You need to get rid of looping



  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Do you realise how narrow is the field of view of a killer and how large are their hitboxes right?

    With shadowborn as base and a reduced hitbox and removal of semi infinites looping wouldn't be a thing and survivors would need to escape like it was designed.

    When in a 4vs1 game a 1/4 of a team can verse the single adversary team, it is clear that we have a problem

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    this is not a question time but whats your standard of looping?

    i wonder what map you complaining about and what killer you used

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    What do you mean? Just hide when you hear the heartbeat, lol.

  • warlord2252
    warlord2252 Member Posts: 15
    edited July 2019

    Ok easy solution that I do. Its obvious when I find an infinite loop. Step 1 Take the stun bust the pallet. Step 2 Leave the short loops! Good example preschool map red car in the drive by the ambulance. I leave any pallet I can get to either side of quickly. Then when a survivor uses it they eventually crawl to slow or jump the gun and I get the down. Step 3 If all else fails walk away and count to like 10 then go to the gen closest to where they looped you. Most survivors that know where the loops are know where the gens are. Thats my tactic if they still out run me and pop gens well ig they are just better than me and thats totally fair and chill. Just try not to rub it in when you win or waste time gloating. I can loop but im not great at it. Im better at getting a killer to try and head me off then I double back and hide. I will say I do hide as soon as I hear the heartbeat lol im scared as a survivor and would prefer not to be found haha.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    This is one of the most helpful responses thank you so much :)

  • cuppaccino_
    cuppaccino_ Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2019

    alright, let's say im playing a match. killer comes towards the generator im on. okay, no big deal, i can just walk / crouch away, even better with urban evasion. killer kicks the gen, and searches around for me. finds me, okay, no big deal again, right?

    then let's say im chased, and in no such luck because "wait, i can't loop the killer anymore, there's only around two pallets and a vault left on the map and there's no objects to really hide behind!" so let's say i get downed, within a minute because we're forced to connect to the killers connection and it wasn't much of a good ping. taking a second or a bit longer to respond to their server, so trying to 360/180 is out of the question. so i use the two pallets and im out of luck, because oh no there's nothing left to /defend/ and /run/ away from the killer.

    "just crouch / walk away, don't get caught!"

    "you should've paid more attention to the ping / where the killer was going!"

    okay, then let's say ive been waiting over thirty minutes for a match, so im bored and desperate. the game is heavily unengaging now, and it's boring to play as the survivor- even though, isn't the survivor the most important? i mean yeah, the killers are super important too, but you can't do a lot without survivors, the games just boring. what should we do if we cant loop the killers?? are we supposed to cross our fingers and pray the killer can't find us if we hide? i guess so.

    the game would be boring and no one would play. it already leans towards killers anyways, all survivors downed in five minutes with one or two generators- better yet, none- done, and the killer already has 20-30 grand and double pipping while the survivors get to wait 20 minutes for a five minute match, if not less, and less than 5 grand bp.

    i don't want to be biased, because this happens when i play as killer or survivor, and it's just boring as the killer to get everyone after a generator or none and everyone's dead. easy 20 or 30 grand right there, but no intention on playing anymore. it gets boring without a real struggle and challenge, especially with hardcore players you can chase for a while and move on, still getting a lot of points.

    nope i don't take constructive criticism, bye, thanks for coming to my ted talk

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Very well done, you managed to hide from the killer by moving away from a totally concealed gen, do that with all the open area gens lmao.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    That's the risk you're taking if you put yourself into a position where you cannot hide as easily.

    There's a reason why you shouldn't repair an unsafe generator, because they are out in the open.

  • warlord2252
    warlord2252 Member Posts: 15

    Bad ping matchs I find the killer and butt dance and emote til they kill me and then message them and apologize for the short game the match ping just wasnt working for me. As killer if I down everyone fast I usually just kill them and make sure not to stand around and gloat at the end. As long as you dont gloat or troll most people dont mind if youre really a good killer.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Come on Rizzo, let us all go up in flames!!!!


    Anyway, @SunderMun and others: some of us actually enjoy playing the evil side (survivor, obviously) in a stealthy way. Urban E and stealth in general often receives a lot of flak, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who enjoys those moments when I Urban around some tree log, barely bigger than my character size, while the killer is so close I could bite his ass... but he doesn't find me and just leaves. This can be as tense as a tight chase.

    In the game's defense though, as survivor, you're quite free to pick your perks and decide whether to play a sneaky game or a bold one.

  • warlord2252
    warlord2252 Member Posts: 15

    I mean you could also just let them leave and just try to farm BP instead of pips. Max out chase, hits, and destruction. You should get enough BP that its not a total loss and its funny seeing them run scared when all you wanted was to break the gen lol.

  • cuppaccino_
    cuppaccino_ Member Posts: 3

    okay im not that good of a killer, and those kind of matches only happen once in a while lmao. but yeah, gloating and butt dancing is just overrated, and you really shouldn't do it. honestly, im more of a survivor main and its great with a swf team- i usually only have me and a friend- i always point and butt dance on my friend if they're downed and the killer slugs. and it's not toxic or rude, we do it to eachother because we're those kind of people.

  • warlord2252
    warlord2252 Member Posts: 15

    Lol I tease my friends when we play to. My buddy like to run by my gen drop a pallet and run away giggling like a school girl. Gets me caught but I cant help but laugh. I main as killer so I end up doing goofy stuff alot. Like put on rank 3 iron grasp and just carry people while I chase the others until the wiggle free. Down people right at the exit take them to a hook, then back to the exit just to scare them. Catch people waiting on the hatch just to drop them by it anyway. Fun is my goal winning just happens to be a product of it lol.

  • DJ_2_toxic
    DJ_2_toxic Member Posts: 29

    So your telling me if I didn't loop and just hide do you know how fast games would end? People are telling me to run but don't loop and not to be a coward and don't hide? Then why do we have urban Evasion and windows of opportunities?

  • DJ_2_toxic
    DJ_2_toxic Member Posts: 29

    Someone plz tell as being a survivor what do you killers want me to do so I can make you happy even if it's has standing there and letting you down me????? ¿¿

  • warlord2252
    warlord2252 Member Posts: 15

    Id rather be the killer that makes your night rather than the bully you cant escape, but thats just me I like getting gg and omg you were so fun at the end of a match. Any match that I fill my daily in I am more than likely letting everyone leave after some scares. Im not super big on getting past purple because I dont wanna take a win from someone who plays just for the wins. Id feel bad if I goofed off and ruined your rank when you worked for yours and idk how I even got to purple jn the first place lol.

  • warlord2252
    warlord2252 Member Posts: 15

    Be a team player, dont unhook right as I hook them, and dont expect me to stay with you for an endless loop. Oh and have good connection. Stay safe and dont get dead.

  • Beepbop123
    Beepbop123 Member Posts: 21

    How can stealth be the primary focus when there are so many perks for the killers that reveal survivor locations?

    There has to be a mix of the 2 otherwise it would be even easier for killers.

    Isn't mind gaming a loop part of the fun for a killer?

  • Beepbop123
    Beepbop123 Member Posts: 21

    I agree there is some that need to be looked at but they are in the minority.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    This why I believe I lot of people use Sally. She's the best killer at shutting down loops. I would rather blink around the map trying to find survivor's hiding, rather than push a survivor into a loop just to have them complain that Sally is broken, but barley any killers power helps in a chase anymore.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    This is because you are a biased survivor main, looping allows you to verse the entirety of your opposing team on your own.

    That's a problem with the balance of the game, you are not the hero of the story, you are not supposed to verse the killer and win, at similar skill levels.

    You are supposed to be given the chance to escape by using your number advantage.

    And if a lot of loopy loppers would leave, there may be more prole coming because the game is a horror game not a joke like it is now.

    All of your lobbying brought dbd to be in this situation where basically every killer is designed to try and counter the parasitic entity known as looping

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I like the mindgame part of looping, but I don't like looping itself.

    If we could have mindgames in a different form, I'd be more than interested to learn about it.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    The problem with looping is the game has been build around it for the last couple of years.

    To remove looping would mean all the maps would have to be completely reworked with ways to make sure there ways where breaking LOS meant you had a very high chance of being able to hide and not be seen. This would mean most of the perks to make pallets easier to deal with aura and tracking perks would need reworked.

    It would also mean the removal of pallets and windows as if they remained then nothing will stop someone using the looping. Any object in reality can be used for a loop it's not something the devs planned for the game it's something the players adapted to using to prolong a chase.

    If stealth was the main way to go the game could become extremely boring for a lot of killers as evident with the amount of posts asking for urban evading Claudette to be made easier to see.

    Killers want to be able to find multiple survivors and down them. Survivors want to be able to have a chance to run and or get away from the killer. If the game became seen and downed or seen and be able to hide the interactions between the two sides become less and the feeling of downing or losing someone can start to feel manufactured and not by how well you played.

    The game as it is keeps people playing. To remove looping makes it a completely different game and let's be honest there have been games released to compete with DBD thay dont do looping but have never managed to gain the following DBD has. This tends to say DBD as it is is what the players enjoy. I don't see them ever changing a successful formula.

    Changing a game people enjoy can be the death of it. This happened with the most successful battle roayale game of its the time when a major patch changed things too much. The player base left for something else which was better then whqt they chanhed it too and it went from 150k players to now having around 800

    While looping can feel frustrating it's what the game is and has been the survivor strat since around September 2016. Removing it means the game is not the same and it could be highly detrimental to the games playerbase numbers.

    This is why I can never see the devs removing it as they need the playerbase to stay large enough for the business plan to work.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    That's actually a nice idea, I also think there should be a ranked game mode where killers and survivors challenge themselves to a chase without the pressure of gens.

    Just like who survives the longest wins pips and extra BP

    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313
    edited July 2019

    They just need to to fix the insane loops at the buildings. I've come to accept Bamboozle as a must for the majority of killers if you don't want to get shat on in certain maps. I haven't used Freddy much at all since clown came out and couldn't unlock Bam with the million BPs I saved, and out of five games I played I had two that were excellent reminders of how broken some of the loops are still. There are other loops that are probably too strong but they can either be mind gamed in a much more reasonable time or rendered weak by breaking the pallet.

    A player good at stealth has an advantage with the game being so loop centric and I like the option to choose personally, but loops could still use a bit of reworking.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Dude...are you seriously advocating for less skill expression to be among Surviviors? Big. Fat. Lmao.

    Looping is pretty much the only reliable way Surviviors have to live against the killer. And looping the killer for every pallet in the game does absolutely jack ######### if you don't have a team that's doing the objective. This game should not be what it appears ur advocating for, which is "killer finds Survivior. Survivior should have no chance after that". You act like one of those killer mains who think that the only role for Surviviors is to find their favorite hook and wait for the killer to come by to see if they deserve that one or not.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    there is no skill in using a much superior fov and smaller hitboxes, I am an average looper and I can waste plenty of killer's time in a wide variety of maps.

    It is bad map design, NOT skill LOL

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Really bc even one tiny slip while looping can result in you going down. Ur superior FOV is to give you a stab at surviving the chase.

  • wichael_wyers
    wichael_wyers Member Posts: 202

    (If someone already said this, then sorry for wasting your time lol). I feel like the game is in a good spot right now. I used to be immersed and broke chases. I feel like chases are an inevitable aspect to this game, even when DBD first started. What else can you do when your stealth fails? Killers can hear you, track you, etc.

    There are plenty of great perks to break chase in order to return to stealth and it's really fun. I haven't done it in awhile, but it's what's cool about DBD: the different playstyles. I like to imagine just like the emblems, there are different type of survivors that correlate to some of those emblems: the people who get chased (Evader), the people who are immersed/break chase (also Evader), gen jockeys (Objectives), and healers/altruistic people (Altruism). All of these people can help the team in some aspect and also help themselves. Regardless of the style, it does come back to looping/stealth. You have to find a way to avoid the killer. When stealth fails, you go to looping (and vice versa if you wanted to).

    I imagine a purely stealth game would be boring, ngl. That's my opinion. And so would a purely loop-based game. I'd hate to not have the option to hide around trees, lockers, walls at all. There just can't be neither of them. Some people who chase a lot use stealth sometimes to catch a break on their last hook. Both styles are last resorts after one of the two play styles fails.

    And just because looping or stealth fails once doesn't mean you can't just go back to it once you've got the chance. (I guess it really depends, because sometimes you don't have a chance).

    You'd have to also consider killers. I'd be super pissed to find myself wandering around a game where I couldn't find immersed survivors. Then if you do find them and looping doesn't exist, it'd probably wouldn't be as satisfying. It really depends on preference, I suppose.

    Maybe I'm speaking ideally, but I personally believe we're in a good position right now. Perks like Bloodhound and Predator came into the game early on, so I assume we were meant to be caught regardless. You can't always depend on stealth (or even looping). It's good that we have both options.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    So basically.. only stealth is what the OP wants?

    So if you get found by the killer, you might aswell just stand there cause there is no chance of getting away. It is just a matter of a few seconds before you'd go down with out any means of getting away.

    I mean cause it is stealth... so if the killer finds you, I guess you can just turn around the corner and disappear while the killer is about 6 m behind you. LULs

    What a post.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Have you ever played horror games where you are dead when you are found? These are one of the best ones I ever played and immersive.

    I don't agree that dbd should turn into one of these because I got used to it in its current state and it would completely change the game. But I would like to see another game making stealth work like in sp horror games.

  • GoodnightLicks
    GoodnightLicks Member Posts: 4

    Yeah, this is big brain time.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Often times you don't have a choice unless you like giving the killer an easy three gen strat. It is also wise to knock out unsafe gens while majority of survivors are alive and can distract killer because you probably won't get the chance later. Don't worry though, there are usually survivors out there who are willing to take the risk instead of you in order to help improve your chances at escape.

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73

    I feel like you aren't listening to anyone's responses at all. They aren't saying that you should hide after being hurt, they think you should want to hide and remain unfound.

    Sure, some perks do prevent that. And if stealth were to become more prominent, they would need to be adjusted. But as of current, Survivors hold the advantage over most killers in both chases and stealth. Due to heartbeat and redstain, only two (pig and GF) and 1/3 (tier one MM) are capable of doing stealth stuff.

    And then when it comes to chases, survivors in general have an advantage over killers. Killers can hit and grab and use powers of course, as well as move faster, but survivors have a lot more at their disposal than any killer. Huntress on standard had (i think) five hatchets. Survivors have at least triple that many pallets. Billy is capable of moving at immense speeds and instadowning. But you can hop through a window, use an ability like DH or SB (which actually makes you just as fast as billy), or even pallet slam them out of it.

    Nobody here is saying Looping should be removed entirely from the game (short of joking about). They are saying the game should put more of an emphasis on stealth instead of just looping, which as of since the beginning, looping is a better option. There is no fear or suspense to playing this game, like at the beginning. Unless you get a select few killers such as Nurse, Billy, or Spirit, the only time the game is scary (unless you are immersion or new) is when you get snuck up on by one of the silent killers or find out they are running an exposion item.

    So calm down and see these things through. I main killer and even I think removing looping entirely is stupid. But there should be more viability to other options other than ring a round a rosey when you play against a killer

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Looping requires skill and planning. It is why not every player can do it.

  • jeridan
    jeridan Member Posts: 77

    There's also nearly no points for stealth. You can go the entire match never being seen/chased/hit by the killer and get no emblem or points.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @twistedmonkey is onto something here. Love it or hate it, a purely, or 90% stealth game would be a different game at this point. Would probably make a number of old players leave.

    I wish there was such a game around though... like a multiplayer version of Thief... what a series that was!

    Oh and one more note: guys, you're wrong saying "looping requires skill and planning", and saying "stealth requires skill and planning". The real masterful move is always getting chased, not getting hit, and losing the killer at some point. Which is a healthy mix of two.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    oh no, a crazy serial killer is chasing me, he wants to kill me so bad but worry not guys I HAVE THIS PIECE OF WOOD THAT IF I DROP I'LL BE SAFE.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    To be fair, loops should only be reduced in higher ranks where good survivors abuse them. If you get rid of looping then new players will never survive and they already suffer as it is. Make it so the higher the rank, the less pallets. Also give more points for stealth.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    You got a better idea to keep me off the hook? Cause the hook sucks.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    why did you assume that i was making fun of pallets? i totally wasn't :>

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