A WHOLE Freddy Rework

Ok so Freddy is extremely weak at the moment so I have a idea to fix him. Freddy in this new version will have a different ability affect. When Freddy sleeps someone they will enter a daydream state where Freddy is always blinking in and out of there vision. Freddy can not harm them and the survivor will see a moderate amount of fog but not much fog. If Freddy keeps on sleeping them they will enter Micro Sleep. The survivor will start to see hallucinations of generators, Fake Survivors, Freddy, and boxes. Interacting with these objects will let Freddy know of there location but the hallucinations will be all scratchy like asleep survivors to Freddy(Fog In this State Will be Like the Day Dream One). If Freddy puts them asleep 1 more time they will enter Deep Sleep in this state they will see hallucinations of Freddy and other Survivors. They will also be instantly downed if hit by Freddy. Freddy will also only be able to see survivors that are in deep sleep witch is why in Micro Sleep those items Reveal the Survivors. Every time a Survivor messes up a skillcheck they will go down one dream state. I think this will make skilled users using Freddy a more of a chance when planing as Freddy


  • CursingSun
    CursingSun Member Posts: 14

    NOTE:Freddy can harm the survivors while they are in micro sleep

  • CursingSun
    CursingSun Member Posts: 14


  • CursingSun
    CursingSun Member Posts: 14

    NOTE 3: while in Deep Sleep the fog is Greatly thickens and Freddy will always have Moderately fog

  • CursingSun
    CursingSun Member Posts: 14

    Also Adrenaline will automatically put people in day dream unless they are awake then it will act like normal

  • WebMonkey
    WebMonkey Member Posts: 28

    I think for me (being a HUGE FAN of the original Nightmare movies) Freddy does not have the sense of "play" that Robert Englund brought to the part. I think that your suggestions @CursingSun start to bring that "am I awake, or am I asleep" theme from the films. If you're up against Freddy, then you should have a greater sense of DOUBT about how effective you're completing generators.

    Now how to balance that all out... I dunno. But I like the way you're thinking. :+1:

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Make him visible at all times.
    Make him able to hit awake survivors.
    He would still be able to put survivors to sleep
    24 meter terror radius.
    Heartbeat sounds when not asleep.
    Lullaby when asleep, non directional, without sound increase if he's close to make it harder to read.
    Make Freddy to "Blink" and disappear sporadically from the survivor's prospective when in dream mode, especially if the survivor stays asleep for an extended period of time.
    Remove his Aura reading ability out of heartbeat.

    That would be my simple (but efficient, imo) rework for Freddy

  • bambusratte_xD
    bambusratte_xD Member Posts: 39

    @Runiver said:
    Make him visible at all times.
    Make him able to hit awake survivors.
    He would still be able to put survivors to sleep
    24 meter terror radius.
    Heartbeat sounds when not asleep.
    Lullaby when asleep, non directional, without sound increase if he's close to make it harder to read.
    Make Freddy to "Blink" and disappear sporadically from the survivor's prospective when in dream mode, especially if the survivor stays asleep for an extended period of time.
    Remove his Aura reading ability out of heartbeat.

    That would be my simple (but efficient, imo) rework for Freddy

    If Freddy is visible outside his dreamworld, it would be very inconsistent, since he is a dream deamon. For me, it would be good enough that survivors cant do anything to totems/gens while in dream-transition.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    Just get ride of his power althogether...

    Here I fixed sharp hand joe for you.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I´ve been posting this for days on the Steam forum:

    Fixes for Freddy:

    • Ability to interact with survivors when they are holding a button to fill a status bar. (grab them)
    • Remove all indicators (fog, ring, different sound, slowered progress bar sign) that tell the survivor that he is sleeping. His terror radius should be his lullaby for both in and outside of the dreamworld. (Just like the movies)
    • Waking yourself up would require a perfekt skill check. (This would make a load of perks useful for him)
    • Ability to vault over pallets. He´s small, let´s make use of it. (Looping him would be a Nightmare)
      The last point could be to strong, but devs should give it a look.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2018

    I think a small buff that would have a great impact on Freddy's Global Kill Rate would be to make it so when Freddy sleeps someone, as Freddy reappears, disappears and reappears he should be able to attack the survivor in those small reappearances during the Dream transition It would fit a lot greater with the movie that he is based on. This change would make a good Freddy a more skill-based thing, meaning you have to attack in the right moment or attack when the survivor is fully in the Dream.

    This would be easier than a whole rework.

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • Ash
    Ash Member Posts: 15
    Blinks of freddy and other survivors around the map and generators in dream world to make survivors wonder if things are real or not abit like lucid dreaming
  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @bambusratte_xD said:

    @Runiver said:
    Make him visible at all times.
    Make him able to hit awake survivors.
    He would still be able to put survivors to sleep
    24 meter terror radius.
    Heartbeat sounds when not asleep.
    Lullaby when asleep, non directional, without sound increase if he's close to make it harder to read.
    Make Freddy to "Blink" and disappear sporadically from the survivor's prospective when in dream mode, especially if the survivor stays asleep for an extended period of time.
    Remove his Aura reading ability out of heartbeat.

    That would be my simple (but efficient, imo) rework for Freddy

    If Freddy is visible outside his dreamworld, it would be very inconsistent, since he is a dream deamon. For me, it would be good enough that survivors cant do anything to totems/gens while in dream-transition.

    It's up to you.
    Either you live with a little inconsistency (that could easily be fixed by making the whole map a dream world to start with), or you can leave him be weak and rather frustrating to play with (cannot even grab people on the ground/prevent heals on them, loops, cannot even camp) and against (cannot efficiently stealth, really hard not to get tunneled).

    I don't mind tbh, I don't plan on playing Freddy in the current state, even with "light buffs".
    He needs a rework, at least in my opinion that is.