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Live Q&A: Post your Year 4 questions here!



  • Member Posts: 8

    While in the realm of the entity, is there a possibly that there will be a sort of free roam lobby to socialize with your team while waiting?

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  • Member Posts: 17

    Why did you decide to rework Springwood first ? i think there are other maps that need the rework more than Springwood.

    btw. I love the Year 4 Roadmap :) Expectations are high.

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    Because (if I'm not mistaken) the father death robes that Ghostface originally wears in his films is also a licensed product by fun world, will we ever see this as a wearable cosmetic in game?

  • Member Posts: 1

    Are you considering bringing back Legacy or adding a new variant of it?

  • Member Posts: 1

    Will you ever have add any Twitch Prime items?

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 74

    How set in stone is this year 4 roadmap?

    I understand that the switch and mobile releases are set as well as the new chapters etc.

    But will we possibly see a second map rework or dedicated servers before the expected dates?

  • Member Posts: 1

    Do you have any idea of what price level we can expect the "battle pass" to cost?

  • Member Posts: 66

    Will the Atchive explore The Killers back story more like The Survivors?

    I'm super excited for more lore and story. Thank you!!

  • Member Posts: 56

    Is Chapter 14 not going to have a new map?

  • Member Posts: 66

    What were the other itterations/versions of the Freddy rework that didn't make the cut?

  • Member Posts: 6

    I am a player who lost legacy prestige items back in 2017 due to progress reset bug, i would like to know when can i expect to get them back?

  • Member Posts: 277

    Why there is no month marks on the roadmap at least? This roadmap is zero, nothing. Balancing marked on the whole year. Dedicated servers is 3rd of the roadmap. So it will be in live phase within 4 months? Party management will arrives at the start of chapter13? I hope you see what is my problem with it. It is nothing else, just a bunch of promisses.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Are there any plans on updating or modifying the way the Struggle mechanic works?

    Playing with arthritis, it's the worst thing about the game to me.

  • Member Posts: 12

    How can you purchase the battle pass? Will it be iridescent shards or auric cells or either?

  • Member Posts: 4

    With the game growing tremendously (which is something I believe everyone is happy about), are there any plans to enable a cross-play between PC & Console? Many fear this will put Console players at a disadvantage, which is why it could be an optional feature. Console players can choose to either queue with only other Console players, or a mix. I have many friends that play this game on both PC and Console, and one thing I'm always asked by them is whether or not the game will ever allow us to play together.

    Thanks so much for everything you've done so far, this game has been a blast!

  • Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2019

    Are you planning to change/adapt the pig to the egc? Her nerf wasn't necessary and for the endgame, its painful 😖

    Also are there any alternative good reworks to mettle of man? If mom just counts through protection hits, the farming would be become insane and as solo survivor its the hell🙈

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    When can we expect to see changes to address the ever increasing grind in the game?

  • Member Posts: 2

    Are you planning on doing any more big perk reworks (like the sloppy butcher or dark sense changes) for some of the weaker perks (play with your food, slippery meat, etc.)

  • Member Posts: 150

    the mobile version of the game will be available outside google play and price will be same as the steam/console editions?

  • Member Posts: 1

    Will there be a graphic improvement/update?

  • Member Posts: 19

    When we get lore in the archive, will it be only for a few characters each time or will all the characters get something?

  • Member Posts: 5


  • Member Posts: 1,899

    Will perks like Spine Chill and Kindred work against Ghostface? His power seems to heavily rely on survivors not knowing if he is nearby.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 67

    This new chapters, will be "Survivor+Killer+Map"? Or just 2 of them will have it?

    If the answer is "No" or "Not all", these "incomplete" chapters, will be chapters or paragraphs?

  • Member Posts: 128

    Was there really enough Positive Feedback in those Surveys you sent out with the question about "Battle Passes," to ignore all the very Negative Feedback and potential backlash?

  • Member Posts: 261

    Why not get us the actual Ghostface with a survivor?

  • Member Posts: 1

    Whats the plan for years to come when there gets to be a significant amount of killers and survivors/perks? Do you have plans to balance all of that? Or will you have an 'in' and 'out' rotation that other games utilize?

  • Member Posts: 24

    This isn’t necessarily important but more for fun. I was actually wondering if when Dwight was made, was he meant to have a bit a resemblance to Mathieu?

  • Member Posts: 170

    Do charms do anything or simply cosmetic?

  • Member Posts: 19

    Will there be possible crossplay? Will there be a beta for the mobile version for dbd?

  • Member Posts: 113

    Will you be introducing any new game modes to DBD in Year 4? i.e anything from as small as a 'Casual mode' without ranked play to anything as huge as Hide or Seek or Infected style mode.

  • Member Posts: 453
    edited June 2019

    Will Freddy have the fake pallets AND dream traps in his base kit?

    Freddy main- “ Please say yes”

    Also if not then is there a range for his teleport ability?

  • Member Posts: 17
    edited June 2020


    Post edited by SillierHorizon5 on
  • Member Posts: 1

    Why can killers see survivors/survivor items in the lobby? That's why we get things like killers dodging the P3 Nea.

  • Member Posts: 1,089

    With the successful relaunch of Bloodgarden, we DBD players have noticed that many of the things we asked for in DBD, ended up in Deathgarden. Are there any plans to bring some of it's features to DBD?

  • Member Posts: 3

    Would there be a way for players to keep track of achievement or trophy progress added to the game? By which I mean a player “scorecard” showing how many times that player did a specific action.

  • Member Posts: 54

    A while back, there was a post about Dying Light needing change because it was common thought that the perks was too focused on tunneling among the team. Are there still plans to do that or do you just not care anymore?

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    When is the Legion rework/update coming? After Freddy gets updated he will be the worst killer by far.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Can we have an account sync feature so that way, when I buy the game on a different platform, I don't have to go through all the grind again to get back what had on previous platforms?

  • Member Posts: 1

    Will there ever be an island resort map where instead of running away you escape onto a boat?

  • Member Posts: 283

    Do you have plans on making the game more atmospheric and scary? i.e thicker fog, darker maps, scarier music, etc.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Hey there!!

    Was curious to know how you felt about the current status of " Generator Tapping While in a Chase " A survivor could be in a chase and can simply click on the generator to stop its regression instantly, this is a very quick action that hardly slows down the chase and ultimately defeats the purpose of kicking it in the first place. Could it be possible for the Killer to at least cause a small percentage of damage to the generator to accommodate for this?

  • Member Posts: 451

    Why did you BUFF MOM?

  • Member Posts: 1

    Are any new shirtless cosmetics planned for year 4? Say, Shirtless Dwight, or Shirtless Jeff. This is not a troll question!

  • Member Posts: 2,551

    Some time ago I asked for new ways to get bloodpoints and you answered that yes. Is the rift or the challenges those new ways?

  • Member Posts: 7

    Could you tell us more about the Rank Rework?

    Devs said "new Rank Rework is comparing killer to killer, trapper to trapper" does that mean killers have their own specific killer's ranking? or maybe it's just a metaphor?

  • Member Posts: 750

    This may be a bit more of a repetitive question, but have you guys ever considered reopening moderator positions for both in-game and on forums? I'm interested in hearing about this, because I've noticed that a lot of problems here on the forums as well as in-game spawn without immediate attention to them.

  • Member Posts: 24

    Has anyone looked into adding more optimization options> eg. changing the resolution ingame 1080x720 that sort of stuff or updating the settings to allow more options in general? its 2019 now.

  • Member Posts: 1,948
    edited June 2019

    What are your plans to nerf certain things in extreme scenarios of high level play? Insta heals keys, ebony moris, certain addons are alright-ish in low skilled and low rank games, but become extremely insane in hands of experienced players.

    This also includes to balance out swf vs solo.

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