Freddy is not only NOT the worst, he might be the BEST!

So, I purchased Freddy due to his classic iconic nature and my love of Nightmare on Elm Street when I was a kid despite the feedback that he is the WORST killer.
Within one day, he is BY FAR such an OP killer, I spend nearly 30 mins per game playing with the survivors to get 30k+ every time. In fact, I have become almost bored at how OP I am.
I think Freddy’s reputation comes from that he is not good if you play with the typical strategy.
The typical strategy is to eliminate survivors one by one. Pursue player, hook, and take them down one by one. Freddy has a disadvantage here as you will spend lots of extra precious time pulling in your targeted survivor. THIS IS NOT HOW TO PLAY FREDDY!
I call my strategy the Deer Hunter Freddy in reminiscence of the old school deer hunter strat of leaving downed survivors.
1) Perk: Deer Hunter will help. Other than that, I use all end game stuff to really make sure no one ever survives if I let them play with the gate... yes “let them”.
2) It’s more important to pull multiple survivors into dream state than it is to pursue a survivor. Your goal is to have most of the survivors always in the dream state so you can monitor their activity. If you play the standard strat, you will be wasting your monitoring activity as you just hook them and its done.
3) Attempt to kill one survivor early. If you can get them down to 3 survivors it will be almost impossible to fix the generators while you play defense.
4) Leave downed survivors. With deer hunter II and in dream state, you can see a downed survivor literally anywhere on the map. Leave these as distractions from gens.
5) If you get them down to 3 survivors, once there are only 2 generators you can pretty much protect everything. Put them in dream state, then damage gen. It’s fairly easy to keep them all in dream state now. Scare them away from generators, keep players downed so they always have distractions to worry about.
6) Think battling their team, not picking off survivors. BE EVERYWHERE. Damage and scare them away from gens, don’t worry about hooks until you are bored or maxed out on categories. It’s ok to slash them and let them run. It keeps them busy and its important you can track them.
NO DOUBT, Freddy is my best killer. I’ll try to link some gameplay to show how I play with him, but it is definitely differently than I play with other killers.
Well, I'm sorry to tell you this, but he is in fact getting reworked, so he will not be the way he is forever.
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@Saint_Ukraine Thats what im afraid of. I think hes pretty viable right now, but who knows whats going to happen after the rework.
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Freddy is by far the worst killer in Dead by Daylight. The only real purpose of his power is to remove the hindrance he has by default (can't interact with survivors), and he gets cucked by the most used perks in the game (Self care, Sprint burst and Adrenaline). He's the only killer that has to give a up to 9.5 seconds head start to his targets, who can, by the way, keep doing whatever they were doing right in his face without him being able to do anything about it. He's even less than your regular M1 killer (like the Doctor or the Trapper). He has a laughable stealth and the most basic-ass offense you can think of, that pretty much only kinda works if the survivors ignore him during the transition. He's so bad that he can't even camp. He has no way to stop/punish hookrushing, bad positioning or stupid plays by survivors in general. And, as we all know, killers win if the survivors play non-optimally or if they make silly mistakes... I don't think you people realize that Freddy is the only killer that can't capitalize on these situations. No matter how you "mindgame" survivors you still have to wait 7 seconds to hit them. If a survivor is anything but braindead, they will run to the nearest pallet/loop, and proceed to stall you for 5 generators.
Every other killer is far better than Freddy, because they don't take nearly as [BAD WORD] long to take action against survivors.
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@Acromio Freddy feels easier to play than Trapper, at least.
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The Trapper doesn't have to ask survivors permission to hit them, though.
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He feels easier to play because his power does have a few nice things about it. One he naturally can slow down the game which makes having chances for him to do something. He gets aura reading on who ever he puts to sleep by default so he can keep track of people, but the trade offs are too high. One of his best builds involves the gimmick of using overcharge to make survivors destroy their own gen to wake up, but eventually even that gets worked through.
He's got all the weaknesses of a standard M1 killer, but lacks a lot of the benefits an average killer. He doesn't really function without using his power as its the only thing that lets him play the game. The devs decided that needed a change as it didn't reflect his character and wasn't healthy for him as gameplay.
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I love Freddy as he is right now. Survivors can run but they can't hide. OP is right. Eliminate one of them quickly, keep everyone sleeped if you can and the game is yours. If that fails, have NOED and Blood warden equiped. I use Rancor too.
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I honestly despise playing against Freddy. Absolutely no fun. As soon as I hear the nursery rhyme I think "oh ffs..."
Usual approach from Freddys: Pull in to dream...hit straight away...get second hit (as your aura is shown)...hook...wait for survivor to unhook...repeat.
And yes, playing AS Freddy is very easy.
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@QuantumQq Why do you use Deer Hunter on Freddy? Part of his base kit is seeing the auras of sleeping survivors.
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sorry fam, but your entire strategie is based on you applying pressure on them via downed / killed survivors, which is simply not freddys strength.
as you have said, yes freddy makes a ton of points, but also you get run around stuff easily. and while you are being run around, the others wake eup and rush gens. thats how majority of high rank freddy games will go. i pushed to rank 1 as freddy once, and it was really not nice. i did it in the end, but i had many more losses than i had with other killers like Trapper, Billy or Wraith. Freddy is good at slowing the game, but what is that going to do for you if you cant catch them? when your running around the loops, trying to down one (to be able to apply your pressure on the team), they usually fixed at least 2-3 gens, especially at the beginning of the game.
the current killer meta is to find and eliminate a survivor as quick as possible - which is exactly what you said to do as freddy btw (but then on the other hand you said not to do that... what am i supposed to do now? kill one early or put many to sleep and apply pressure?). and that meta is there for a reason. freddy is just the one killer that really struggles the most to fulfill it. granted, once one is dead you can keep them under control farily easily, BUT if you can do so as freddy, imagine how a billy would handle this situation. killers are reliant on the snowball effect. trade hooks until they die. freddy can not really do that, a billy on the other hand easily can, which is why he is the number two and freddy is the worst.
TL;DR: looped and genrushed. thats freddies fate.
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So if I want to be a good Freddy player I should tunnel a survivor, and once he/she is dead I slug everyone?
Gonna run Dying Light and Remember Me to make the tunnel even more worth.
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Honestly I love Freedy too and im a Freedy/ Nurse main on console. Im worried about the rework tho. :(
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Freddy IS a great Killer, a lot of people, even in this thread refuse to understand or even try to look at him differently, that's ignorance.
Freddy is a prototype for Spirit, they do the same thing but Spirit does it better. Freddy's ability is to mindgame Survivors, but of course they know that so they use his ability against him. People do this to Spirit as well but unlike Freddy she can counter their unwillingness to play the game with super speed.
I used to be excited for the Freddy rework but after the recent changes to Legion, some of them being unnecessary and crippling, I can't trust the Devs anymore to respect ma boi or us. I am constantly afraid they'll ruin him but I have hope he won't be as bad as Legion, ######### Legion will be the new worst Killer now.
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Welcome to the club of people who know how to play freddy, a bit of advice: the majority of people here are stuck in their ways and cannot reconsider what they think of Freddy. Sadly, Freddy is getting reworked. Not sure by how much yet, but I think he's getting slashed.
As for deerstalker, if drop that one. Freddy has a built in one and tho you can't see them up close, you can hear them and find easily. I use insidious instead, and I suggest you replace deer stalker with it.
Good luck, and may we not get our Freddy ruinned.
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Might I suggest you be open minded for legion too? His changes just solidify how he was meant to be in the first place. He isn't meant to down people with his ability, buy rather get everyone injured, and thus delay the game. They have to mend instead of gens and saves, and after have to heal or risk getting downed in a hit. Don't ride the hate train like people do for Freddy.
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I don't want to be that person, but:
"Welcome to the club of people who know how to play freddy"
"Deer Hunter will help"
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I agree, Freddy definently is not the worst killer. He has his strengths but of course, he has a few weaknesses. Unfortunately those weaknesses are TOO hindering. Freddy really just needs QoL updates, not a full rework. I'm another one here worried about it, they said they're taking their time but I'm still worried either way. Also, I'd drop deerstalker, its pretty useless on Freddy
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if its a viable power it can be used for another killer. But you make freddy showcase his personality from films in gameplay. Like pig used to play like <3
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Freddy is annoying to face and Survivors who don't understand how he works will get destroyed. But Freddy is greatly hindered once you face people who know his weaknesses.
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Yeah Freddy is op... against new players at rank 20.
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Why would use Deerstalker on a character that has built in Deerstalker? Use Knock Out instead if you want to play slugging Freddy.
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The problem is you’re also playing against really bad survs most likely. When I see a Freddy it’s gonna be a nice meme game of him getting looped for most of the games and then a poor attempt of Face camping a surv when the gates are open
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That's because you're playing against people who don't know how to use him.
"Any time I play against burse it's a meme game where she blinks too far or not enough and then is easily lost. And then she tries to hook someone after gates are opened. Only to fail a blink and get no kills"
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If you put someone to sleep and then leave them they will wake up quickly, especially if they are SWF. That throws a wrench in the "sleep everyone" strategy since YEAH NO ######### THAT WOULD BE GREAT IF IT HAPPENED!
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Freddy's only viable strategy is to tunnel but doing that you'll only be able to sacrifice one or two players on average before the game is over. Freddy is OP when the survivor is in dream world but when they aren't he's literally worthless. The problem is you put a survivor into dream world and chase them until they are down which is easy since freddy can easily see where they are, so even if you lose them in chase it's easy to find them again BUT then you put them on the hook and they wake up, another survivor comes along and unhooks them and you can't do anything to stop it because you have to put them into dream world too and so the chase starts over again. By the time you sacrifice a player 2 Gens are left and the game is almost over.
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If you tunnel one person, you definitely doing it wrong with Freddy and you will most probably lose.
You need to find first person at start of match asap and hook him asap as well, so you need to use perks which helps you with that. Discordance, Whispers, whatever else you are using for tracking, Bamboozle, Spirit Fury, Enduring, whatever else to end chase fast.
Or, if you see that chase can be long, i.e. jungle gyms back to back, loopable building, etc, just leave him injured and back to patrol to get another guy.
Then you have BBQ auras and you can tell if you should move from hook, or you should be in proximity. If you move away, try to hook second person asap, if you stay in proximity - put both ppl in sleep and go for rescuer and hook him up.
Your primary goal as Freddy is to keep at least 2 ppl in dream all time, keep all injured as much as possible out of dream, and end chases as fast as you can, so you have at least 1 guy on hook.
Noone wants to be injured against Freddy, so they most probably, especially not on last gen, will waste time to heal themselves or each other, taking time from gens and grouping up, so you can put 2 persons at sleep at very least.
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While I do think that Freddy is better than a lot of people give him credit for (He's tiers better than Legion imo) and I do manage to get 4k on occasion with Freddy, I still think it takes a lot more management and strategizing that can easily get out of hand meanwhile you could be using another killer that can down survivors a lot easier withought taking 9 seconds to put each one into dream world. Although Blood Warden is an excelIent perk that has given me a lot of last minute kills and I do love when survivors jump into lockers right before I'm about to be put them into dream world.
Tip to survivors: if you hear freddy's lullaby don't jump into a locker! He could be standing right in front of you!
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As usual Freddy mains bring valid arguments for why he's not the worst killer in the game and it's met with "MUH SEVEN SECONDS FEDORA MAN BAD!"
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Finally someone who got it right
dude, OP , I tell you no killer is weak.. devs buffed the ######### out of killers since god knows how many patches now..
ppl are just bad thats why they think killers such freddy or wraith are weak
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Although I'd drop Deerstalker, you've got the right idea! If you decide to commit to learning pre-rework Freddy I'd recommend checking out Pyrus' guide to the Transition Mindgame for Freddy. He's certainly not top-tier, but he's a decent mid-tier.
Honestly though, I have no confidence in the devs for the rework between the Plague nerfs nobody asked for and the fact that Legion is going from unique but busted to generic mcgee. My heart is not ready for Freddy to become a super-generic killer who still has more drawbacks than strengths.
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Fun fact: we were supposed to hear news about that rework by now.
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Freddy rework incoming that will just like the legion and plague have so many negatives too his new power that he will still be low tier and the devs will be like, BUT WE REWORKED HIM! , Yeah...reworked him too be bad like the last two killers.
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In a tier list, i putted Freddy alone in the last level ( - in brazilian-portuguese), but i do like to play him, its fun, and i use to get as many 4k as i get with other killers.
I mean, despite a tier list we can make comparing killers in theory, all of then are deadly and strong in practice.
But i hope for a rework that will make him the true nightmare he deserves to be as the most famous and terrifying killer (in cinema) of the game.
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Yeah, no. This strategy won't work at anything beyond rank 15.
Bring on the rework!
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He is a good staller, that's why he is boring to play against