If we are going to punish DC we should punish dodging

DCing effects a match.
Dodging is avoiding a group.
Big difference there as one hurts the other doesn't
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Why are you allowed to choose who you want to play against?
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Because survivors are OP
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Oh my god... Im just not going to say anything.
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@Arroz Because bhvr allows it?
Why wouldn't i dodge high ping players? Why wouldn't i dodge 3 toolboxes and a key if i wanted?
Maybe i don't like Life of the Party wearing jakes?
P.S. Survivors are op
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Well, so survivor should be allowed to see who they are playing against.
Why can't survivor dodge 5 blinks nurse? Instasaw billy? IH huntress?
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You can leave the lobby if a survivor have 250+ Ping
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Because killers are supposed to have that advantage. Survivors are meant to go in blind that's why it has always been this way.
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And that advantage just destroy the gameplay.
You dont know how hard is to find a lobby in rank 1, dont you?
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As others have stated, high ping is usually a very valid reason to dodge as nobody is going to have fun in that match anyways. In addition to this, although I do not dodge for items I can understand if people want to dodge against 4x toolboxes/medkits due to the possibility of it being either a bunch of very strong toolboxes or instahealers which are just boring to go against.
That being said, all of the addons you complained about are being looked into anyways as they're planning to look into the addons for Nurse & Billy along with changing iridescent head. Another thing to keep in mind is that killers can see the survivors because there are a handful of perks (Franklin's Demise, Overwhelming Presence & Lightborn) that would be made totally useless if they couldn't see the survivors while survivors have no perks that are reliant on a certain killer being used.
On the otherhand, disconnecting is never fine in my opinion unless you're in a position where you either cannot play the game at all (stuck, bad performance on certain maps or a literal infinite). That being said I cannot tell you how many matches I get where I'll be playing killer and someone immediately disconnects either because they got a map they didn't like or because they are against a killer they didn't like which screws the game over for their 3 other teammates who might also disconnect as a result of it. Disconnecting is a serious issue that takes the life out of the game unlike dodging which is a minor inconvenience.
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@Arroz Don't bring in items and prestige clothing then i bet no one will dodge if it looks like an easy lobby.
Or last second switch.
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Yeah let's ban tbaggers too #kappa
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I can't stop my teammates from being P3 claudettes.
And btw dont complain about rank be usseles, if we are going to add rank reward you should not be allowed who to play against
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New rule: if you press the ctrl key your automatically PERMA BANNED (Rip p3 claudettes)
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So am I forced to play in a 500 ms host?
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Just no
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Pretty sure that Killers would not complain about DCs when they would get their BBQ-Stack. At least I have not seen any Killers complain about Survivors killing themselfes on their first Hook.
And yes, dodging should have some form of Punishment. Longer Queue-Times. If it is Ping, it should not get any Punishment. But if it is one more or less stupid reason, there should be punishment.
In the end Killers always claim that they see Survivors to prepare. But if there are 4 Survivors with Items, they will simply dodge and not bring Franklins...
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No. Just stop disconecting survivor
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Neither is getting punished atm so gg ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I can't believe you are trying to draw an equivalency where there is none.
FFS, this community has gotten absolutely absurd in 3 years.
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Because solo is a joke?
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Seems fine to me, just like in csgo, if you have a high ping you get kicked
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I'm not going to go against a killer with 300 ping.
Nor am I going against a group of P3 Claudettes woth toolboxes... And 300 ping.
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I'm honestly amazed at how some people dodge, just only because they are scared.
Let's be honest here, people that dodge want easy games against 4head survivor that heals in a corner.
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Their ping says otherwise
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I can only think of one reason you'd want this and it's because you're one of those that often DC and is salty about getting lobby dodged.
Yeah no.
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I hate when survivors kill themselves on their first hook. Lately, when I play killer, I let all the survivors escape. If one suicides on the hook early in the game, then I have to wait for three survivors to finish five gens; it takes forever and it really sucks.
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Lobby dodging is pathetic. But it's not nearly as harmful as DC during game. Banning people for it doesn't make sense.
Yes, killers who dodge are cowards looking for easy games. But they don't f*** up an ongoing game of four other people.
And yeah, bad ping is a valid reason for dodging, but others here explained it.
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u think im going to play high ping killers/survivors? whats the point mate?
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It's a bit trickier than it seems. Punishing disconnects is pretty safe to do since people had the opportunity to leave in the lobby if there's an issue. Punishing people for leaving a lobby gets messy because there's multiple reasons why you might decide to leave. For instance:
- Bad pings
- Racial slurs
- People being toxic in chat
- Negative past experiences with one or more people in the lobby
In simple terms, we wouldn't want to punish someone because they don't want to play a laggy match, or for avoiding a guy that started insulted everyone last time they played and so on. Something like that could only work if there was a robust system that could determine if someone is a problem player and allowed people to leave, but that's out of the question at the moment. For the time being we are just focusing on disconnects from a match in progress.
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Ever heard of lagswitching ? Or generally unstable connections ?
Also DBD is designed for killer to react on what survivors bring into the lobby, sideefect of that is that they can cherrypick their matches. But if survivors were allowed to see killer then it would be impossible to get games as specific killers such as nurse since many survivors suck and they don't want to face them.
Through DBD's history it was never possible to see which killer you go against and even then survivors during specific periods of DBD's lifespam managed to find dozens of way to dogde players they didn't like because of their made up rules.
If you think that giving survivors ability to dodge killers is good for the game's health then you are delusional. Better change would be to give small timeout punishments for dodging.
For example a system that resets every 24 hours that allows killer to dodge a lobby 5 times without penalty and then they have to wait 5 min before they can create another lobby/join a game.
Just and idea but certainly better then most of your demands.
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“Clears throat”
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Well, i think we should take your idea, 2 dodge = 5 min
2+ dodge = 10 min
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"You're one of those that often DC"
Do you have any proof before judge me?
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Did you even read all what I write?
I NEVER say to ban people for lobby dodging, just only a punishment, like 5 min until join another lobby..
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Go back to 2016
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As much as I don't agree with lobby dodging there is a massive difference between disconnecting in the middle of a game and screwing everybody over.
Avoiding the match before it even starts.
With the former you heavily reduce your teammates chance of survival also impacting The Killers bloodpoints and emblems.
It also just makes the game incredibly unfun as now survivors have an extremely difficult time and as a killer the match that could have been fun just turned into work really pathetic cakewalk that I'm not going to get much reward from.
Not to mention the fact that that match now has wasted add-ons items and offerings
As for the latter you lose nothing other than having to just wait for another match which can be annoying but it's nowhere near as detrimental as the former
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@Peanits My love, why are killers allowed to dodge toxic survivors but survivors not allowed to dodge toxic killers? Shouldn't I be allowed to view the steam profile of the killer in the lobby then?
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Do you think is fair to be 10 minutes finding a lobby just for someone that dodge?
I agree DC should get a punish, but dodging too..
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So uhm, survivors that lobby dodge get also punished?
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So why not add a system that let you black list players, so you dont face them again?
Or when you get 150+ ping you get kicked
I dont think is fair to be waiting 10+ Minutes waiting a match just for a killer that cherry pick who wants to play against dodge
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How can a survivor dodge? lol
Every survivor that leaves the lobby is because they have high ping
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Why steam view profile is a thing?
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They should be. I don't want to wait thrity years for my lobby to fill up either.
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Why else would you want a punishment for lobby dodging ? lol
That's just straight up dumb.
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@Peanits Have you guys considered doing something like Overwatch does, where you can put players on an "avoid list" which only allows a limited amount (3 in OW I think) and resets periodically. I think this would cut down on dodging IMMENSELY because most instances of dodging are the same killer multiple times in a row (at least on Xbox). If a killer could put a player on this list and avoid them, if even only for a few days, they could search for a match and not worry about them showing up in the lobby and being forced to dodge. It would also help with DC's, as survivors can put killers on this list and avoid playing against the same toxic Dbag multiple games in a row.
It's worth looking into.
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Because no one wants to wait 10+ Minutes for find a match?
Why the killer can cherry pick who to play against and survivor dont?
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That's what I just say! They should add this..
And a system when you get 150/200+ Ping you get kicked