metal of man needs full rework

Just expressing my disdain for putting a perk like this in the game. it needs a full rework im pretty much on the edge of quitting because of it. I feel like a lot of killers will just switch to surv or quit. Its probably the worst feeling to try and play by the "survivor rulebook" and get bmed every game by metal in endgame its unbelievable, especially when you play a M1 killer...
You're about 2 weeks too late. Its rework has already been announced
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It just got reworked today.
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It would be nice if OP actually responded so you two know if you are wasting your breath or if they actually saw this.
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dude If you play Ghostface it will be way easier to bypass MOM. The Plague too. Also, Billy. Just stop complaining.
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Had some stuff going on i read these eventually.
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In my opinion I shouldn't have to play specific killers to enjoy the game. When a perk like this is in the game it messes with the main point of the game (even post change~ which will just turn it into a SWF perk, making it even more problematic).
so your argument is not good :)
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It is valid because this game is about covering the issues you have in a game. It’s up to you to decide which build you pick, but there will always be a weakness left. How long have you been playing this game?