New microtransaction

Will you ever be able to buy bp like 5 dollar for 1 mill. I know it would called pay to win but I have 22......22 characters to level up to lvl 40 to get the teachable perks. and then after that in order to try and get all the perks on a character I would prob have to prestige and just grind the blood getting a headache just thinking about it
Edit: lot of people making it seem like i want this i was asking if this would ever be a thing...i never said i wanted it to be. I would rather everyone gets more bp per game.
You said it yourself. It'd be pay to win.
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it is kind of ptw but then again you can earn them. it only gets you perks thats it
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They will need to decrease the grind soon for new players as I am guessing you are a new player because while old players have all the perks because of how long they have been playing new players will look and see how many teachables they need to get then throw the game away.
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It's not just perks you would get. You could spend 20 bucks and get 10 iridecent hatches for huntress. The grind is bad but this is not the solution too it.
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I’d rather grind than having this implemented.
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"It ain't play to win, but paying will make you unlock stuff easier, and faster than those who don't."
Sure, that might work for a mobile free-to-play game, but this is a $20 ( I think $30 if on console) game with multiple DLCs.
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Don't you mean "Surprise mechanics"?
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k then maybe pay to unlock teachables. tbh i had a convo about increasing the bp to what it is in events and i got roasted so then i made this....
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This was something people were worried about when the "battle pass" rumors were going around. If you could pay for a pass that included large amounts of BPs, you would also be able to unlock and use very rare and ultra rare addons more often. I dont think anyone would care about shortening the time to unlock perks, but anything that could affect actual trials...
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ive seen people in red ranks get a win with no perks...your acting like this is some cod dlc weapon that actually is ptw
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I heard EA and Activision are hiring. @KrazyKat1011123
Why don't you earn your points instead of using your wallet. I know this is extremely hard to think of that you might have to put effort into your characters.
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Post edited by KrazyKat1011123 on1 -
No, you should be making it an incentive to add content to the game. As another thread stated paying for more diverse moris. I even stated there I am down for it but I do not feel we should be paying for low-effort material. I pointed out some of the killer weapons that are the same blade and everything different handle color. Which was not in the slightest good effort to reward for. You are making incentive's for them to make the blood-web even harder to capitalize on it. @KrazyKat1011123 next we will be paying for rank.
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I've logged 600 hours in game on my home Steam account, so this is not counting playtests etc at work.
I have one Survivor at P3-50 with all perks, and one Killer at P3-50 with all perks. Guess which Killer? :D
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@Almo is it miss piggy? *Dude I tried it won't freaking tag you*
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And this is why devs don't interact with the community.
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It's called socializing and making conversation. Give it a shot sometime.
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@Almo is untaggable.
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imagine just getting on the game you already paid for to just-
throw more money at your screen instead of actually playing the game you bought
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@ItsYourBoyGuzma isn't that the point if games anymore? Micro transactions and loot-boxes erh I mean "Surprise Mechanics."
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If that's how some people wish to spend their money, I have no complaints. New players are years behind at this point, and if they're willing to pay instead of grind, fine.
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yup just throw money at the game you just bought till it works 5head
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You are a god. I tried editing my post 8 times, in addition to, trying to tag him in two new posts.
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Oooooooohh we got a badass here folks!
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Yup, Pig. She still my favorite.
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Microtransactions to gain edge (which you would by just spending money to level your characters and not actually playing the game to do it) are atrocious.
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I love how people suggest things without thinking it through. If this game becomes P2W I'm done.
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Perks change the whole game. I just switched from Console to PC. On Console I had pretty much all the perks I wanted. Starting from scratch is painful. It would make more sense to suggest a fix to the blood web, which seems dead set on giving you the worst perks first. But you are like "take my money!"
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i dont think you read my post i asked will there be not there should be
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Either way you put the idea out there. Doesn't mean you are requesting it. Either way you should not be adding an incentive for dev's to turn this game into a p2w grind machine.
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i was asking...i dont want them to.. i would rather just get more bp in a game. And if you saw a dev said no but there planning on reducing the grind so lets just end this here and stop debatting on this.
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I'm getting sick and tired of these bloodwebs with 1 perk in them