The Nerf Cycle

So, the Nurse is on the chopping block after MUCH survivor crying. It's easy to see where this is going. Let's start with OG FREDDY.
FREDDY is released on a FREE WEEKEND. Many fetus survivors are getting stomped in low ranks. To survivor credit, even the vets said he's trash. What do the devs do? They nerf Freddy to Atlantis. Be remains in Atlantis until recently he was able to escape and reside in Sea world. He's better now, but he's not a R1 threat like the top 5.
Legion is released on PTB. Everyone screamed 115% blah blah you know the story. The devs give us whatever they want. Killers adapt to his weaknesses with moonwalking and FMT slaughter. The survivors CRIED so much not even Justin Timberlake had a response. What do the devs do? They nerfed Legion so hard that his power actually hinders him more than helps. Make that make sense. They nerf everything about legion turning him into an M1 killer.
We all know PLAGUE was HIGH MID TIER on PTB. Survivors cry she may be too threatening because she's %115 holding vomit. Devs? Nerfed. High low tier low mid tier status.
Pig nerfed for no reason whatsoever.
Freddy add-ons sent to Gideon Meat factory... FOR NO REASON. Nobody cried about his gimmick add-ons. Thana caught in the crossfire and nerfed for no damn reason.
Now that I have you caught up, this is what's going on. Nurse is about to be gutted. Next will be Billy since he will then be arguably #1 after Nurse is destroyed. Billy will somehow be nerfed because he's been cried about forever now, despite being CRAZY LOOPABLE. After Billy is sent to purgatory, Spirit WILL most certainly be nerfed. Survivors cry about her because you can't loop her or just sit on gens without paying attention. After she's dead, huntress will be made %115, but her add ons will be killed. After these 4 are DESTROYED, all that will be left is HAG to rule over everyone.
I can see it now. It's been proven consistent crying from survivors will make the devs swing the hammer nervously despite killers experiencing many "Dark Times." Still, Gen rush, SWF, Looping etc isn't addressed. Not an attack on the devs so no need to try to close this one mods. I'm simply predicting the future.
They’re only slightly nerfing her base. Reworking her add ons doesn’t mean nerfing all of them, omega blink and extra blinks needed a nerf anyway. Maybe now she’ll have more useful add ons.
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Her base should not be touched... Period. I personally believe she shouldn't be touched AT ALL, but add on ok whatever. Touching her base is bull and you know it. No reason to cry about no add on Nurse
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I'd say it's well deserved, if they're changing maps and aspects of the game she would need to change with it.
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Have you actually read any of the 'nerf Nurse' threads?
There is a plethora of killer mains saying she needs to be nerfed too. Same thing with Legion. So stop making this a "killer V survivor" main thing.
And while I agree her base kit is fine, her add-ons definitely need to be changed. Nerf extra blinks/range and buff other stuff to make it actually useful.
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There had better not be people saying Legion needs a nerf.
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I mean old Legion. There were indeed killer mains saying he needs to be nerfed.
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I'm actually kinda interested in your Huntress "Nerf". She's gonna be 115% with weaker add-ons that she doesn't need to begin with? Oh no... Anything but that...-practices hatchet throws-
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Freddy just got a rework that made him significantly stronger, so maybe take the Freddy complaint off there? It isn't helping your case when someone can say "not anymore" to go against a point you're trying to make.
With Legion, they made it so that you can hit them twice (often with the first a quick stabby) instead of 4+ times and that makes them worse somehow?
Plag's biggest issue is that the bulk of her power comes from survivors feeding it to her. Without that, she's just an M1 killer who can one shot you and can locate you easier 'cause you're noisy. Being faster while puking isn't gonna make her top tier. It's just something that can be cheesed.
You mean the changes during EGC or the M2 being treated as an M2? I dunno why the latter happened. The first was probably to avoid cheesing a situation since the hatch could now be closed.
Nurse won't be gutted. She's just gonna have her add-ons adjusted (and possibly base) to make her feel more fair. A lot of things have changed since back in the day and survivors are significantly weaker than they once were. She should be adjusted to make up for that. There shouldn't be a killer you can reliably get 3~4k regardless of opponent's skill (once you get better at her) and she's always in the way whenever a flat buff to all killers is being discussed.
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C'mon man, we haven't even seen what they're doing to Nurse yet.
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Some Legion mains have maybe say that he should be nerfed, but the majority not and can we please listen to the majority. I mean that is not north corea here, or what?
I can just laugh at anyone who had find the default Legion without addons to strong - with addons sure, she was, no questions here, but that didn't justifys the mega nerf.
And yes, the nerf cycle seems indeed alive.
That's why the killer community as a whole need to be vocal, at least more vocal as the nerf crying minority of survivors. In the game, I have often meet different survivors to the survivors in the forums.
Those survivors have liked to play games where they got challenged, but of course those survivors post not very often in the forums, if they ever look in one, that said.
For the health of the game, we need to be loud.
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I think most people can agree that the original Freddy slaughtering was a mistake, and while the initial Pig RBT change that came with EGC is one thing the recent change of her ambush attack to not being considered a basic attack just leaves me confused.
But original Legion was something that a LOT of survivors and killers alike found to be total bullshit. Nurse can "ignore defenses" with practice, skill and knowledge, OG Legion only required the player to be sentient, have at least one functional hand and room temperature IQ. Are there things that I disagree with in their rework? For sure, I see no reason that they shouldn't get their old vault speed back, move faster in Frenzy, their ability/deep wound being better and that sort of thing, but FMT moonwalking and 1001 frenzy stab Legion getting sent to the shadow realm was incredibly deserved.
No one actually knows what they are going to do, personally I'm just hoping they rework a lot of the very underused add-ons she has (like all the purple add-ons with interesting strong effects but -1 blink as a downside).
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I am calling it now her add ons will be changed and she will get the after a successful blink attack you inflict "insert status effect" for certaun amount of time.
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Killer mains said Legion needed a rework, not a nerf, because Legion was very weak unless moonwalking or Frank's Mix Tape were involved, without these things he was low tier. Instead of just fixing his exploits and broken add-ons, they overnerfed his Feral Frenzy. I don't see any reason for his Frenzy speed or vault speed to be slower when he even can't down survivors anymore with it. Also, devs were very lazy about his add-ons, now 80% of them are trash.
Post edited by Marcus on3 -
Read the first sentence. Knew this was a butthurt nurse main post.
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That's my point. People want to act like it was a buff. They made deep wounds even more bullshit. It's no threat AT ALL. You have DEEP WOUNDS, but you rub yourself for 5 secs and woolah... You're ok! It's nonsense!
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Dude is acting like it's the end of the world oh no a killer that breaks the core mechanics of the game is getting her base slightly changed and her addons changed OH NO WHAT WILL WE DO how can i counter SWFS WITHOUT MY OMEGABLINK AND 5 BLINKS.
Yep totally does not need a change sarcasm btw all jokes aside she'll be fine she will still be the best killer in the game but she wont overshadow billy anymore they will probably be the same tier which is fine billy wont be better then her simply because i assume she'll still go through walls pallets etc.
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True, the Legion change made legion boring and uninspiring, they need to rework them properly
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Nurse: only universal viable killer
Legion, was a joke at launch, his rework removed the movement boost advertised in his trailer by stabbing the air, made mending more useless and the promised incentive of hitting multiple targets was never fulfilled.
Plague, underwhelming killer. The holding vomit at normal ms would be a nice buff. How many Plague do you see, that aren't doing dailies?
Pig preemptively nerfed just because it could have been an EGC issue...but it wasn't so revert maybe?
Freddy got gutted after a week and now most players prefer the pallet add-ons over the snares. Could the devs exchange them? For sure, will they? Certainly not. So Freddy is another add-on depending killer for all who favors the pallets.
Meanwhile LF has to share his add-ons with Billy. The Trapper really could profit from carrying more than one trap and rearm those on the ground. Our Bing Bong Boi is forgotten, he even cannot find himself.
The Doctor is a frustrating to play against, add-on dependent m1 killer.
Hag, Spirit, Shape and Billy are in a good spot.
Clown lacks map pressure and survivors learned to loop against him and thus making his kit void.
Ghostface is fine after some buffs.
And Huntress is overrated. Her hitboxes are broken and she got some OP add-ons. A good or lucky shooter can snipe you from afar, but experienced survivors can use their 3d camera to dodge incoming hatchets or deny a straight line.
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Watch them change something seemingly small and play it off as no big deal(like slightly reduce blink speed or something), but in actuality, it completely destroys Nurse.
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Another killer that will be trashed, I'm sure
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you still lose one add-on slot.
I don't like restrictions. I rather have a choice and flexibility how I can play.
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Another "us vs them" thread.
Please take the time and read all the patch notes, you will realize it is not how you think it is.
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Well, majority of Freddy add-ons even aren't worth using.
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Another example for a unfinished rework. You are supporting my chase. Thank you.
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So you really want to deny that nerfs for the killers were needed? Sorry, but that only shows low understandings of the whole game balance. Killers who can outplay game mechanics arent well balanced. therefor i will tell you next target will be spirit. and thats totally ok.
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So which rule number is "Thou shall be looped." In the Survivors' Rulebook for Killers?
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So WHERE did i mention loops? Ah right, NOWHERE. So whats wrong with you?
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Nothing, he simply sees you for what you are: a Survivor main with a big bias towards Survivors.
Also, you did mention loops indirectly: the Nurse only "breaks" one game mechanic: pallets.
Any change that would make those affect her detrimentally will make her loopable. Ergo, you did mention loops.
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The OP is right and literally all the survivors can come out with is their memes.
'Even killer-mains say it'
'Nurse ignores all mechanics survivors can use'
'But her addons' /Laughs in 2017
'The devs say they gonna do it like this'
The devs of course do not at all have a long-history of saying but doing different things. Tell a Nurse-main in 2017 that survivors would one day be calling her addons OP even though they haven't changed and they will instantly know it's because survivors themselves are the only factor that's changed; they are worse at the game than ever before.
Survivors consider only the playstyle and mechanics they prefer to be 'all mechanics', until they all used up, then they will suddenly start using the rest they deny exist and quite effectively. Finally, anyone who has to tell you they are a killer-main is not a killer-main.
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I never said anythin about loops. Thats just your false interpretation, i dont have anything to with. Nurse breaks nearly all mechanics. pallets, windows, walls, distance. You literally cant escape. thats why she gets nerfed. for gods sake gamebalance.
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Windows, walls, pallets and most structures. Don’t say she “only breaks one mechanic”, and you really aren’t one to call out someone’s bias.
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I'm sorry if you don't think Nurse addons need a nerf you're a little crazy.
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So what game mechanics are we talking about being "outplayed" in regards to the Nurse and the Spirit, hmm?
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To be fair, if a survivor complains about something in a discussion like this, he usually means looping. So I don't think its surprising, that this got assumed first.
The stealth and gen rush guys are usually like their playstyle... aka. very silent :).
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/\ this..... so much this.... especially about the part where survivors deny that other mechanics exist or is bad....... like stealth for example, a lot of survivors believe stealth play is dead and doesnt work.... but when you start a match you'll often find survivors left and right, yet as soon as they are on death hook or haunted grounds pops it's as if the survivors are the trees themselves....
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Funny because when I use Omegablink and don't destroy them, it's GGEZ. (I use pad and only have like 250 hours total.)
When the legendary killers that have 4500+ hours destroy with nurse, she needs nerfs? Stop it
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I feel like this is kinda a little of an overreaction. I mainly play survivor and I never really complain about killers except nurse and spirit. Now against spirit I'm just bad against her that's all. But nurse is actually really strong to a point it can be unfair. If you are a rank 1 nurse you can kill people so easily and the survivor can barely do anything other than mind games and it doesn't work for long unless you lose the killer and again a good killer isn't easy to shake off. At the least they should just make pallets actually stun her because I have had too many scenarios where I stun her and it just ignores it completely
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*laughs in 2017
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Personally the only problem I have with the game is the Plague. There's not a real counterplay to her. The nurse can be outplayed and outsmarted, and the nurse can outplay and outsmart survivors back. I think killers should be strong like the nurse or the huntress, however, the Plague takes that mindset to the true extreme. She has no counterplay in the slightest, her attempt at counterplay proving worse for survivors than just letting themselves be one shot the whole game. How come no one is complaining about her?
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A bit dramatic, no?
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@Wubsyy__ If you think Plague is anywhere near Nurse’s level then you are crazy. If you deny her Corrupt Purge you are a constant instadown but she is still VERY loopable.
If you give her Corrupt Purge she has a range attack for 60 seconds but you can easily hide from her. She is tall and has a large terror radius.
My point is that you can always escape a Plague.
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Most whiners on this forum are. They're so blinded by bias it actively limits their ability to reason.
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And when the good nurse plays a SWF and gets dunked by a genrush team despite downing people asap, it's 'another trash nurse'
Nurse is not an automatic win.
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Oh, yes. I must admit, they may have gone a little too far with that nerf.
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Its just sad how all survivors can do nowadays is looping. They dont realise its not the only mechanic in the game. The Nurse's base speed is slower than survivor, so she needs her blinks to catch up. This alone implies that she is not supposed to be looped. You need to outwit her. Juke her, gain distance with line of sight blockers, and the like.
People who complain about her, because you "cant loose her once she found you". You do realise its 4v1? You are not supposed to be able to 1v1 the killer. It should be a constant rotation of hooks. Chase, hook, chase, hook, chase, hook, until either all gens are done, or the killer killed off everyone. All depending on how well everyone played. The Nurse is no different in that.
The only difference between the Nurse and everyone else is that you have no safezones against her. All loopable killers have places on the map where its physically impossible to catch any half decent survivor. Unmindgame-loops. Places where the skill of the killer litterally doesnt matter at all, unless you are the Nurse.
Both the killer and survivor's skill should matter in a chase at all times. This is what the Nurse offers.
Her basekit is fine. Her add-ons break her.
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Yea but the problem is Legion's power is inherently flawed. The only actual solution would be a complete rework, which would take forever considering how long Freddy took. So instead of doing that, they just decided to nerf him. They said they plan to revisit Legion in the stream, so this solution was probably just temporary until they could devote the time to an actual rework.
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How dare they touch the base of a killer who breaks every chase mechanic in the game!
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Except the ones survivors are fine with using when all their resources for their preferred playstyle are exhausted and what they used to do before pallet-looping was introduced(not every survivor used infinites back then) along with 6+ stackable 2nd-chance perks.
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A survivors skill and knowledge is irrelevant verse a Nurse while in a chase. Breaking LOS is great and all, until the Nurse actually blinks to where LOS was lost and uses her second blink as the precise blink. If the Nurse does this, there's really nothing you can do. Knowledge of where pallets and windows are doesn't matter and knowing how to run tiles doesn't matter. Nothing really matters verse Nurse. You basically hope you don't get seen, and if you do, well you're dead.