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Plz get rid of pallet looping devs or less pallets

only 1 person needs Tom kite the killer the whole match I it takes less than 5 mins for all gen’s one be done unless u have rune which is a must have at high ranks shouldn’t have to mine game to get a free hit there’s no a skill playing survivor at all plus 16 perks vs the killers 4 perks it’s not not fun at high rank for killers and killers should have an easy time not Survivors survivors

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  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Boy I hope they'll be succesful. It's no fun to go against an insane amount of safe loops-

  • Member Posts: 5,069
    edited June 2019

    There is gonna be still some of safe pallets, but most of them will be about the mindgame.

  • Member Posts: 35

    What are you talking about you guys have like 30 pallets per map window looping 16 perks vs the killers 4 perks you have a lot more resource than like killers lol

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    You’re saying that survivor takes no skill but saying you shouldn’t need mindgames? That is the most skillful part of killer.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    @NMCKE I was about to say Freddy says hi, I then remembered my boi is getting a nice rework.😂

  • Member Posts: 8,243


    I been spending a lot of BP on him, I'm really excited for his rework! :)

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    @NMCKE I’m also really excited, I’m upgrading him and Laurie.

  • Member Posts: 35

    Loopiing is what breaks the game in high rank most of your comments most of you play Survivor so of course you think it’s banned even know the devastation are made airings less makeing less loops and revamping maps its you crybaby Bullshit survivors that’s think pallet looping is ok flash light stun tvagging cause you are good at loopingthan you get salty for free am camping or tunneling forceing us to run basement builds and you say you don’t need a nerf lol

  • Member Posts: 850

    Don't forget there also getting rid of infinites which mean goodbye ironworks goodbye haddonfield top window and goodbye killer shack window

  • Member Posts: 911

    thank you 😍 it's hard to believe people want to blend with her when she can look so adorable

  • Member Posts: 197

    I am not looking forward to the pallet changes. Before I make any conclusions or anything, I'm gonna wait and see how it works, but I don't have a good feeling about it.

    The current loops are already mindgameable and stuff, so why change it? Coldwind was recently changed so that Survs can't see through the wall. Every map now has LoS blockers on jungle gyms, and you can do mindgames that way. Of course, you can't do mindgames at open loops without any LoS blockers.

  • Member Posts: 90

    I mean you can mindgame Haddonfield easily too and it's only a good loop if you have balanced landing. Otherwise you MIGHT get 2 loops if that.

  • Member Posts: 911

    you can't mindgame haddonfield loops against a survivor who is paying attention because the loops are too long

    if you get mindgamed on haddonfield, gg

  • Member Posts: 2,144

    I mean if I killer wants to wait 45 seconds to get BL3, he's only going to get like 2 hooks maximum. Before all the gens eventually get finished.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    I like chases as both survivor and killer. Looping is now a part of DbD and one of the major reasons why this game is so successful.

    The problem is that chases take too long compared to how fast gens are done, and that makes the game unbalanced. There are 2 possible solutions:

    1) Making chases shorter. Remove some pallets and windows. Not what I'd like to see at all.

    2) Giving the killer more time. That can be achieved by increasing gen time (not exciting) or introducing a 2nd objective.

  • Member Posts: 2,144

    If the pallet is unsafe, you don't really need Bloodlust anyway. Wasting 15 seconds only to be forced to lose it anyway once you break the pallet if you miss is a pretty silly strategy.

  • Member Posts: 911
    edited June 2019

    it doesn't really matter if bloodlusting is efficient; it's boring and it sucks to play against, the same way playing against old legion was boring and sucked to go against. legion would down you no matter what you did, and bloodlust gets you downed no matter what you do at any loop that isn't explicitly safe like killer shack

    and while you don't need bloodlust to outplay unsafe pallets, it is frequently used as a replacement for actual mindgaming, something that the removal of safe loops will only encourage if bloodlust is not looked at

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    The speed at which gens get done is what breaks the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,042

    Looping needs to go, running in circles like the Benny Hill show is simply idiotic for a horror game.

    Survivors need to be slower than killers at base, but with the possibility of sprinting for a limited time based on their stamina. Their goal should be to either go to a safe pallet/window or try to lose the killer.

    Chases should be short max 30-40 seconds, 1 minute if you are extremely good.

    All pallets should be safe, like the ones in Badham basement or the ones close to the basement in the game. Same goes for windows, like many safe windows in Lery's.

    You can use that window once, it is VERY safe but then you need to move around and find another safe spot.

    A pallet should be the way to block the killer for some time while you run for your life. No looping should be allowed around pallets or windows.

    Once looping is fixed we can start real balancing of gen speed, other objectives, killer powers etc

  • Member Posts: 1,042

    You haven't read the rest, they should have thr option of sprinting at a cost of their stamina. While sprinting they can outrun any killer, but them they need to slow down to regeneration their stamina

  • Member Posts: 1,042

    I had no doubt, you said looping is based on skill so you obviously don't agree with the idea of makinrunning in circles less effective

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