Flashlight changes

I would like flashlights being reworked. I am a main survivor but match by match I see survivors using it maliciously, ruining the killer experience and making it being a stressful one. Taking advantage of giant loops (I know they will be reworked) and when they finally catch them, the survivors disconnect (punishing DC will not fix this problem) so I thought about this idea, if you use a flashlight and you get to blind a killer, it will deplet it, that will avoid malicious uses What do you think?

Or at least give the killer a chance to avoid it, because when you grab a survivor you can't do anything and they start blinding you (wich is progressive), you try to turn the camera when you're able to move but ends in freeing the survivor and in a toxic behaviour for the flashlight user (because you could not play until that survivor gets sacrificed or disconnected).


  • saculfed
    saculfed Member Posts: 11

    I think that reducing the duration of full blindness but have sequels for a few seconds could improve the killer game experience. Or perhaps, blindness will not generate stun. It have logic for you "Oh, I can not see, I'm going to throw whatever I'm carrying"?

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Not sure if one-time flashlights are the way to go. They are not easy to use and when the killer has a serious problem with flashlights, you can put on lightborn (if you have it). Most of the time I'm happy when flashlights come in because you can fake grabbing a downed survivor, so the flashlight survivor shows himself and gets hit, or you can look to a wall and stuff. And when they manage to save, it is deserved.

    And toxic behaviour is an issue of the survivor, not of the flashlight. And survivors cannot be bugfixed ( sadly :P )

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    @Deadeye, well I have lightborn, the issue is, it doesn't appear on the bloodweb strangely, and I know that the main issue are not flashlights, as the issues are not insta-heals but if there is something that people can abuse, they will do it. Also How can you fake to grab? Can you please explain it?

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    There are things like WALLS or if they keep blinding you at pallets there is this useful mechanic called SOUND there are even perks to help with this. Flashlights have plenty of counterplay.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    @KillermainBTWm8 oh yeah, walls and what if I only lift a survivor and until the action ends you can't move, so what happend if when I finally I am able to move I only heard the scream of the killer wich indicates that the survivor that I just lifted is free?

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    You grab while looking at a wall or you make sure to hit the survivor trying to save. This is simple

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    @KillermainBTWm8 the part of looking at a wall can be hard when you're on an open field but you're right about that, the only thing is hitting the survivor, is really hard to know if someone is there, even hearing, and as they have the purple flashlights you haven't much time to move when you grab a survivor.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    That's where you need to gather info and pay attention in the lobby to see if there are any potential items that could effect the game. If someone has a flashlight and you see someone nearby go for the hit chase people away. Or even changing your direction can help if you think someone is in one direction face another direction it will be very challenging for them to make the distance to get the blind.

  • rina
    rina Member Posts: 90


  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    It's rina being an example of how not to be a positive, worthwhile person in the community. It stands for Learn to Play.

  • daLenster
    daLenster Member Posts: 100

    Not sure what rank you are, but I seldom see flashlights as a problem for killers at around rank 6-10. Very few times have I seen survivors abuse it. The other survivors that try just fail at it, it’s not easy to use.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    @ElusivePukka thanks. As I said I don't play often killer role, but I saw it a lot of time, a new nurse trying to learn and survs bothering him. I don't think this is a good behaviour being honest.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    @daLenster as I play with my brother generally I only gets to play in ranks 12-15 more or less. And let me tell you, in rank 20 there are people with four level 3 perks, I meant some of them knows of how to play but just don't want to get red ranks (most of people after reaching rank 1 they go to ranks 15 on purpose).

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    flashlights need a buff if anything, stunlock messes with survivors and its only fair if it messes with killers as well, not to mention the counterplays some ppl have mentioned

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited July 2019

    @Saitamfed The fake grab is something like, first go kick a pallet or a gen, if the downed survivor is near one, then get back to pickup the survivor. If nothing is around, pretend that you stand too much beside the survivor to press space and "search" where exactly the survivor lies. But not turning around, just back and forth to check, where exactly the survivor lies on the ground. Pretty sure every killer had this situation already in his early days, so you should know how a "ground searching killer" looks like.

    This behaviour gives a potential flashlight saver a clear instruction, in which direction you will look, when you try to pickup the survivor. So the saver has a bit time and will find an optimal position to jump out of nowhere. Then you just move over him and wait for a second or a half. If you are aware your surroundings, you might have a good guess, where the survivor will hide with the flashlight. If you are lucky, he jumps out the moment you seem to pick up the survivor. Just listen if you hear movement. Otherwise just jump around the corner yourself to check if you see someone.

    As mentioned above, it is also possible to just make it as hard as possible to get the distance. Needs a bit of training to get the timing for saves right. On the kick example, if you kick a pallet and return to the survivor, you will have a direction you will face when directly picking up the survivor. A saver will orientate on that. If you just turn around 180 degrees before picking up, he might have to run an additional 10 meters to get into blinding position.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    @Deadeye that's a nice idea. I will tell my brother as he is the "main killer".

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    Its called actually using your head when you pick up a survivor. The vast majority of the time when you down a survivor you should be able to face a direction where a flashlight save will not be possible, whether that be a wall, an open space where the survivor with a light couldn't be hiding, or just the opposite direction of where you know the light survivor is at.

  • sam
    sam Member Posts: 29

    you said and i quote: "I thought about this idea, if you use a flashlight and you get to blind a killer, it will deplet it, that will avoid malicious uses What do you think?"

    (first of all, deplete*)

    anyways, flashlights do deplete when you use them, i don't think i quite understand what you're even trying to say. you said that you are a "survivor main" but you didn't know that flashlights DO deplete so something really isn't adding up.

    also..... are you wanting flashlights to be used to see around the map or what? because to be quite frank with you this thread just makes no sense!

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    @sam I was meaning about fully depleting (meaning no matter how many seconds remain), I am not used to flashlights , I have a lot of flashlights in my inventory. Anyway, this thread originally is for my brother because I see how many toxic survs bother him and honestly I feel bad about him.

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175
    edited July 2019

    Might I suggest:

    -Flashlight can be shone over the shoulder/held backwards when running, forcing Killer to avoid looking directly at their target or else rely on their sense of hearing to chase.


    -Flashlight doesn't affect Killers locked into animations.

  • Erak
    Erak Member Posts: 97

    I play killer and survivor and I like my flashlights as suvivor and have no problems with them as killer. People that struggle against flashlights just need to learn how to counter them. Getting a flashlight save is harder than ever before. And you have an obsticle to face almost in every situation when you pick up a survivor. And if not just make a 180 and it is fine.

    Blinding on palettes can be annoying but if you are wearing a headset you can hear them easy when they are injured. When they have iron will or are not injured you can still hear in which direction they are going. Also when you know that they will blind you just wait a second before breaking the palette, so they will waste some charges of their flashlight. Just look up for some seconds and break it then. Normally you won't be blind after the break animation.

  • GuineaGamer
    GuineaGamer Member Posts: 44

    I had a very horrible "Flashlight" game...this Kate kept me occupied for over two minutes with the darn flashlight. I was FUMING mad. It was a good strategy cause I was so tilted I tunneled her. I finally got her down, but all the gens were done and her team kept her up. I was pissed. I mean, she was pro with that flashlight! Pallet, blind...rinse repeat. It was pretty toxic, but I kept coming back for more. LOL!

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    @GuineaGamer I had a game against a Kate too. I was Legion, that Kate keep t-bagging and being a bit toxic, pallet blinding, making noises, like get in and get out of lockers, well those stuff. I chased a few mates of her teams, gladly have the feral frenzy so I could go from where the Kate was to where his teammates were and she could not stun me with the flashlight. Anyway I ended camping that Kate, I hooked up, then a mate went and unhook her , had borrowed time, so two hits in order to put the Kate down (gladly we were far away from the opened exit gates), when I was going to hook her for a second time, Kate did DC. I mean I am against camping but if you're being toxic and the killer camps you, well I think you deserved it and accept the punishment for being a headache.