Can you remove macabre search/reverse bear trap, it screws over one survivor

It's already next to impossible to escape once you're freed from hook because most of the time the killer is already on its way (I'm talking about the general ranking game, not invite-friends one), so most of the time the hooked escapee gets hooked again rather easily.
But with reverse bear traps it makes it frustrating to go around the map wasting a lot of time trying to unlock the head trap, likely still injured.
Survivors should be able to free themselves on the first jigsaw box, which coupled with the fact that per stats hooked escapee gets hooked again, already makes it hard enough.
Okay, so they remove her rbt, what now? What do you suggest they give her in place of her trap that rarely actually works?
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The pig is already a weakish killer soon to be nerfed, removing her only advantage, the time waster, would just remove any viability that she had in the first place. The traps arent built to kill you, they are made just to waste your time.
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This is a bait thread right?
Right now I'm having a hard time telling when people aren't being serious on here.
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We've got a lot of new players coming into the forum these days. So it is likely a serious question.
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Are you seriously asking for the pig to be nervous even more than she already has been.
Also if you're guaranteed to take it off in the first box then you're not really wasting much time with the trap on your head which like it or not is the main purpose of the Trap
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Don't feed the troll
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What do you mean "rarely" works? It's much better than Freddy's sleep, because it takes longer, and you're kind of exposed because the jigsaw box locations are known to killer, plus if you're running out of time the ticking can be heard from a distance.
Like I said, it's already next to impossible to escape for an injured escapee. They should be getting free adrenaline, which doesn't solve the issue, but at least mitigates it a little bit.
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Bait thread
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A free adrenaline.
I'm sorry I don't believe you you're trolling you're not real
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Mayby you want insta heal also after remove rbt like got this plague...Lmao this must be a troll.
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@GodDamn_Angela, Poe's Law, man, I feel ya.