Anti camping system

LyXgames Member Posts: 25
edited April 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

The most common problem I see in the game is a killer camping by the hook. With the new emblem system survivors get punished for getting camped by the killer! This is a big issue and I had an idea to possibly end it. I have a lot of screenshots on my profile of killers camping. 😣

Killers don't get punished for camping in the game, the only thing is that they get minus points in the emblem system. Most of these killers don't care about that and continue to play like this.

My idea:

If the killer is within 16m of the hooked person and NOT in a chase the hook time is doubled. So it forces the killer to move away from the hook and not camp it! And when the killer is in a chase the hook time is as normal.

Camping is even a more of a problem now than before and I hope you do something about it. You may see it as a 'strategy' but I see it as a problem.


  • LyXgames
    LyXgames Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2019

    The time I am on the hook is not long enough to do 5 gens. It sounds very easy but the killer can get at least two kills with it. And how are you going to fix the emblems? If I get camped on the start of the match I lose a pip. Most of the time not enough gens get fixed to be able to escape. AND you have to know the killer is camping somehow, so that takes time too

  • LyXgames
    LyXgames Member Posts: 25

    The problem is that when I do get found I try to waste as much time as I can and then the choice of the killer is to just stand still next to the hook. But the other 3 were doing gens as I was on the hook. If it wasn't an open map they couldn't see the killer camping. I would love something just like the pig's trap when you're in a chase.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    The only thing that have a point right now to fix camping a little are the bp when you are hooked and the killer is nearby, why? No one will get punished, but the surivor will get some points and i think at least a black pip if he was camped throught the full sacrifice process. Why? It will make camping less annoying for survivors without breaking the game, like the most "superior anti-camping solutions" end like.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited April 2019

    camping its been an issue since launch and they did a fix in the ptb but they didint put it cuz ppl abuse it but yeah they should do something about camping killers that are camping are just noobs that just want 1 kill

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Is it "If the killer camps you, go fix a gen" or "if the killer camps, you go fix the gen"? The first would be asking the hooked person to do a gen. I'm just imagining someone trying.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    @fluffybunny Don't bully him.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    @Onekiller7 Oh, a killer main that is angry at survivors for looping him...

    I will give you a tip, they can't loop you if you will:

    1. Mindgame them
    2. Use certain perks or killer abbilities
    3. Destroy the pallets
    4. Eliminate potatoes first

    Point 3 is excellent when used with 3 because noobs will waste the pallets fast.

    And here is the list of characters that have problems with looping (without right perks): Wratih, Myers, Nightmare, Cannibal, Pig... Trapper can place traps before the looping starts and Hag can force survivors to leave the loop with her mudtraps.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    nice bait you have spirit to mindgame you have clown the anti looper you have trapper you have noed you have rancor i can say alot of things that you can counter looping and if you say that some perks for survivors also counter camping its not

  • LyXgames
    LyXgames Member Posts: 25

    Pallet looping isn't a big problem at all. It's the only way a survivor can waste time of the killer... It is not suposed to be that the killer can smack you down in 5 seconds. It would be impossible to escape.. Camping isn't (in my opinion) a way of playing the game and the killer almost never gets punished for it. I bet you are a rank 20-15 survivor who plays killer sometimes.

  • LyXgames
    LyXgames Member Posts: 25

    I think you are very right on that. What do you think about the anti camp system. It doesnt hurt killers that play the game normally, it only hurts the camper.

  • uebski
    uebski Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2019

    I heard couple times from my friend "that game(our previous match) made me angry I must take cannibal and camp someone in basement".

    It's not normal and not cool xD

    Usually ppl want to have fun and improve their gameplay. Campers not. They are trolls who only want to ruin that game.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    If the killer is within 16m of the hooked person and NOT in a chase the hook time is doubled. So it forces the killer to move away from the hook and not camp it! And when the killer is in a chase the hook time is as normal.

    That feeling when this exact thing has been tried out in a PTB and was EXPLOITED by survivors for easier games.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    Just kill the killer if he comes near anyone hooked.

  • LyXgames
    LyXgames Member Posts: 25

    How did they exploit it? It is exactly like the pig trap/borrowed time. The radius isnt very big so the killer can still patrol and survivors can still unhook. I just dont get how you can exploit it 🤔

  • LyXgames
    LyXgames Member Posts: 25

    Sounds like a good idea. But I think it wont stop them

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    *facepalms* How many more times is someone gonna suggest these same ideas that have been tried in the ptb already and survivors abused it? Do survivors just want it back so they can abuse it again?

  • LyXgames
    LyXgames Member Posts: 25

    Can you explain how they abused it? I think I missed it in the PTB it was tested in.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    The mental gymnastics survivors use to not go with an 80% win rate.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,106

    If you camp, you guarantee a kill. and 3 gens lost

    If you don't camp, you don't guarantee a kill, but you put pressure on the survivors, drawing the game out, allowing you to hook the survivors till you hit either the slowdown snowball or the death snowball.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    This doesn't resolve the issue for the guy on the hook.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The guy on the hook didn't get there by magic. The killer did his job.