A 5th perk slot, with a twist!

Ok, so a 5th perk slot. Cool, yeah? But there’s a catch!
Have you ever played MarioKart where players select a track? Well, this will be like that. Once all 5 players have locked in at the lobby (the red slash is active) then the fun part begins!
4 random perks populate for the 1st survivor’s 5th slot, and the 4 other players (killer included) get to vote on it over a 7-second (or less if votes are fast) period. The most votes wins, or the computer picks one of the tied perks. Voting occurs for each survivor, and then the survivors all vote on one for the killer!
Because the killer will usually vote for the weaker perk, and the survivors will usually choose stronger ones for their buddies, the killer will often be outvoted. I think the Killer’s vote should count as 2.
Survivors will almost always choose the weakest one for the killer, but hey, a perk is a perk, yeah? Besides, some strategy could be involved here. Killer may try to turn a key-holding survivor into the obsession. Survivors may try to increase the killer’s terror radius.
I think this would be a lot of fun and only adds about 40 seconds to the start of the game. If this could be done simultaneously with the black loading screen of the game, even better! Sure beats sitting there staring!
Uhhhh let's see-
40 seconds to the start sounds SO long
If other players voted my perks, it wouldn't be as fun. And who knows if there was a SWF team that pits against that lonely sole player :O
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It would be great if we could do this during the load screen before the match. But even if that’s not a programming possibility, it’s an “active” 40 seconds so it goes by more quickly.
And yes, players will try often to give others (killer especially) weak perks. But hey, a perk is a perk, so even a weak one is beneficial (except, perhaps, “no mither” for people not expecting it. That one could be removed as an option)
It could be anonymous for the survivors to make sure SWFs don’t bully the solos.
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We NEED the 5th perk slot. More an more perks appears and we can't use anyone, because all of them are worst than meta's. I saw killers saying this is a buff for survivors, but I think is the opposite. Killer's perks are by far better than survivor's. Imagine the game only with 2 perks. Killers can't use NOED, Ruin or B&C
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I'd rather the fifth perk slot just be survivor restricted, so it has to be one of that survivor's base perks.
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Sounds like a pretty dumb idea, tbh.
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A 5th perk will be powerful, whether it’s a killer or survivor who uses it. So much so that I think allowing players to choose (or even know) what the 5th perk is can throw the whole game out of balance.
If you don’t know which perk you’ll get, you can’t strategize and modify your build to accommodate it. Sometimes you’ll get lucky, sometimes not.
Don’t like letting others vote? That’s fine, let the computer randomly select it, where “rarity” determines the likelihood of getting it and at what tier. Just don’t give players any control over their own perk.