preschool, but now the map might honestly be one of my favorites. Nothing that really goes out of your way to affect player visibility, minimum infinite loops, and a pretty managable size.
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I really like Rotten Fields.
In fact here is an image of me chasing a Claudette!...I mean....I think I'm still chasing her...
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The game is my favourite map even as a survivor, small double story can't tell where the killer is due to that, could be above you, just adds more thrill to the game
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Visual wise probably Lery's, Lery's just has this creepy look to it from the massive hallways to the claustrophobic rooms with flickering lights make it a very immersive map. Gameplay wise for me probably the Temple, because its a large map with a massive building for both people who are good at being chased, and people who are good at stealth.
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Lery's is cool design wise but my favorite map is definitely Temple of Purgation or the Asylum
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This is going to be unpopular but I really like either swamp map, but particularly Grim Pantry. I like the swamp maps mostly because of the really dense patches of reeds that turn survivors all but invisible.
I run Balanced Landing often and the amount of time you can waste at the big building on Pantry is insane.
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Coal Tower is for sure the most balanced map. In general, the MacMillan maps are well designed.
On Coal Tower, you can do well with every killer, which is a rare thing. It's also fair for survivors.
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I like the layout and looks of Red Forest. All we need to make it better is a little thunder and lightning to go with the rain!
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I love the Gas Haven
The main building just speaks to me for some reason.
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The Game, Father Campbell's Chapel and maybe Lery's.
Nice design, not cancerous loops, pretty good maps. Well, good when I don't play Nurse.
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I love The Game's design and Lery's too. I would love to see more indoor maps where if you hear the heartbeat you don't know where it is coming from