Any Good Genrush Builds?

Not really items cause that’s a little obvious. But best perkbuild?
No mither, resilience, prove thy self and this is not happening.
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Adrenaline = All the time you were being heal can be used to fill 1/4 of a generator
Resilience = Just for increase the gen speed a lil bit
Prove theyself = So your teammate dont get that 10% decrease speed, and that's great
Stake out = That's a awesome perk! and if the killer have ruin you can ignore it.
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Poised, stake out, lightweight and perk of your choice.
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i would say bond and prove thyself for the last gen or 2 and try to get your mates to get on separate gens for the first 3. use whatever else you want.
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No mither, Resiliance, Streetwise, Spine chill (for dipping before you get found).
Bring a yellow or commodius toolbox with addons
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Prove Thyself is the only perk you really want. You can put the rest towards survival.
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If you're genrushing Adrenaline is really the only perk to pick
Prove Thyself is the only consistent perk for speeding up gens but if your genrushing you want a survivor on every gen and not multiple on one.
Spinechill, poised and all this other stuff people are recommending is more for a gen jocky build and not a gen rush one.
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Bond, Prove Thyself, Adrenaline, Spine Chill.
bond allows you find teammates, and gen rush faster or heal. Prove thyself increases the speed, but also grants more BPs, Adrenaline makes you wanna gen rush faster and waste less time with healing. Spine chill to know if a killer is near you, the increase is also quite helpful.
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Honestly there are a plethora of Gen Rush build options out there, the difficult question is "Any good gen rush counter builds?"
Currently the only one I've come up with is what i call the "Generator Hater" build:
Ruin/Huntress Lullaby, Overcharge, Pop Goes the Weasel, Dying Light.
This build is very situational, but once/if you get DL to activate, it oppresses the heck out of gen progress from survivors. Enough to counter a full gen rush team? Hardly, but at least it's a jab in the right direction.
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This one takes some cooperation with your team, but I got a game done really mcfreakin quick with this.
Toolboxes, Prove Thyself, Streetwise, and Spine Chill.
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Prove Thyself, Bond, Leader, and Spine chill for perks. Then Commodious toolbox with wrench socket and wire spool for item and addons.
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@ReikoMori Leader doesn't affect gen repair speed anymore.
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If you want to get one gen done super quickly, bring No mither, resilience, prove thyself, and Spine Chill. Also bring a shroud of some kind in addtion to an Engineer's toolbox with the socket swivels and clean rag.
For multiple gens done more quickly, bring No mither, resilience, prove thyself or Stake Out, and Spine Chill, This is Not Happening, or Streetwise (preferably this one). Also bring a Commodius toolbox with the above mentioned addons or a Wire Spool and Instructions (in that order). Feel free to mix and match the addons, but always put charges before efficiency. You should also probably burn a shroud other than the Shroud of Binding.
Hope this helps.
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True, but I want my team to do EVERYTHING faster. I get bored easily when survivor.
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Iron will, you will spend more time doing gens less time healing. Then BOOM, Adrenaline. gg
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No mither, Resilience, This is not happening and Balanced landing/Your own exhaustion perk. (I take Balanced landing personally).
Use a commodious toolbox with faster charges and efficiency addons. Gens should be something around 66 seconds solo, and somewhere around 33 with a teammate.
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Stake out, prove thyself, resilience, leader. Leader might not work on gens but itll help get healing n shi done faster, so theres more time to rush gens :P