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Is this game ever going to address how OP Billy Is?

Those of you who would argue how Billy is NOT OP, dont bother. You know you’re lying. Everyone knows it.

The fact is that most Biilies I play against over roughly level 7 can chainsaw you from short, medium, or long distances, in open areas or mazes, houses etc. If you can master Billy you are pretty much guaranteed 4ks every game unless facing a fierce 4 man swf. And heaven help you if you’re the last survivor and haven’t found the hatch. You are not getting out with the new Endgame Collapse. Hell ANY killer can cover both gates 75% of the time.

Im not saying it doesn’t take skill to play Billy, it does. But someone who masters a killer shouldn’t be guaranteed a 4k any more than someone who masters survivor should be uncatchable.

The standard high level Billy game goes like this: Game starts. Ruin is up. He races to a gen and downs someone. He’s running bbq. Not everyone can get to a closet. He hooks and races to the guy he saw with bbq. Meanwhile the 1st guy is unhooked. He hooks the 2nd guy and goes back to the first hook area and/or uses bbq. Repeat until all survivors are thoroughly owned. The main problem is the fact that good billies can chainsaw you at close range from a dead stop no matter the environment. When a billy races up near you and can then immediately rev up, and chainsaw you while you’re weaving around rocks and mazes is ridiculous.

I know to hide in closets. I know to dodge based on the sound of when he will get to you. Long distance hits aren’t the problem. Its the fact that all good billies have to do is get close to you and they will 1 hit you from close to medium range easily. And because they are arguably the most mobile / fastest killer in the game they can always get near survivors quickly.

Its at the point where i am deranking just to not deal with this garbage anymore. At higher ranks its all Billy, Nurse, Michael, Spirit, Legion... with OP addons (dont get me started on killer addons vs survivor addons).

As a survivor solo main I’m pretty fed up with the imbalances. While I’m glad for various improvements they make there are always new issues and old ones that never get fixed. Around ranks 7-10 there seems to be at least 1 dc every other game from getting downed right at the start and knowing you’ll likely be camped or tunnelled or its just feeling hopeless because its Billy or Nurse and the things already mentioned. Anyhow whatever. I expect no changes so ill just keep hoping for someone to create a better version of this game so i can quit this one.

PS - Just quit a billy game. Why? I run through a pallet as he revs up, I stun him but I’m still downed with 1 hit and pallet is intact. How does that make sense? Screw the godawful implementation of this game.

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  • Member Posts: 923

    Again we are going to repeat Billy will remain untouched because he is the most balanced killer. Remove rush gen then we talk.

    Plus billy is loopable but can counter a lot of loop with the steering, them too can be countered , he is the most fun play to play with/against.

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    He talks about elements throughout the game not just end game

  • Member Posts: 371

    Billy and Claudette are tin the game for the same reason: Every game needs an easy-mode, and they cant make 'easy-mode' pay 2 win so they're free.

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    A competent Billy is more fair than a Pro-Nurse, but hey that's just me I guess.

  • Member Posts: 1,510

    Yes, Billy is bothersome but Billy can’t be touched until the other killers can deal with survivors as readily as he can.

  • Member Posts: 625

    Yeah, I think if Nurse would be released today she can port through walls, have 2 blinks and 110% movement speed.

    Her Blinks would have a Timer though.

  • Member Posts: 242

    My post begins with the FACT that Billy is OP and asks if the game will ever address it. I didn't ask for opinions on whether he was.

  • Member Posts: 371

    Why is nobody talking about Wraith, I'm wrecking face with him lol. so easy.

  • Member Posts: 242

    Exactly Mochan. Take addons out of the picture and compare high level / mastered killers and only Billy and Nurse are near unbeatable. If you want to throw some very strong addons into the mix then some others like the spirit, michael, clown, can basically get free 4ks with the right addons. But in those situations i blame the addons for being OP. The only killers that, once i know who it is, i think “this could be a slaughter if they’re good”, are Billy and Nurse. And at least with nurse, if they are average or below its actually easier than normal. Not so with Billy.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    Something doesn't become true just because you claim it is a "fact".

    Billy's insta-saw is too strong, but that's about it. Billy with no add-ons can get looped easily just like almost every other killer.

    Tip #1: If you have problems looping Billy, there are several good streamers you can watch and learn from.

    Tip #2: Play Billy yourself and learn how not-op he is and what his weaknesses are.

  • Member Posts: 192

    Him having the mobility AND instadown his chainsaw offers makes for quite a stacked kit for sure.

    IF they were to touch him I wish they just buffed Leatherface's chainsaw to be more threatening so he could be the instadown chainsaw man while Billy could be the mobile chainsaw man. Because Bubba needs some love 😥

  • Member Posts: 458

    honestly, once i got good as survivor and especially as killer, rank one, billy became a lot easier to beat.

    unless he has the turning addons, i approach him similar to the doctor

    you can even drop pallets early against him and get to every pallet and 3 gens will be done at least.

  • Member Posts: 458

    i would say he's the most overrated killer in the game, i would bet most of my pips since emblem system was released are against billies

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    Yea.... As a good survivor you should never get hit by a medium range let alone a long range saw. Its very easy to juke as long as your reactions are not slow.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Killer wise I don't like him. As a survivor I think he is the most balanced killer we have. Strong and efficient when in skilled hands but still counterable as long as you don't engage him without a zone of obstacles. The only time I feel he becomes overly oppressive is when teammates are just feeding him everything he needs to track and kill.

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    Ppl think that hes balance i dont see him balance its close to be balance but no he use chainsaw when hes super close to the survivor without any debuff and thats bad cuz some sort of powers that have the killers have something that gives them a debuff the chainsaw hitbox its just insane but i hope soon they do something i heard that they were doing something with nurse and billy and thats theyre addons maybe they also doing something to them

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Hillbilly is not OP, why?

    Lockers literally hard counter him, same with Head On when he is charging, etc

  • Member Posts: 1,358
    edited May 2019

    That dosent make any sense he can directly open the locker if you stop charging hes power xd

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    @Tru3Lemon Yes, but if he get close to the locker throw yourself out, forcing him to push back, then get back in, he will end up using his chainsaw and you can continue the chase, you just have to learn how to go up against Hillbilly to know he is not OP whatsoever, in fact, even Pallets are his weakness as if you have good timing you can stun Hillbilly with it, several counters, Top tier, no where close to OP

  • Member Posts: 406
    There are 15 killers and only two are viable. Fix your game

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    Do you realise that youre own words dosent make any sense if the survivor force to get out the killer can directly grab you xd

  • Member Posts: 194

    The only problem with Billy is his insta saw, I don't think he needs a cooldown if those add ons are changed. He is very loopable, especially those killers that insist on revving their chainsaws at good loops until they realise they have to m1 you.

    Do I think his insta saw add-on should be tweaked? Yes, along with Nurses omega blink add-ons.

    BUT there are also Survivor perks and add-ons that need looked at. At the end of the day the devs will be constantly trying to balance the game. Red ranks are full of Billys and Nurses because people at those ranks tend to want to win, hence they're at red ranks.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    @Tru3Lemon You can grab someone with your chainsaw still charging up?

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    He's the MOST BALANCED killer imo! You can loop him, how is that overpowered?????????

  • Member Posts: 625

    Because when you let a survivor get to a pallet it's over for you.

  • Member Posts: 4,388

    Billy is not OP. He is a top tier killer. All killers should be in the category of Billy and Spirit just slightly under Nurse.

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