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General Discussions

Toxicness of End-game Collapse.

Member Posts: 116
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

Since the game has been updated, almost every game I have had has a killer who will slug you, close hatch and then let you bleed out. Or they will close hatch before they can slug you, and just follow you around so you can't open a gate. It's getting kind of annoying imo, and wish there was a way to avoid this without just straight up dcing.

No, I'm not just trying to sound like a cry baby survivor main. Yes I realize dying isn't really that big of a deal. It's just kind of annoying that I have to waste 5 minutes at the end of every game because toxic killers like to just sit and babysit you till you die. Wasn't the purpose of end-game collapse to get rid of hatch stand offs? They basically still exist but now it's just a gate standoff where you always die. Before anyone says anything NO, I do not play toxic in my games. I don't spam flashlights or tea bag. It's just salt on the killer's side.

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  • Member Posts: 8,243

    I understand your point, it feels terrible but the best thing you can do is try your best to avoid that situation.

    If you're always in a 1v1 situation, run Object of Obsession and Sole Survivor. These perks will help you sneak progression on to the exit gate until it's open.

  • Member Posts: 116

    Timer goes slower if you're downed, is it still 4 minutes with the slowed timer? Feels like forever to me. I doubt that this will happen less within the next few days since we had ptb, and anyone that was actually interested most likely saw it then. Hatch stand offs never went away so It's not like this will just magically disappear.

  • Member Posts: 116

    I thought it was base 3 minutes, my bad. This is on pc tho, shouldn't be an issue with ptb lol.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    It was 3 minutes base, was changed to 2 minutes. And still, not everyone is playing the PTB, Mid-Chapter PTBs are also not that interesting than PTBs with an actual, new Killer.

    Just give it a few days.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    There is nothing the devs can do to stop this, it's just more BM indirectly added into the game by trying to make a good update to endgame it seems the tables have turned though instead of the survivors teabagging at the exit gates it's instead the killers mocking you for 4 minutes waiting for you to die.

  • Member Posts: 1,113

    I feel you man, just played a spirit who closed the hatch right in front of me and slugged me the 4 minutes EGC lasted

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Its high pressure for sure but not impossible. While not many I have made a few solo escapes after killer found the hatch. Its intense and more geared towards stealthy maneuvers which is a nice change from prolonged chases or face to face wait outs.

  • Member Posts: 116

    Most of the time, it is impossible. Gates usually spawn pretty close to each other the only map where this doesn't happen is leiry's maybe. But in high ranks, you usually go against killers with high mobility (most of them being billy or nurse) that can ping back and forth between exits in a matter of seconds.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    There are enough chances to avoid the scenario where the hatch is closed. At some point, you have lost the game.

    Alternatively, you can bring a key to re-open the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 116

    If you bring a key it goes back to square 1, it's just a hatch stand off now.

  • Member Posts: 330

    I mean, most of my games that survivors escape from have survivors that wait out the EGC timer before actually leaving, so I'm just returning the favor :D

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    It's not, the killer can't grab you from the hatch anymore during EGC.

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  • Member Posts: 40

    This sounds awful and i don't support toxic behavior but i do kinda understand why some killers are being dicks, its because survivors used to dick around the exit gate and waste time. tho i'd argue that in that case at least both have a choice, the killer have the choice of chasing them outside the gate (forcing them to leave or slug and hooked) the survivor can either fall on their face and get hooked or run the ######### out of there...its not one sided but it is toxic. this however is one sided

    in this case tho the killer is the only person with a choice which makes it super annoyed as you can't run nor ######### on a hook, you just wait till you die

    i honestly do not like the end game, i find it rushed and annoying but maybe it will grow on me with time

    sorry you had to go through that

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    I’d hope if it’s down to 2 assuming u got 3 gens done u would be looking for the hatch

    that said se05239 I feel ya I’ve had my fair share even got a infinite 3 Myers 5 gens left.

    he hid for 3 hours before he dc cause he didnt want me to catch him working on a gen.

  • Member Posts: 850

    Fair payback if you ask me

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    The roles has changed.

  • Member Posts: 163
    edited May 2019


  • Member Posts: 3,059

    Honestly it's not so bad. Survivors had their turn for 2 years and now that killers can do this I find it funny survivors start to complain about it when it was only out for 2 days. XD

  • Member Posts: 13

    True, it is only for 4 minutes max if they close that hatch and the gates aren't open yet.

    However, it is not easy to get out by opening the gates if you're the last one left. It's pretty difficult.

    It's definitely easier for killer these days.

    I play both killer and survivor, and I do like the end game collapse as killer mostly.

  • Member Posts: 16,663


    That is not the point. Of course it is easier for Killers with the new EGC, they are more likely to find the Hatch before the Survivor.

    But when it comes to EGC, there is that one thing that defines the game too much anway: RNG. Where is the Hatch? How far away from Hatch/other Exit are the Exit Gates? This basically defines the chances for the Survivor.

    And well, sadly RNG does already so much in this game.

  • Member Posts: 218

    It's getting to the point survivors have to realize they aren't supposed to get out alive, so grab as many points as you can before the game itself kills you. Just another way to tip the scales in the killers does look cool though.

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    Ok don't blame that on endgame when they could very easily have just happened in any other match.

    For the love of God will people stop using endgame as they're scapegoat for not having the best match

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but in those situations the killer would have downed you anyway.

    Right now people just want to see how the entity kill thing works it's a new toy.

    Give it about a week and Killers won't give a crap anymore

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    The killer cannot pull you out of the hatch so no it doesn't.

    If you have a key you could let you jump in at any time even if the killers are right behind you

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    Make the concede button happen, that'll make the problem more bearable.

  • Member Posts: 1,253
    edited May 2019

    Escaping as the last survivor should be very uncommon. Your team did bad, in a team game.

  • Member Posts: 224

    Cypress Mori should be baseline and give sacrifice points for this reason. Encourage killers to end it quickly instead of waiting out the clock.

    The entity should only come into play if the killer can't find or is in a long chase with the last survivor when the hatch has been closed.

  • Member Posts: 254

    I had this happen to me 6 out of 10 matches last night. It was getting ridiculous. So that ended up being 12-24 minutes wasted. I hope after enough times passes, this becomes more rare.

  • Member Posts: 60

    Yes, there are survivors that tea bag at the exit gates. But you can just chase them out as killer, it's a matter of seconds. Personally, I leave when there is nothing else to do, never saw the point of waiting around at the gates. Also never did hatch stand offs. Because I'm playing games to have fun, not to get bored to death. And I'm fine with having lost, when the killer closes the hatch. But please give me an option to suicide after that when I'm down or something. Because I havent managed to open an exit gate in that situation once so far. But I have been downed and held hostage until the end of the ecg plenty of times. And I also don't believe that this is something that will end. it's ######### behavior and a boring waste of time.

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