Funniest Phrases You've Heard From A Survivor



  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Oh, I've gotten the usual as doc when people are dumb enough to leave a 3 gen nest. It's like they expect us to turn off our brain and let them lead them to the 50 pallets that are on the opposite side of the map instead of guarding their objective... a situation that's totally preventable if people would actually pay attention to the gens they are doing (co'mon kids, the gens have gigantic lights in the sky for a reason... use it)

    But nothing is like the old-school hate we used to get. And when I talk old-school - I mean the days when sabotage used to take down hooks permanently. So what did you do to counter it? You slugged them. And if you were feeling particularly spiteful, you'd stand on the back of the Jake who was hitting your hooks until he bled out. And back then? it took longer to get a survivor on their feet again... and they couldn't partially heal themselves - and Unbroken didn't exist. The crap we used to get back then for punishing the survivors that made our game hell.

    I remember shortly after the Doc was released and hadn't been buffed yet, I was using his shock not for chases, but to probe hiding spots. I had one guy talk about how much I sucked because "I could only find them by shocking them". Okay.... I'm bad for using the killer as intended I guess?

    And finally, this old classidc. Who wouldn't camp here? You bet I got crap for it too....

  • LizzyLovesSatan
    LizzyLovesSatan Member Posts: 8

    I was once accused of "totem camping" - it's a shame that the survivors were so salty, because I found that particular game to be a lot of fun and really exciting! What a strange thing to complain about...

  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498

    using insta hatchets on huntress and a survivor said i shouldnt. why?? because its boring and unfair...

  • EeveeStone812
    EeveeStone812 Member Posts: 1
    "Your bad play a killer that takes skill"
    "he takes zero skill and he is broken no skill needed"
    "why he takes no skill or is that why you wanna use him easy to play"

    This particular survivor, tried to bodyblock me, while I was playing Myers, in tier 3....... I was just laughing the entire time.
  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,219

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    VolantConch1719 said:

    It's not something that was said, but it kind of fits. I was chasing a Meg, and she jumped through a window on Mother's Dwelling. I looked in, she stood there, and started t-bagging me. I was playing Huntress. You can probably figure out what happened next.

    A DC right after you picked her up.

    I can't remember if she had DC, but it was her second hook. She was the only death that game, but you do not try t-bagging a Huntress through a window when you're injured.

  • Bayside
    Bayside Member Posts: 40

    Quite possibly the best/funniest salt I've ever received.

  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845

    My funniest one is this: "I will remember you"
    This was in response to a "Camp" where I hooked him in the basement and found the only other survivor left and he decided to continue to run around the basement, leaving my terror radius constantly within the basement.

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272

    I got quite a funny quote 3 days ago when I won a game as a Freddy against a 4 man SWF Bully squad

    They said in the post-game chat: "Nice smurf account. Buying a secondary account to go against new players"

    I replied with "Dude it's the 13th so the ranks reset..."

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    So I just had a match with three Claudettes complaining about me using Franklin's Demise when they entered the match with a toolbox each.

    Then they complained about me "camping them" when their teammates would run to them while hooked with me chasing after them....

    At least I didn't go for the person who was just unhooked lmfao....

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    edited June 2018
    Took down all 4 toxic swf group twice in same match while they ######### with me. Then they all dc and had to message them ######### thats a mark against account if dc. There like "Ahahaha the killer is such a ######### she thinks she deserves the kill." another said "i do not know what your talking about.... are you autistic" other two never messaged me back about there dc. 
  • GhostrickSpecter
    GhostrickSpecter Member Posts: 460

    They called me a "Fre-Camper" while I was playing Freddy, but...they rescue the guy I hooked right in front of me after I just hooked him less than 1 second...

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,452
    I was told I was playing The Pig wrong because I put traps on 2 survivors before any generators were completed.
    Me: Obviously not because you all died only completing 2 gens. 😂😂😂
  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498

    just got another "bbq and nurses take off your training wheels" when i got a 4 man and when i said play killer at rank 1 see how easy it is they said killer is boring meaning they are a survivor main complaining about killer perks i love it

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    Claudette was running DS, SB, Sabo, and Self Care. Pallet camped like they wanted to roast marshmallows over it. I responded by tunneling and hook camping, as I should have. After the game, they told me to L2P (even though I got a Merciless) and—get this—tried to argue that none of the Perks they used were OP in any way, and neither was pallet looping, calling it "a part of the game, unlike hook camping."

    By the way, this happened all the way back when Myers and Laurie were the only licensed characters, pallet camping was referred to as cheesing, and "Dwight Strats" were still a thing people did—i.e., way back when the above Perks and tactics were SO underhanded and overpowered that even other Survivor mains frowned upon them.

    Best part? They were the ONLY salty one. I played "fairly" to the rest of the Survs and even had an honestly enjoyable post-game chat with an Ace. Only Meme Squad Black Woman was upset that her OPAF tactics and BMing earned her negative karma.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    Freshly hitting rank 2 I am enjoying the challenge it's providing.

    Just had the two survivors I killed in a match with sub 6.7k score at the end of the match for "Being such a trash killer."

    One of the other survivors responded to them saying "He stomped you and yet he's the bad one?"
  • flamestandish
    flamestandish Member Posts: 130

    Started by my friend Ryder @Ryder ,

    “Next time, try a killer with blink power”,
    Or one of my adaptations;
    “Try a killer with zap power”.

  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    Rank 20/19 is a precious land, people are actually nice to me. Once a team said I had clean trap placement as Trapper after I got 3 traps going off in under 10 seconds though. To be fair, they didn't have much reason to be salty though, they all escaped. It's only when you win where they shout at you.

  • OXY
    OXY Member Posts: 68

    Had some guy a few weeks back say the team was terrible yet he didn't do any generators the entire match. Actually, I'm pretty sure he hid the whole game. Anyway, it was just me and him left and he was opening the gate. The Killer came and downed him then put him on the hook. There honestly wasn't much I could do as the Killer was camping him because the gates were open... so I just left. No point in risking it and going down as well.

    Then he started raging and blaming me. :lol:

  • mistressdiana
    mistressdiana Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2018
    Got told I was "carried by the mori" as Freddy when all four ran at me to teabag right after noed kicked in so I slugged them all and went around mori'ing them one by one
  • Nergana
    Nergana Member Posts: 6

    "camping and tunneler why do u hate urself"

  • NeoVid
    NeoVid Member Posts: 37

    "######### U AND UR OP KILLER!!" After a game where I got 1 kill.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    ME: gg
    Claudette (my obs with Remember Me): nah my team was bad
    ME: Really? Then why after I caught you twice and left you to get away both times did you, both times, go right to my totem when you knew I knew that you knew where it was AND you were the obsession with no DS/surv obs perks?
    Claudette: LOL i din't know where it was (when I caught her obviously walking away from it both times)

  • JFox
    JFox Member Posts: 41

    "Killers are too OP and pallet loop is the only way to survive"

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259
    "I ran you around for a while" a while being two gens. Each chase lasted 30 seconds and he has a styptic agent
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258
    edited July 2018

    "killers can pallet loop too!!11!1!!" - we remember you, knight

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    edited July 2018
    I had a survivor report me for "farming and trolling"

    He was the last survivor, I killed all his team before they got a gen done, had Dying Light on, and had 3 Reverse Bear Traps left. I trapped him all 3 times, let him get it off and let him stun me a few times for points, then killed him.

    In his words... "You're supposed to let the survivor live if you're going to farm, otherwise it's trolling and just farming for yourself"

    then after I told him I didn't have to do what he said and he's not entitled to a free escape, he says "which is exactly why you've been reported"
  • AsianMammoth
    AsianMammoth Member Posts: 86
    "Bloodlust needs a nerf, you can literally be braindead and win because of it"
    "Just break the pallet" 
    "Gens are done at a fine pace"
    "Make BBQ a Hex perk"
    "Freddy is OP, you can't see him until he hits you"