No battlepass on my game



  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446

    By the same logic you could sell alcohol to a recovering alcoholic because if you don't sell it to them, someone else will

    There are ways to give cosmetics out to people. Even ways that let the devs earn money. Those ways are not (as) predatory and bullshit as a battle pass would be. In absolutely no way is a battle pass superior for an average players than those alternatives, however those alternatives are much better for mentally unhealthy individuals and minor. Therefore there is no excuse not to use those alternative channels without those severe issues

  • legion_main
    legion_main Member Posts: 483

    @Madjura They shouldn´t have to limit what they want to put in the game just because of addicts

    Like lasombra said an addict will just move on to a new game anyways its not like they are just gonna stop their addiction if dbd doesent have a battle pass

    Like do you even think about these things? The garbage you spout literally makes no sense

  • Redcum
    Redcum Member Posts: 261

    Pretty sure they'll do like they did with every events skins. You can get them for "free" by paying for the premium battlepass and grinding or you might be able to get them later for a higher price. Maybe the battlepass will be 10 euros and you'll be able to get a few cosmetics which would cost 10 euros on their own.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Just as long as the cosmetics in the pass aren't limited time, I'll be fine.

  • Redcum
    Redcum Member Posts: 261

    So, basically, BHVR shouldn't make money because you don't have any self control? Lmao, it's not like it would be 60 euros, a single skin costs 10 euros and you think that between 10 to 20 ######### euros would ruin someone's life?

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446

    No they legally don't have to but morally they absolutely should when superior options (normal event, store) are available

    A battle pass has exactly zero advantage for regular players over other acquisition methods. And likewise the other methods have zero downsides over the battle pass. However for some players the battle pass mechanic has very severe downsides, so there is no good reason to have such a mechanic in the game

    Someone who is addicted moving to other games that have predatory bullshit mechanics is still no reason to add the same predatory bullshit mechanics to the game because at the end of the day you are still exploiting vulnerable people and that is still absolutely disgusting

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,084


    Thank you for the Info!

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    "The cosmetics are already overpriced, you think adding in more will break anyone?"

  • legion_main
    legion_main Member Posts: 483


    So you think spending 10-20 dollars is going to absolutely ¨ruin¨ someones life?

    I dont see any downsides to it other than people crying about it being to similar to fortnite and in retrospect these two games have nothing in common

    Also I doubt they are going to call it a battlepass anyways

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446

    See this post for the general problems:

    It doesn't matter how much it costs, it's still bullshit. Even if it was free with exclusive cosmetics that are only available for a limited time it be problematic because people will feel forced to play or they lose out

    The name is completely irrelevant, what matters are the mechanics

  • legion_main
    legion_main Member Posts: 483

    @Madjura They would all just be cosmetics not pay to win items so there is literally nothing problematic about it

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    Nope, not what I am saying at all actually. What I am saying is nothing will stop an addict until the addict hits rock bottom. Adding or not adding a battle pass will not change their addiction. And as a recovering alcoholic, it is not a bartender's fault if I order a drink. I am responsible for my own actions and my own addiction.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    I just hope you all realize if they add a "battle pass" there will be people farming for challenges and other stuff I already hate events to a certain extent due to farmers this would add more of them.

  • legion_main
    legion_main Member Posts: 483

    @KillermainBTWm8 but the thing is you don´t know how the battle pass is gonna be

    It could be just however many emblems you get progresses your battlepass

    we have to wait before we can actually criticize it yet

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    @legion_main it will most likely be like the daily rituals except it progresses your battlepass I don't see them using the emblem system to progress it because the emblem system sucks and creating more features on it would just suck even more. You are right about waiting to criticize it though.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited May 2019

    A battle-pass just means this games becoming more main stream I guess, while I don't agree with this practice, they're going to continue with it and nothing any of us say or do will change their mind as it's already set in stone.

    I guess we'll just have to live with it, but I expect a fair amount of people to quit because of this. I hope everyone is prepared for that possible outcome to become a reality.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Boosted_Dwight I wouldn't doubt them possible having some that're limited edition.

    Considering how company's do this (Can't name any specific games sadly) it will give players a sense of inflated urgency to buy the skin before it is gone. People love limited time skins in games and or limited time items that nobody else can get anymore.

    It makes people feel special in their favorite games, so I wouldn't doubt this will happen.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Honestly as long as they don't lock cosmetics into the battle pass that I won't be able to get anywhere else I'm good.

    Normally every now and then I buy a stockpile of auric cells so if any cosmetics come out I could get what I need but if this battle pass comes out and things are locked it's going to be really annoying to keep having the stockpile and invest in the battle pass as well

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    They 100% should add a battle pass. It will give me more reason to play and grind the game. Without something like that, I will play hundreds of hours less than I otherwise would play. It wouldn't harm the game at all. It would only give people things to grind for. People like you need to stop being so anti-microtransaction/anti paying for cosmetic/similar stuff in games. It's not going away and it never will. You have to come to terms with the fact that it is here to stay. Instead, focus on the microtransactions that are very harmful and legitimately make the gameplay experience worse. Eastern style mmos are a good example of this. Not battle passes.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    It's not a "predatory practice." You do not need to have costumes/skins to do well in the game. It's not like a lootbox where you can't guarantee that you get an item. You buy a battlepass and you play the game to earn things within the battlepass. The fact that you had to spend money to buy the game originally is irrelevant to whether or not a game should have a battle pass or cosmetic microtransactions. They negatively impact the game in zero ways and only give people more things in the game to have or look forward to grinding. You need to get out of the mindset of 1992 and understand that these kinds of practices aren't going to go anywhere. No matter how much you complain about it, or how much you want to go back to the 90s, it isn't going to happen. You need to move on.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    There is no legit reason for hating it. It's literally just people who hate microtransactions and get angry at them for being in a game that they had to pay some money for. They completely ignore the fact that it's entirely cosmetic and will have zero impact on gameplay. People will complain no matter what and you just have to laugh at and ignore the idiots who truly believe that this is a predatory or awful idea.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    I hope the opposite. The battle pass would be a complete waste of time for me if it didn't have exclusives. A simple fix to this would be to allow you to just purchase it with auric cells. That way you don't have to spend more money than you already have. You would just have to play the game and earn the skin. I hope no one would actually complain about having to grind out levels for the pass tho.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443
    edited May 2019

    Your entire point is so laughable that it's not even worth addressing. You completely lost any and all credibility when you said "over priced cosmetics" and then moved into a huge slippery slop fallacy. You have a massively flawed argument and you need to fix it before it's worth taking seriously

    You can't just assume that by adding a battle pass that it will move into more predatory practices. Assuming that is a literal flaw of argumentation and makes your argument super bad from the start. What you consider to be overpriced or greedy is entirely arbitrary and far from factual. The fact that it's in a game you paid for is completely irrelevant and has no bearing on whether or microtransactions are ok or not. The game needs money to keep it going. Without microtransactions games like this would get released and receive very few updates, if any at all. Cosmetics allow the devs to make money without harming the gameplay at all. That's exactly what a battle pass is. A completely fair way for them to make money while not harming the game in any way. You don't have to like it, but that's what games are going to do from now on. This isn't going to change and there is nothing you can do about it. If you hate it so much I would recommend you quit playing online games and stick to singleplayer games. Microtransactions and battle passes aren't going anywhere.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    I will be fine with the battle pass as long as their "pay to lose" thing continues in the battle pass

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625

    Then don't get it.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457


    That’s where the keyword RESPONSIBLE comes in handy.

    If you know you are not able to afford something then you shouldn’t be getting it.

    This same theory you keep applying can be applied to anything. Plenty of others industry does this. You just need to know how to train your brain on what you NEED vs WANT.

    Also if these passes are true then it would make sense. How else are the devs going to be able to support dedicated servers?

    Honestly the devs are just trying to continue building their brand.

    They could even expand themselves by bringing their characters to the film industry.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893


    If I can purchase it with auric cells I'm down for it it means my stockpile won't be completely useless.

    It also means I could grind out for what I wanted then leave it there.

    Honestly I do hope they purchase it directly or with auric cells idea

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I can live with a battle pass for a f2p game.

    But for a full price game? That's a huge no go.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited May 2019

    Honestly, I'm all for an Entity Pass because there is likely a free one and a premium one. The free pass will give you free stuff just by playing the game, I mean it's free stuff for crying out loud. Sure, there's a premium Entity Pass, but that's the player's choice to purchase. If you're going to complain about free stuff, then I don't what to say anymore.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547
  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    As long as its not pay2win then who really cares what they do. You can ignore the pass and play like normal. No one here has problems with 10 dollar skins but a battle pass triggers them? People saying they are going to quit have me laughing. The pass is coming. Why are you still here? I think you will really be some of the first adopters of the pass.

    And the concept of a battle pass didn't start with Fortnite. It's like everyone here is more concerned with not being associated with Fortnite than being rational and judging the pass by its content and rewards versus price when it comes out.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    You're not forced to buy it and it's not game changing so there's no real problem.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446

    Agreed. If the forums had something like Reddit Gold / Platinum (whatever it's called now) I would gild it

    Everyone who thinks battle passes are fine:

    What advantage(s) does a battle pass have over the already established distribution methods?

    As outlined in this thread by multiple people now they have a huge issue with people being manipulated to play more than they normally would, which especially mentally unhealthy people (addiction) and minors will fall prey to. Therefore there should be (a) severe advantage(s) that a battle pass has over other system that do not have these issues to mitigate them. What are they?

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471
  • BlackReaper
    BlackReaper Member Posts: 134

    " incentivize ", You said it yourself, take it or leave, nobody ask you for buy it and if you dont know, the battle pass was created for valve and implemented in Dota 2, so its nothing about fortnite, is just you and some ######### trying to be the law of the game, go and cry far from here please.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714


    As long as gullible kids and adults are around videogames, this whole trend of "give me your money and I'll give you the chance to grind for stuff" won't go anywhere.

    It gets even more ridiculous when you consider the grind is for virtual pieces of clothing that somehow people feel "special" for owning.

    I paid for several DLCs because they added new characters, perks and gameplay. Wouldn't pay for anything less than that.

    About your concerns, kids shouldn't be around this game in the first place. That's on their parents.

    People with mental health issues should be spending their time in other activities. That's on them.

    Companies are out there to make money for their shareholders. That's just the way it works.

    That's the world we live in. And it is mostly a ridiculous place anyway.

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747

    Theres literally no argument against a battle pass other than


    If you dont like it dont buy it.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    It's a psychological part to feel missed out. People will feel a force to spend more money, others will feel so much missed out that it will make then losing motivation to play.

    BHVR (in case the battlepass is really planned) is playing with the minds of people on the psychological floor.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Sorry but this sounds like a "you" problem, not the devs problem. I welcome getting stuff for free. If you fear missing out that much then you need to seek professional help, because whether it's DBD or gambling or cocaine something will catch you.

  • beasty
    beasty Member Posts: 21

    they are going to take content creators in hostage with battlepass forcing them to buy it even theyr don't want to because if they don't buy it they will loose followers and if streamers don't buy it they will loose followers as well so it's kinda illegal to do this btw they are a quebec compagny and they don't even know laws lol

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Really? Holding hostage?

    Which laws does a Battle Pass break, exactly? Give me specific laws, not just generalized statements.