Dedicated Servers

We really need dedicated servers, the killer being the host can be a bit...annoying. I had games in DBD where the killer would lag to my position or even a survivor and also getting hit behind trees, walls etc.
Please and thank you.


  • Queen_Shepis
    Queen_Shepis Member Posts: 39

    A lot of problems and issues could get solved with dedicated servers. Dunno why Deathgarden is getting them but DBD not.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Not to mention the killers who intentionally stream videos or download things in the background to make the survivors lag.

    I would assume that the reason DBD doesn't have dedicated servers is financial, because I can't see any other explanation. Having killers host games is like having cost-free regional servers. Perhaps Deathgarden has a bigger budget.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    I would really really like to see this happen. The reason Cheaters are rampant is due to the fact that it's P2P, with the dedicated server all lag switching, cheats, progression hacks will be all dead. No one will be able to cheat anymore

    For Honor started out as P2P, it has dedicated servers now, I don't see why it's impossible for Dead by Daylight

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    Dedicated server are inded really needed, not only for lag sake but also for security reason.
    You have no idea how ######### easy it is to get a killer IP adresse and DOS/DDOS them

  • etms51
    etms51 Member Posts: 625

    same for me, this game is needed for dedicated server, because but always in the night whose I play, you see that almost all the killers who have a good connection, after when i enter the game, these killers lagg to be disgusting.
    I hope that with dedicated servers will improve the game.

  • whippyninja27
    whippyninja27 Member Posts: 2

    It would be lovely if Behavior would support they're loyal fan base with Dedicated servers. Instead of launching a new ip with them. It's kind of a middle finger to us and shows where our community stands to them.