Insta-Heals are HIGHLY imbalanced they need to go



  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    As someone who constantly plays against insta heals I must say that I don't mind even the pink one. I'd be happier if insted of nerfing these not very important issues we rather solved the real reason why games can last for less then 7 minutes and that is lack of second objective for survivors.

    Many problems of M1 killers would be solved if games lasted at least 10 minutes and hopefully more, then we can care about other less impactful problems.

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    I had a Fred match in red rank the other day and they brought two full instant heals. Needless to say it didn’t work out too well for me

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I agree to an extent, in the sense that the whole running in circles mechanic has to go in favour of something less idiotic.

    With that said removing moris and insta heal is a good start

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,448

    Totems exist

    Clearly the logical thing to do is to buff NOED by a lot to encourage survivors to destroy all the totems

    NOED additionally should block all exit gates and you can mori survivors

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I presonally don't mind facing either, mories, flashlights, strong addons, anything really. I like the diversity in gameplay all of these create.

    What I don't like are short matches and since survivors now can only rush gens or troll the killer, I'd love to se another objective for them to solve both.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    No, totems are SECONDARY objective not a second one. We need some new mechanic connected to gens that would force survivors to do something new which would slow down the matches. You can completely ignore totems since they are dependant on perks, second objective would be independet of whatever loadout anyone brings and would somehow hinder gen progession if nobody did it.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    @Theluckyboi Doesn't mean those need to be reworked as well :p

    Mint rag also isn't great as it limits how often you can teleport

    You also forgot to add moris and keys to the list.

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2019

    Killer Add-Ons:

    1. Ataxic Respiration is only OMEGA blink Nurse with another add-on and longer stun.
    2. Campbell's Last Breath is only 2 extra blinks (4 blinks total, not 5)
    3. Fragrant Tuft Of Hair requires 2 and a half full stalks from 3 out of 4 survivors and takes forever
    4. Tuning guide is just a small buff to charge time (decreases the charge time by 1 second to 3 seconds total and small, insignificant buffs to other things and not as good since Tinkerer got changed AND you need Primer Bulb with old Tinkerer to be considered Insta-Chainsaw (1 and half second chainsaw rev) so that isn't true.
    5. Mint Rag is only good for map pressure every 15 seconds. (It's not the best)
    6. Iridescent Head REQUIRES Infantry Belt for ANY use and without wind-up add-ons, it's alright. Easier than facing Nurse or Billy.
    7. Prayer Beads is alright (Can still tell where she is by grass moving, sounds of her footsteps on wood, grass and metal plus crows fly away give her location away.
    8. Mother-Daughter Ring is crap. Fastest movement but can't see scratch marks without using the other ultra add-on and that means you have to hit a survivor to even track a good survivor who can still mind game you.
    9. Mori (Both types) You got to catch and hook a survivor then catch them again to mori (fair)

    Survivor Add-Ons:

    1. Odd-Bulb only increases the blind TIME for 2 and half extra seconds (not insta)
    2. Anti-Hemorrhaging Needle is straight bullshit (gives 2 free health states instantly)
    3. Styptic Agent is slightly worse but alright (gives 1 free health state instantly)
    4. Brand New Part (New) It's alright. Doesn't do too much and is fine as is.
    5. Commodious Toolboxes is annoying. Lots of charges with no downsides and fast gen repairs that doesn't get hurt that much by Franklins' Demise.
    6. Purple Flashlights can instantly make you drop a survivor for a free get-away with an easy to time button press and aim.
    7. Keys (Both types) You get a free escape that a killer CANNOT stop once used and EVERYONE can use the hatch for a free get-away plus extra BPs (fair)
  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460
    edited June 2019

    @DBDbuildsYT I don't use moris personally anyway because they don't help me with bloodpoints and they don't guarantee I can get kills. I couldn't care less if moris disappear, but they aren't op is all I'm saying. Killer and survivor standpoint I know they aren't ez mode like some people say because the killer still has to work for it which means there are still survivors who can out mindgame the killer and stealth from the killer and finish the match without anyone being mori'd. The only mori I can understand being called op is myers grabbing people from 10 miles away and his knife doesn't even pierce through the survivor. Toxic moris? Yeah definitely, mori spamming and myers space grab. But if survivors can talk to each other and run on crazy surv-sided maps, killers should be allowed to run mori's as backup and *TRY* use the<BUGGEDCOMMENTBOX>gets killed by a mori then that's on them, it is what it is but they don't need instaheals in general when they have medkits with addons and botany x selfcare. If a killer can catch you with a mori then you dun goofed. Killers don't put on moris and start spamming m1 for it to work, not op. Also, I'd love to check out your yt channel if you don't mind linking it because I couldn't find it even with the channel filter.

    @Kebek I mosty agree, if the matches were longer, then instaheals would not be broken. They can c.block your kills so hard once you reach late in the game. They can hold it till late and use it when all of them are last hook. At least if the game was longer then there is a better chance of the killer being able to work through those survivors who heal on last hook since there will be more time needed to genrush and escape with a second chance IH after someone(s) got downed after their adrenaline kicked in.

    @Warlock_2020 Healing was nerfed for a legit reason and botany x selfcare is a gracious combo. I've said it so many times in this thread and I'm waiting for someone to address me on it. But like I said before it's a highly underrated combo so people are going to keep complaining about wanting to nerf instaheals until they pick up survivor and use botany x selfcare with and without medkits and addons.

    @AStupidMonkeyy You obviously play both roles and many killers not just a couple then speak for all the other killers. Thanks for posting in, it's worth it really. imo though the purple and green toolboxes are only intimidating with good add ons and gen tapping. By themselves they seem fine. I will swim through ruin without a skillcheck if they have crazy addons though. I wouldnt nerf toolboxes I would just like to see higher rank survivors need more objectives or take longer to repair gens but the tradeoff is that they can get more bps for actions as to not make them want to derank because even if they were to die early and not do much they'd have the same or close to the same bp for messing around in a lower rank match cleansing and repairing and healing. Man, I'm ready to go on about M1s vs good survivors and people comparing removing instaheals to moris. Like ######### does that even come from? Moris aren't even threatening if the killer is not smarter than the survivor(s).

  • gaymer504
    gaymer504 Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2019

    I feel your pain dude, but a lot of stuff in this game is straight up broken/imbalanced. Yes insta heals suck for killer and can ruin momentum, but I would argue some Killer ad ons are just as bad, and Ebony Moris are a near guaranteed win for Killers. Sometimes you just gotta roll with the punches.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    @Kurisataru I agree with your point regarding moris, they aren't op. I just would love to remove sources of toxicity as much as possible.

    I am a veteran of online gaming having started in 2002 with ultima online but I had never seen sonethibg like dbd before, toxicity to the roof, so if there's anything to reduce this I am down. this is the channel link, it's pretty small I simply included in the convo just to remark I am a real killer main, not a fake survivor hiding one :)


  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790


    Not only do they lose the item, but the med kit as well, plus any add on to get a single normal heal from it, cause if you use a brown kit by itself you will use it all up with just one heal anyway defeating the purpose of packing an insta heal. Purple insta also reduces charges by 25% and the red insta by 50%.

    So you are talking about 8k-15k+ blood points just to have an insta heal available, and toward the higher end for one normal heal in addition from the kit. Then risk franklin's and plain bad luck that may prevent them from using it in a crucial moment.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2019

    They are complaining hard about adrenaline and even the current BT too. Things aren't ever going to be fair when one side uses their OP tools and the other side decides not to use them.

    I am pretty sure that even if we get to the point when the match starts each survivor finds the nearest hook and jumps on it for the killer, that mediocre killers will still complain it took too long.

    I also believe there should be some blood point and even emblem bonus for not using OP tools and facing them from the other side in a trial.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    insta hatchets - noed - insta saw .. needs to go

  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478

    We as a community can't keep asking for nerfs and removal of items addons etc when we get hit with it in match and are salty about it. It's getting ridiculous with the nerf this remove this delete that so I'll have my perfect lil game where everything goes my way.

  • BismarckCane
    BismarckCane Member Posts: 73

    The main thing to remember is (and I play both sides), survivors often try and compare this as a 1 v 1, this is a 1 v 4 game. So take that into consideration before we cry that a killer is more powerful then my 1 survivor.

    When I see the MOM comments it speaks volumes, that perk gave survivors 4 extra hits to track down. It may have been balanced against a nurse or Spirit but an M1 forget about it.

    And per the topic, insta- heals are not used in 90% of the games from Rank 5-20. In red ranks you see them about 40% of the time, the primary issue is the game is not balanced to red ranks and thus this can mean a loss to many killers. (which does not mean you wont pip, you just may not get a 4k pip, but a 2k black)

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 356

    Like someone said above, Mori’s require the killer to do something before they become affective. They have to find, chase, hit, down and hook a survivor before they can use a Mori. And the one that works multiple times is an Ultra Rare. The difference is an Insta Heal doesn’t require a survivor to do anything to use it. Killer does all the work, and a survivor gets a free 2 health state heal. If they are going to keep Insta Heals there should be something attached to them that the survivor has to do before they can use the Insta Heal, and even then it should only be one health state, never two.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2019

    The key is to mori as the insta heal is to ____.

    a) mori

    b) noed

    c) insta down

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    thank you for this post. survivors have been nerfed the last couple of major updates. it's beyond rediculous. Yes some were needed, but mostly those were in SWF formation. next on program: insta heal? i don't think this whole nerf the gameplay is gonna do the game good. it's supposed to be fun not only boring with nothing to do or no spicy action to perform. Lets just run in circles and do some gens... what else to do ?

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Kurisataru I never said whether the nerf was needed or not. I said the combination of nerfs have pushed the survivors to focus solely on gens.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    I think instaheals are ok.

    Yes, they seam unfair and they are powerful, but they are also very rare add-ons. Like Iri-Head huntress.

    As long we encounter them once in a blue moon, let them have it, but if it becomes standard it needs to be tweaked.

    Like works only once per survivor, need to meet a prerequisite like a number of safe unhooks or only usable after 1./2. hook.

    There are options to tone them down, if they become too oppressive.

    Maybe even limit the amount of Syringes you can store in your survivor inventory.

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939
    edited June 2019

    I wouldn't have any problem with them if they couldn't be used in a chase. It would take a channeled action to use, and it still consumes the medkit.

    Purple: 2.5 Second channel.

    Red: 3 Second channel and also causes the survivor to scream, revealing their location (like Doctor/Infectious Fright).

    EDIT: This would also prevent that frame-perfect input garbage of where killer can swing to down a survivor, and they heal to full health while killer goes on weapon wipe cooldown.

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    @Kurisataru No one wants M1 killers buffed on the survivor side. They also want nerfs for the trio of power. You cannot have both. People say a lot of false stuff to drum up a false narrative but a killer should NEVER be dependent on add-ons to do good and a survivor shouldn't have something that could destroy all the progress that a killer has put in since its 1 vs 4. Keys are fine. I use them sometimes.

    I rarely use Mori's but you piss me off and I'll reserve one for you. Mori's give INSTANT pressure for ANY killer. Keys do the opposite. It's a free ESCAPE by doing gens. Since the hatch spawns at all times now, you have 2 key types that give you the same escape effect. You want mori's gone? Take away keys and insta-heals. Keys don't care how well you did and insta-heals removes any pressure that you did have on the game in an instant.

    Mori's do both. Instant pressure and helps you with the other 3. If you don't want all of that taken away, don't ask about mori's. Besides, we LOSE our add-ons. You guys don't if you survive. Most killers rely HEAVILY on their add-ons to have a chance. I tried buffing Trapper by making his trap hit box slightly wider and I got down-voted and told that he was fine and to get gud. The Trapper. THE TRAPPER. XD

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited June 2019

    Alert perk prove thyself unbreakable streetwise decisive strike you want to continue? Xd

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460
    edited June 2019

    @DBDbuildsYT Support man, support, just subbed.

    @Spirit_Hag  Yeah that happens it's being fixed as of this month (took so long). And on top of that, watching the lobby ping you join in helps. You are more likely to experience it more in bad ping. BotanyxSelfcare and Medkits with good add-ons are great for healing fast. I'm going to keep preaching it because I use botany/selfcare on my main survivor build and heal after EVERY chase I escape or the killer quits on. I even use it while I'm being chased in small instances where I can. We don't need instaheals when they can be abused with no skill needed. Its one of those things that's just so broken that the killer can lose ALL momentum in a given situation, usually close to or at endgame.

    @darktrix BT and Adrenaline are fine as is imo. But it is dumb to see someone heal up with adrenaline and then if I'm able to catch them again some turds show up with instaheals and bodyblocking and possibly bt if I catch anyone else. This is usually a swf kind of scenario in my experience. The instaheal is the only thing in that situation that I'd blame. Not BT, not Adrenaline. I couldve gotten 1-2 kills had it not been for people being able to pop a instaheal and take some hits like lol sucker tables turned you can't get our friend who messed up during a chase before and after adrenaline because we IH them.

    @Scgamecock86 Actually we can because this game is famously imbalanced and toxic because of it. Neutrality isn't going to fix it.

    @BismarckCane Thanks

    @Cymer I still disagree with having IH in general because like I and many others have said, 1 IH is enough to kill a lot of momentum. They don't "seem" unfair and powerful. They are when survivors have a crap ton of second chance perks to pair with them. BUT. The devs are trying to work on hitboxes and one thing I personally disliked about going against a huntress was that hatchet hitbox. Thankfully the devs are trying to put in fixes for hitboxes at last. Huntress's hatchets still need some work, but even against an iri head huntress I don't feel any more threatened than I would against any killer that's not a nurse. I run unbreakable (a second chance perk) so if she tries slugging me mid-late game it's just back in business for me. Botany+SelfCare myself while chasing her through hell if I'm being good and when she misses hatchets over things. She's one of the killers I find easiest to heal up against while being chased. Like with moris and prayer beads and insta chainsaw, the killer isnt guaranteed a kill for using them, they still have to put in work and the survivors can still all escape with or without IH. IH are just gonna basically murder the killer's potential if they're in the wrong hands. Aka high skilled survivors.

    @tehshadowman33 Intersting....Not sure if I'd agree to it, but I definitely would like to try it.

    Don't really know how it would make a difference since IH are usually used around the killer.

    @AStupidMonkeyy The trapper "is good" lol meanwhile sometimes survivors can see him while stealthing laying traps then come over and disengage them when he starts walking away or telling their swf if any where it is. Pair that with losing Hex:Ruin and watch how fine The Trapper is. Lets add adrenaline, Instaheals, Dead Hard over his traps at palettes, balanced landing away from a loop he trapped, the lost momentum of placing and picking up traps, etc lmfao. Trapper is fine, don't buff his weak traps you need to git gud.

    You're so right, people, mainly survivor players from what we all see or people who barely play killer and do so at low ranks where it's different have so much to compare that just. Isn't comparable. Moris to IH? Spirit, Billy, Huntress Add-Ons that they still gotta put skill into to win with to IH? I play perkless survivor sometimes just to be in a room full of matching survivors I didn't level up and the only changes are that even if I know I can make a chase last way longer with dead hard, I don't have it so I have to take the down. Also I have to look for people to heal me since I can't heal myself, and I cn't pick myself up with unbreakable if I'm slugged for a long time. And there are some (actually most) killers I don't even care to heal against if I'm in genrush mode. I don't hate survivor perks at all, MoM is iffy depending on who's used it, map, and who I'm playing as, I think survivor add ons except IHs are perfectly fine too. But they can't be yelling at people to git gud and stop asking for nerfs if they have so many crutches and being a viable killer is a challenge for their benefit BY GAME DESIGN.

  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478
    edited June 2019

    So you want a game where you steamroll through every match you get in and they can't do nothing but take it like a lil #########. What you are proposing is to remove everything powerfull in the game so you can play tag simulator. No thank you, powerful addons and items are something that keeps the game interesting and not make every game just a mirror of the last. And I dont consider something inbalalanced just cause I lost.

    Git Gud

  • Mashtyx1
    Mashtyx1 Member Posts: 188

    Along with keys and moris... ebony moris that is... and Skeleton keys/dull keys.

  • Dssab
    Dssab Member Posts: 17

    take 1 hits and insta heals out of the game

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    holy crap.. there is just a enough of a crack in that great wall to get my army through...

    My brain is exploding...

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939


    Thanks! The idea for my rework of instaheals is it becomes a risk vs. reward option.

    If you have a GOOD survivor against a GOOD killer, the survivor has the option of:

    1) Keep moving

    2) Risk the channeled action giving the killer JUST enough time to land a killing blow

    So whenever line of sight is broken between killer and survivor... That is when the survivor is presented this choice... Do I want to use the instaheal? Let's even be generous in saying that this channeled action is not considered a 'healing' action, so things like Nurse's Calling won't function during the time spent channeling.

    Unless your build includes Calm Spirit, the Red instaheal will reveal your location to the killer via popup (NOTE: This is NOT an aura, because that'd make red instaheals complete garbage vs. a good Nurse player), or it's going to reveal the survivor teammate you healed from dying to full health.

    I think it makes things more interesting without letting players get away with cheese, frame advantage, and everyone stacking the survivor team with ×4 insta heals.


  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    i agree, brand new parts are more fair, i feel like they should do the same

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    @Scgamecock86 Nice fairy tale, tell me more about how removing instaheals from the arsenals of survivors at high ranks is me wanting to remove "EVERYTHING powerful" in the game, and how removing Instaheals is going to make the game "less interesting" for killers and allow us to "steamroll through every match". Please, we're waiting. And while you're at it please tell us why I would only want Instaheals removed because I lost to them when I can also get mad at survivor perks like some other killers because I've lost to stuff like DS, BT, MoM, etc.

    I mean, just explain the logic, since you have so much to share via accusations and opinion.

    @tehshadowman33 I kinda still would need to see an idea like that in action to get it but I do like that it removes that crummy quick healing right before getting hit thing, though I've never had that happen to me personally I've seen a popular survivor streamer do it a lot. But lets not say IHs are broken because then you are trying to remove' every single thing that's powerful in the game and steamroll through matches" because no instaheals. As our friend Scgamecock86 would say.

    @SasukeKun Nice name, I wouldn't worry about brand new parts personally, they're pretty weak for a red item imo and I used to try using them a lot as a baby survivor. I still use them just to get them out of my inventory but they don't lift a huge weight imo. I don't know about your experience.

  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478

    @Kurisataru I thought I did all you are asking for already. How many times do you want me to tell you you're salty and bitchin

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    @Scgamecock86 If you're going to try to argue with people so passionately, be ready to make a point not ad hominems. Obviously you were so salty you straight up misread my whole post scared of survivor nerfs and made a whole post dedicated to arguing against things I didn't ask for. You're not looking any less salty by accusing me of being salty over imaginary issues you think I have. This topic is clearly not for you, there's others in the forums to look at and practice reading comprehension, you can come back when you're serious.

  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407

    Moris are WAY to powerful too my friend. They should be just an alternate sacrifice. But instead of being an offering it should be in the base kit. So everyone can use it as often as you want. With out playing the most toxic perk/addon build or playstyle.

    And I think before we touch any insta heals, Adrenaline shouldnt be affected by that. I mean this feeling getting rewarded fairly and just sprinting away like "Im outta here boyz" ist just the most satisfying feeling in the game. It's like a veteran, like an OG. if the devs seriously going that far, nerfing a survivor-endgame perk just because some addons are broken I quit. And Im an OG, im playin this game since the release. I love it. I had so much "I hate dbd, I quit - and then come back playin it again until the next time I swear to quit the game" moments. And Im fine with the awful healing mechanic and many changes because it's fair and understandable. But Adrenaline is THE survivor perk it's an OG and the feeling is so ######### great and so deserved. All survivors did their objective and survived. Maybe they tried and tanked multiple hit's to win the game because otherwise they would lose. And then YOU get rewarded for doing so. That's why this perk is amazing as it is, ruining anything would be an emotionless decision wich would completely would break my heart.

    Sorry, Im in many ways for some minor changes to make killer more viable even if map reworks a big deal. Because there are still much worse things which should get fixed. And Adrenaline isnt one of these things. Moris and NOED are still toxic and op. Also as killer it's super frustrating being confident with his perk and then it gets cleaned after 14 seconds, or even before it pops. Also why does the killer gets for free a very high reward to come into the endgame? If that's the case he did something wrong. And shouldnt get just for free a wild cart.

    What ever bud

    insta heal addons yea, theyre toxic shits, but adrenalines health state shouldnt get changed.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    As a survivor main, I kept putting up posts to buff Franklins to break item add ons instead of the 25% charges since they are pretty broken in general, but it never made any headway.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    Then a lot of things needs to go i dont like overpowered play myself so i d rather all those things to go

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    This is coming from a survivor main: they should nerf adrenaline to have a double exhaustion time so that survivors are penalized for staying in the match longer and it leaves wounded survivors in broken state and to not break survivors out of Freddy's dream state, it shouldn't have this counterplay to Freddy. This way it would be immensely strong but not be a complete get out of jail card for survivors.

  • GhostfaceneedaNerf
    GhostfaceneedaNerf Member Posts: 30
    edited November 2019

    as you can see for the nerf, inbalance now its balanced to protect crying baby killers, now insta heal its garbage and cost 7000 points, so much crying for a 1 use item that destroy your medikit, when you can insta heal many times with a green medikit or inner strength from Nancy or Steave 2nd Breath, lmao you are inmortal, and you have 4 emblems hook 4 survivors isnt even your objetive, as i said too much cry for a 1 hit more item that destroy your medikit, you are an inmortal being, if insta heal was nerfed i think now its fair killer can be hitted by survivors like "Friddayy 13th" videogame, i think the fair thing to do now its survs can kill the killer like in that game to balance the instaheal nerf.

    You as killer should learn fill your 4 emblems, play with the food, and play your 4 emblems, rushing to kill all 4 survs in 10 seconds its the same than gen rush, its play 1 single emblem and objetive, insta heals make the match few seconds longuer, and give extra points to survs and killer, its very silly complain about a item that give more points to survs and killers, if you want rush to killl and destroy the match in 10 seconds its not the survs problem, but your lack of knowdgle about emblems problem, still got balanced in your favour and now its trash so stop crying plz.

    I play as Surv and killer 50%, i have never complainned about a medikit since as killer i m aware i m inmortal and i cant be killed and i get points by just walking around and do few hits, instaheals and chase 3 seconds more a surv, never was a problem to me, in all case an extra chase wich means extra points, if you count there is killers like Ghost face that can oneshot survs in less than 3 seconds, its rediculous you complain about a medikit.

    Post edited by GhostfaceneedaNerf on
  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Immortality is not applicable. Death has no meaning until a death mechanic is added, so being unable to die doesn't mean anything either.

    As the Killer your objective has nothing to do with your own Survival. So immortality is irrelevant.

    Killers are terrible at repairing gens compared to Survivors remember. Different objectives means different mechanics, so a 1 to 1 comparison like that isn't meaningful. You can only compare shared stats like movement and vault speed for these types of things, and even then you need to take into account the 4v1 nature of the game.

    Emblems punishing you for winning the game too effectively is why the system is extremely flawed even just in pure concept alone. A good ranking system will ensure that the most effective players are matched against the most effective opponents and are ranked away from the less effective opponents that they are being matched with. The Emblem system does the opposite due to punishing players for effectiveness when they should be rewarded and is thus ineffective as a ranking system.

    As for the instant heals themselves. It is mathematically impossible for an instant heal to add less than 3 seconds of chase time unless you have STBFL since the successful attack cooldown is 3 seconds. And that's if they stand still right in front of you.

    If they instead run in a straight line away from you. No juke attempts, loops or anything. It will take you 13.167 seconds for you to get the second hit.

    If there is a pallet or window within 52.64 meters (which there almost always will be since that's 1/4th of the largest maps) then the Survivor will have enough time to reach it and extend the chase even further.

    13 seconds may not sound like much but if there are still 4 Survivors alive then thats 39 charges worth of time stalled or almost half a generator.

    By comparison a BNP is 15 charges worth of time save, making this 24 charges more effective.

    Again the Survivor can use loops to extend this much further making this the minimum time sink for any Killer that doesn't have a gap closer. (which is why gap closers are so important).

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    False Dichotomy. You can have items and addons still exist to shake up the game but not have them actually throw off balance.

    Simply re-balance them as permanents, much like how perks are (in theory) balanced now.
