NOED "Rework" Idea, give feedback please!

This is something I've been thinking about for a while. What if NOED chose a totem at the beginning of the trial to attach to, but the totem only lit up at the end when it's active. Instead of having to cleanse every dull totem to get rid of its effects, you only had to cleanse the one the perk chose. Its a little bit random, but it would make counter play to the perk more effective.


  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148
    edited June 2019

    You already can do the same but at the end of a game. You want to cleanse one totem at the begining and prevent perk from getting triggered? lol

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    A list of things you didn't talk about but really should have:

    1. Why is this change being suggested?
    2. Why is cleansing a single random dull totem considered a counter-play to NOED?
    3. Will there be an equivalent effect to balance the perk out for killers, such as only one exit becoming active?
  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    I mean.. whats the difference?

    You cleanse every dull totem on the map just in case one of them has been selected to be NOED.


    You cleanse every dull totem on the map just in case the killer has NOED.

    It's a large nerf to NOED because survivors might only cleanse one dull totem and it happens to be the dull NOED? Sounds so horrific for killers, I actually think BHVR might do it.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    So you want to make a perk that is already highly vulnerable even more vulnerable by changing when it attaches to a totem. That is a terrible idea and not much of one in all honesty.

    I'm going to sound mean here, but try to understand that isn't my intent it is just how things tend to come across in text.

    Noed has more counterplay than any other perk in the killer's arsenal. People aren't interested in admitting that. You've suggested a lazy idea that incentivizes survivors to be lazy and passive while expecting to be rewarded for not even doing the barest minimum. There are 5 totems and there is no way for killers to add more to a map and survivors have a perk and map addon to track down these totems. The devs have no plans to change noed because it has been through a year's worth of changes already. Wasting time on making requests and rework idea threads for noed isn't helpful.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Sounds bad scoob

  • Grobbit
    Grobbit Member Posts: 12
    1. Because survivors complain about it constantly. I try not to use it as killer. I know its not overpowered but it is not well designed and not very fun to play against.
    2. Currently the counter play is to cleanse all 5 totems, which is atrocious to deal with in solo queue. This change is mainly to help solo queue.
    3. Killers have a lot of strong perks right now on the instant down side, so I don't think this perk needs to be that strong.
  • Grobbit
    Grobbit Member Posts: 12

    The big reason for this change is for solo queue. Currently countering this perk in solo queue is insane, because you really need to seek out the totems and usually need to sacrifice a perk or item to do so. This way, you have a reason to randomly cleanse dull totems, and you aren't punished for not finding all 5. Another rework idea I have is the game telling survivors the killer is running NOED at the start of the trial. That might help get people to look for totems. Its tough having to find and cleanse all totems to counter this perk, so making cleansing each totem more effective or giving more incentive to cleanse totems could help a lot. Before anyone asks, I am a killer main.

  • Grobbit
    Grobbit Member Posts: 12

    Horrific for killers is ruin/devour hope going instantly. This wouldn't be much different, except the survivors might ignore the totem and let it stay up longer.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Survivors complained about Freddy constantly, see what happened; a very weak killer was unjustly nerfed. Survivors complained about hook-camping constantly; killers got BBQ to encourage them to leave hooks. Survivors complained about 'having to lobby-dodge to play with friends in ranked' and look at what happened: the devs introduced SWF just weeks after making it explicitly clear that they would never allow premades into ranked play.

    Changes made simply because a lot of people complained have always been bad, in virtually any game, not just this one. The content of those complaints matter a lot more than the number of people voicing them, but there is a resistence from a lot of people to talk about and accept certain standards of debate.

    The standards for debate in regards NOED have been particularly low.

  • tariousx
    tariousx Member Posts: 156

    NOED is strong. NOED used to have NO counter. Survivors have the ability to completely dismantle it and I think that completely fine and there's no rework needed imo. I'm mainly a killer player, but I play survivor too and make it a point to cleanse dulls if possible, even solo. Not focus on rushing gens to a fault unless its absolute priority given the situation.