Again you didn't listen to our feedback.

Now I'm definitely gonna take a long break and play something else.
You've literally made no changes to the Legion from the PTB. As usually our feedback doesn't count.
We do listen to feedback, however, not everyone will feel the same way as you. This is an asymmetrical game with many different playstyles, not everyone is going to see eye to eye on every change. While you may not like the changes personally, there were many more who supported the changes.
With that said, I wish you the best and hope to see you back some day.
75 -
So you think give a lowest kill rate killer a epic nerf is a good idea?
And open the ptb feed back.
Most of them are complain about the ptb legion.
But I guesses new legion would somehow be fine in your team mind
25 -
@Peanits And what about the people with sensible feedback? I don't care if I get ignored (I'm just one), but there was a good bit of people who had balanced feedback (More then I could give).
Well, I doubt they'll get touched so I won't speak about this again. @Ihatelife I heard Minecraft was becoming popular again, you could always join me there if you are on PS4.
Anyways, hope you both have a nice day.
14 -
There was overwhelmingly many people saying it was to rough. We where happy with the removal of the moonwalk cheese and having some counterplay, but not with the complete destruction of his power. This i saw lots of feedback about. And gave alot of my own so feedbak have been given... plentyfull.
32 -
Ok how many playstyles you have with the legion that are fun for the killer not the survivor ?
20 -
Legion just got changed in the way how to play him. Players will adept for sure like they always do. I'm excited to play the new Legion
12 -
I feel the same way about the Legion, I'm still gonna play and try them out tho.
I can advise you some other games if you want.
Titanfall 2 is a great futuristic FPS game, Call of Duty tried and miserably failed to copy it. Even the single player campaign is great.
For Honor is a very different game. It's a semi-realistic fantasy medieval game, you can fight as a Knight, Viking, Samurai or Wu Lin (The Chinese faction).
0 -
#no1curr about the most annoying and boring killer to play against. The only this poz about him is he "looks cool."
4 -
You got a near entire forums unhappy with the changes, you say we listen to the feedback, clearly you did not..
lemme guess..those many who supported these changes were...survivor players and fog whisperers right?
29 -
@Peanits well, no one supported the Pig nerfs though. Not a single person.
Almost everyone suggested to just slow down the EGC timer whenever a survivor has a trap on, but who cares? Let's just COMPLETELY REMOVE HER POWER in the endgame amirite? Great choice, great example of good game design.
I'd better quit and go play Civilization V.
29 -
Not everyone feels the same way, but Legion needs the nerfs right? Just like Pig, instead of fixing their exploits and make them decent, let's give them a hardcore scrapping, which is what a lot of people see these recent Killer nefs as, people see Legion as a dead character right now. It's a shame cause I love Legion but it seems like the nerfs are Survivor sided.
12 -
That's cuz the legion nerfs literally are what only survivors wanted and it was nearly all the nerfs survivors wanted.
11 -
Yeah and even then, I'm main survivor, and I won every single match against Legion so far, even if he was rank 4 and I was 8. And mostly we all managed to get out everytime, so this means he was already screwed. There are barely any people playing him anymore, they only played him when he first came out until main killers realized how screwed he already was. My matches against Legion recently were like 1 in every 30, that means something.
8 -
Ironically, Civ VI is on sale on Steam right now.
19 -
They 'read' the feedback, but didn't voice any opinions about what we proposed, just a radio silence, and kept PTB Legion mostly untouched (Wich is the worst balance idea i've ever seen)
Whatever how you word it, this isn't listening to feedback, @Peanits , nothing against you, it's your job to defend them but seeing this word irks me.
I don't recall seeing anyone liking PTB Legion as a "Decent" killer, people are happy that the exploits are gone but that's the only positive feedback i've seen from the community.
21 -
The vast majority of players have absolutely no idea how to properly balance a killer
115% movement speed is good enough as long as the power isn't garbage as is supported by existing killers (and it made no sense that a killer that is supposed to be fast has slower movement speed than a guy with a limp who is also carrying a chainsaw)
Getting a free hit with the power is good, you can use it to hit multiple people which fits the original design and fantasy and is obviously a good ability to have
The original fantasy is still there. The power is less annoying to play against (and I would argue that the powerlevel is up as well). The rework is fine
8 -
They did listen to feedback. I also gave them feedback, weeks and days after the launch of Legion and they listened.
Jesus Christ.
2 -
6 -
@Madjura No the fantasy isn't there anymore, slow frenzy, slow vaulting, terribly long recharge rate and being unable to use your power until it's fully charged, i feel like you never played Pre-nerf Legion to begin with.
115% is nice, i won't deny it, but if his power, his identity is gone, what is the point of the killer? All the others 115% M1 based killers do the job better than he does, especially Freddy for stalling games.
16 -
Me too:)
1 -
The idea is that you can run down (multiple people) and they have no way to escape
For obvious reason you can't make a killer where it's literally impossible to escape (and it would be boring as hell not only for the survivor but also for the killer)
You can still do that, the only thing that's gone is the bullshit "Run after people with Bloodhound and use your power when it comes off cooldown until they fall over" which was cancer and deserved to be eradicated
I guess if your fantasy is to play a killer that is the physical manifestation of cancer then yes your fantasy is ruined but that deserved to absolutely destroyed
4 -
The majority of people complained that he got overnerfed, you making it sound like the majority of people were happy with the changes. Then again, you guys did come out with MoM, so I don't know if you guys truly know anything about balance.
22 -
@Madjura No you can't,the only thing you do now is play tag with survivors if they decide to stay close together (Wich they won't do if they have braincells, that's how you counter Legion, especially a slow Frenzied Legion like we now have)
The fantasy was running fast, playing the game survivor were playing AGAINST them.
No idea what you mean about "not being able to be escaped", that's the same thing for every killer decent at the game, if they want you, they get you, the only thing you can do is loop and run structures correctly (wich was Legion's weakness as a 110% killer, hitting in frenzy never was optimal (unless Fank's mixtape, wich needed a nerf) and only hindered you and made the other survs genrush you)
I'm happy with the exploits being gone, but it could have been patched without gutting Legion's frenzy to the ground.
Talking about cancer, the only cancer i've seen so far from the Legion initial release was fog whisperes dc'ing against him and never getting punished for it, wich grew and infected others players, wich DC'd as well on sight of any legion player.
12 -
Wait, because your feedback did not fall in line with their changes you are throwing a fit and going home? Life is going to be rough for that snowflake.
As for those saying the overwhelming feedback was that the changes were too harsh, you are greatly mistaken. You are taking the feedback from this hall of tears we call the general forums and considering it to have more weight than it does. Less than 10% of the players post here. There is also Reddit, and direct feedback through appropriate channels.
This forum represents a small minority of the player base. Try to keep that in perspective.
Legion changes are good for the game overall. The player base started its downward slide with Legion's release. Its about time it was addressed.
5 -
There's two things the devs didn't listen or ignored forever
Not fixing snow map hard to see aura and Not fixing totem spawning near gens
11 -
@Peanits @not_Queen nope you didn't listen to us but at least you have remove the pallet penalty that's nice.
8 -
How do you know that? Do you have all those stats from the survey and every other media outlet?
This forum is a very tiny minority and back of the posts about legion on the ptb were from the same group of people.
0 -
Just like survivors say he is op when he is the lowest kill rate killer?
22 -
“abs long as the power isn’t garbage”
Thats what it is now. You’re spreading around a “free hit” that isn’t remotely intimidating because it’s so easy to mend now with the nerfs.
Good survivors just wont heal, like they do now against Plague. So you’re left with a generic M1 killer with no power in a chase. How original for killers. Imagine Trapper in a chase, only there’s no threat of traps.
Its another weak, add-on reliant M1 killer.
17 -
They still havent fixed the audio issues for killers. They still havent fixed the incredible hard to see auras, and scratchmarks on Ormond. I can say with confidence that the devs dont listen to our feedback.
26 -
I'll defend this new Legion cause honestly I think they work well and the people throwing a fit just don't understand how to use them effectively. That said, the auras on Ormond have been an issue for just as long as Legion and haven't been addressed at all. The bottom floor of the Game is pitch black but I haven't heard that addressed either. And if I'm not mistaken there's still a bug with the entity not blocking windows properly.
8 -
And in other news..... the sky is, infact, falling.
6 -
The Legion rework happened because of our feedback in the last months. They did listen.
13 -
I had said good bye to Legion already. I used up every add-on and offering I had before the patch went live.
7 -
Lol I told you guys. These devs don't give a ######### about killers. As long as survivors are having fun, it'll be ok. I didn't buy plague and won't buy anything else.
15 -
While I don't like the direction they took with the Legion change, whining like children isn't changing anyone's opinion.
At least it won't be as hard to mindgame loops anymore.
3 -
Don't take this as a personal attack, but although DbD was revolutionary in so many ways when it came out, when it comes to balance you don't have the slightest idea what you are doing. And that's probably due to the fact that (and you know this better than I do), you don't actually play the game nearly as much as most of your dedicated fans do.
You mostly try to balance the game around stats and well... you know how that has turned out. You had a vision about a fun concept that ended up in a fun game. This time around you forget to ask yourself "what makes the game fun".
1 -
Now if you honestly think the devs care about killers. Then Idk what to tell ya.
6 -
@op you're wrong. They do listen. To survivors, that is.
13 -
Also known as orbiting.
2 -
I like how you still lose your entire power bar on a missed attack even though i reported it pretty early on. You don't lose 50%, you lose everything.
9 -
every time the devs do something no matter what, someone then always needs a buff a nerf or after each patch etc, then they need to work on what ever people are asking for's like ground hog day for devs.....there is MUCH on this forum to listen too.....i personally am not finding many bugs etc or things on the ps4 but that is just it's like they do their best and try to fix things and then try and fix and help the issue and then the forums light up like Christmas and then repeat
3 -
you are so made cause for once they "didn't listen" to killers.
0 -
Keep in mind. If you really thought the devs will “listen” to our feedback. Then you are mistaken. These are the devs That don’t see Mettle of man as a issue. These are the devs that caved in to buffing DS to 5 seconds Due to crying survivors. So “listening to our feedback” is non existent for killers.
@not_Queen said they want more feedback and data for mettle of man before reworking it. HAAA like the forums aren’t flooded with posts about it being broken for M1 killers and SWF.
these are the same devs that don’t wanna help killers against SWF.
expectations should always be low. Same with Ghostfsce. Expect a nerf for that boii ASAP.
16 -
Considering how quick killer mains are to panic about anything that might make them work a little bit harder, I'm not surprised they're waiting to hear more feedback on MoM than just the first two weeks worth of crying. The fact that they said they're listening to feedback means they're open to changing it. Especially considering they said they're not touching NOED despite survivors throwing a fit over it constantly.
5 -
Ssshh, don't go against the grain. I mean...
Devs stink! They're all survivors mains! That's all the devs care about!
4 -
People here really don't realize or remember how bad killer was this time last year huh
1 -
I agree, yes 2 different sides but don't listen to survivor mains!
1 -
We do not listen to one side more than the other. We take feedback from everyone and make sure it is unbiased by the time it gets to the team. (e.g. We don't say, "Killer players don't like this, survivors don't like that.", we say "People don't like these particular changes."