Q&A: Ghost Face and 3.0.0 update
The 3.0.0 update just launched, bringing along with it a new killer, Ghost Face. As always, we'll be holding a Q&A about the changes and answer some of the best questions.
- One post per person.
- Questions only. Non-question posts will be removed.
We'll try to get some of your questions answered as soon as possible. You'll be able to find the answers listed beneath the patch notes as soon as they are available.
Why are you adjusting GhostFace? Everyone thought he was fine in the PTB after the team buffed him.
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Why are you nerfing ghostface, 88% of the poll said they were happy and it was fine, why are you then going against what everyone said and nerfing him, no wonder everyone plays billy, nurse and spirit.
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When, if at all, will ghostface be available to buy with shards? Plus will you please give him some sort of slight buff if/when the hot fix foes live?
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Will Ghostface's perks be adjusted and changed to be more of use and not dependent and underwhelming?
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The people above me have asked some good questions about the Ghostface nerf. I have another question, why are you nerfing Ghostface?
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Why the change to detection? I felt it was in a good place as you needed to be competent with the camera during chase or chose between the chase and detection.
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This Question is about the new shader being used with the 3.0.0. update.
Now that you made a slight graphical Improvement, will it be possible to add a bit more darkness or grittiness like how the beta was to be more atmospheric again, and since you have plans to optimize, will you work to make this game less GPU hungry?
Many times I'll close the game and it doesn't close in task manager, and then it tells me it's taking up at least 1800 MB of memory
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Ghost Face was pretty broken on the PTB for the longest time. Why did you not delay the release and try the hotfix changes on the PTB first and then after you confirmed they are fine, release Ghost Face?
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The changes to Ghostface is unnecessary, it's like Freddy again when you nerf him after Release. Speaking as someone with 3K hours, Ghostface is A to B tier right now, I would recommend to give it more time before deciding to nerf him so quickly, you will lose the community's trust
Also please change the VFX on Killer's Stun, as someone who play Dead by Daylight daily, more than 5 hours a day, it's really damaging for our eyes and in the long term it will affects our health. Suggestion would be to change the Red VFX to Black screen instead
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Other than the Devil outfit, will Ghostface receive any more cosmetics in the future?
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Can we know what did you guys plan for detection perks against the stealth killers a.k.a as Ghost Face, Pig, Myers and Wraith?
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Why did you release the VFX on Killer's Stun? It's very annoying!
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Are you adressing the issue of detection perks ruinning Ghostface's stealth ?
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GhostFace does not need any adjustment, because if you adjust the vision to detect it, you will [Nice word] the killer completely. He is now in a good place and still is won by the survivors.
Post edited by Th3Nightmare on6 -
Is your team still going to try and get the other parts of the Ghostface license or is this chapter now complete?
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Why did you think it was a good idea to add an annoying & useless VFX for Killer stuns?
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Why did y'all think it was a good idea to nerf Ghost Face, when EVERYONE thought he was ok?
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Why you didn't listen/read all feedback about VFX Killer stuns?
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Why are the sounds still dodgy? Cmon dude, It's been 6 months and stuff are still quiet. Some maps are great, others... not so much.
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Why make a poll asking if people liked the ghostface changes (which 88% did) just to go ahead and change it anyway.
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Why after you received positive review on the PTB Forums on Ghost Face are you immediately Jumping the gun and Nerfing him without letting the community learn how to play against him? This seems rushed and I had faith in you after the GF Buff in the PTB which made him viable....Not a M1 Killer who can be 100% Countered "Now more Easily" by a Survivor just Turning his camera around and looking at you
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When is the new event gonna start and what is it going to be about?
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Since Enduring now only affect pallet stuns, will Decisive Strike stun time be modified?
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Are you guys planning to add more cosmetics towards Ghostface and Ash in the future? Something like the Scary Movie series’ mask for Ghostface or the Asylum Outfit for Ash? :)
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Why have you still not learnt anything from Freddy regarding knee-jerking and jumping the gun?
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Why is the red stun VFX going live when the feedback was fairly unanimous in favor of removing it, not adjusting it?
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Am I correct in understanding that survivor's reveal timer gets reset, whilst ghost can simply hide behind an object, and continue to stalk/expose without any expose timer reset?
I was playing against gf, and from various streamers it's evident that ghostface gets a guaranteed expose status on a survivor even if the survivor is always looking at him, because ghost's timer doesn't get reset, so he can get out from survivor's sight briefly and then continue his exposure.
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Why do you nerf killers as they release like GF? It just seems like at that point you guys should wait for feedback of how the killer is and you did a poll and still nerfed him
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When are the new pig cosmetics coming?
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Why increase detection area and make pallet stuns break Ghostface out of stealth? Is a buff available to compensate that?
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- You release on killer on the beta that everyone agrees was crap.
- You buff said killer to perform better on the PTB due to overwhelming negative reaction.
- You then make a poll asking your player base if their satisfied with the changes which they are.
- Then all of a sudden you nerf him, despite over 80% of your community liking the buffs to him.
Why did you nerf Ghostface when everyone liked the prior changes?
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Why these unwanted changes ?This is very disturbing. You did not listen to the community at all.yet again. There is no reason he should have been changed as over 80 percent agreed he was fine as is. Very unprofessional.
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Why did you nerf Ghost Face? He already wasn't better than Myers, now there isn't a reason to buy him since his perks are terrible.
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Will Ghost Face see any further buffs in the future, looking past the nerfs that're oddly being added after he was just buffed in the PTB.
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What is your plan for buffing Ghostface if the hotfix nerf leaves him in a bad spot?
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What's the reasoning behind removing the stalking on marked survivors? I know powers are supposed to have counterplay, but I feel like many combinations of structures in the game provide enough safety to easily last more than 45 seconds in a chase and that renders his power kind of useless if he can't extend the duration. The counterplay is supposed to be getting him out of stealth, and the changes already make that easier.
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Do you intend to change The Ghost's perks ? His buffs were great and he is a really nice killer now (although he is getting nerfed for ... Some reason ?) but his perks are still bad to say the least, can we expect any buffs ?
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can we make huntress lullaby lit a totem once someone is hooked unlike revealing everyone its active before a single survivor got hooked
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Why do you ask us for our opinion and ignore us anyway? An overwhelming 88% of the forum community liked these changes but you nerf him anyway? What's the logic? I just dont understand why you can't let a killer be decent.
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Question is at the very bottom:
The community tested him on the PTB, and he was weaker than Freddy. You, the developers, gave him huge buffs, which made him a great M1 killer. Good job! However, despite the positive reactions to Ghostface, you still nerf him without any justification - besides the bugs.
I understand that some things were bugs, which is understandable, but other things weren't. The things that weren't bugs, and are not OP, didn't need to be nerfed. If you tried to justify something you nerfed or buffed, we as the community would be more understanding. So, now, here we are, confused, because we don't have any justification on why you do what you do. This is why I'm asking this question here:
Why nerf something that's not OP? If it's not a problem, why go through the trouble to nerf something that isn't a problem?
Post edited by NMCKE on14 -
Why didn't you guys allow coments on the poll about Ghostface buffs? What's the point on voting between "yes" or "no" if you can't say why you voted? Some people voted "yes" but might have tought the buff wasn't enough, for example.
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Bus window vault between busses is still busted, when will you fix broken vaults, and chase music?! It's been months....
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Will you guys be addressing his pallet breaking speed? His seems to be appreciably slower than the average killer, a characteristic shared with Plague.
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Now that Ghostface launched, are there any plans to make stealth and sneaky killers more viable, via buffs or map updates?
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Why nerf Ghostface? Are you afraid of giving us a viable killer unlike Legion and Plague?
We literally didn't get a good killer since Spirit and she took 3 buffs to become good
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Why is this no way to deplete the stalk gauge as survivor? Maybe a pallet stun could remove 50% of the meter.
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What are some perks that we can expect to receive balance changes later on? Also what are your thoughts on the balance state of Monstrous Shrine?
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Ok so are you gonna fix the fact that you can stare at ghostface and he doesn't break out of it. Otherwise he is fine
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With the upcoming reworks for maps with the addition of more pallets that are unsafe, what is the plan for killers who powers are reset by pallet stuns.
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Are there any plans to soften the grind in the foreseeable future? The amount of teachable perks is out of control and having to roll that many bloodwebs in level 50 to get the perks you want is a bit absurd, especially since skipping teachables you don't want isn't really an option when levelling a character.