FPS issues post 2.0.0



  • cee666
    cee666 Member Posts: 3

    Coal tower
    I was fixing a generator with another player. Another player walked over from the other side of the camera as I was moving while also getting a skill check. The combination of so much happening at once definitely caused the drop though I have been in similar situations beforehand and have never seen such an aggressive drop before.

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    Regular PS4
    Doctor: all maps have significant slowdown and framerate drops, all times.

    Trapper: Played only on Red Forest and The Game. severe framerate drops at all times, practically a slideshow. Especially noticeable when attacking.

    Leatherface, all maps: moderate framerate drops.

    Myers, all maps: nothing I noticed.

    Playing survivor, all maps: haven't noticed anything.

  • ivan2340
    ivan2340 Member Posts: 1

    All maps
    90FPS on ultra while walking around, repairing a gen (with toolbox) drops it down to ~45FPS

  • agreenjinjo
    agreenjinjo Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2018

    PC (gtx 1070)
    All maps
    Any killer present I think, but confirmed with Billy and Huntress
    Getting hit for the first time with an attack. Getting hit subsequent times causes no issue. If someone else gets hit first it may or may not cause fps drop.

    THEPH0NECOMPANY Member Posts: 2

    Xbox One X

    Any map with corn or cattails, large maps, maps with altered lighting or altered mist. All experience frame droppage or just seem to run at low FPS

    Nurse seems to get terrible drops in general when blinking, hard to track survivors, seems worse after the update

    Any time a buff or de buff appears on the screen there seems to be frame drops, seems to be when the icon appears, so NOED pops up as a survivor or bloodlust appears as killer

    Good work on Huntress hatchets though they are soooo much better after the 2.00 patch, I can actually throw hatchets! :)

  • Ryak
    Ryak Member Posts: 4

    Random maps
    Walking around and after the game just started

  • Gioj54
    Gioj54 Member Posts: 1
    PS4 slim
    Shelter woods
    The game started to run 15/20 fps while looking for the last remaining survivor until the end.
  • BlackMercury
    BlackMercury Member Posts: 172

    Shelter Woods
    Killer and Survivor
    Various (Freddy, Huntress, Wraith)
    I've been having periodic fps issues on shelter woods since 2.0. Game will be smooth for a while then drop for a bit, then smooth again. Doesn't seem to be connected to any particular prop i'm looking in the direction of, but it did seem to get worse when the gates were powered.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    @Caver12 said:
    Ps4 pro

    i wanted to share that my stuttering and lag spikes have nearly disappeared after turning off boost mode on the ps4 pro. I have done this several times Now and have experienced similar results.

    ps4 boost mode does not like patch 2.0

    This is worse while playing Survivor with boost mode off on PS4 Pro.

    If the Killer does an action (Freddy sleep/Myers tier etc) while you are struggling on hook you just die because of the game freezing.

  • Doc
    Doc Member Posts: 94

    All maps
    It happens really anywhere when a lot of things are happening at once. I had to change my settings from ultra to medium to stop the fps drops.

  • BabyKitty
    BabyKitty Member Posts: 37
    PS4. Auto haven has some gens that are 2 men gens but one side doesn’t let you work on it. I’ve noticed a few others in other maps but can’t remember which ones
  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    To add to this, on PS4 (regular, not PRO) there's post match frame rates drops. I don't know what causes this. Also in the menu at times, the cursor is dropping in frame rates at times.

    Shelter Woods definitely has some sort of issue. As survivor and killer. Overall playing killer has worse FPS problems.

    I'd just love to get this locked in at 30 FPS. We're not asking for 40-60 FPS. We just want 30ish. And for it to never dip below 25 WITHOUT sacrificing graphics.

    The art in this game is awesome. I love it. Lots of games run at 30+ FPS.

  • oooK3NJ1ooo
    oooK3NJ1ooo Member Posts: 81
    It occurs on every killer on every map. It is really bad with the doctor and the clown. The doctor is at the moment not playable.

    System: PS4

  • N3X
    N3X Member Posts: 39

    i dont know how are the config datas on console. But on PC it helps if you Play on Higher grafik to switch in the Gameusersettings the ScalabilityLevel=1-3 to ScalabilityLevel=0 even if all other Settings are on Ultra (3)
    After this Change it runs on PC self with 2k grafik (Usersettings locked) with smooth FPS if your System can run this game in Ultra grafik.
    If this is also an Option on Console, then Maybe it can fix the Problem if the ScalabilityLevel is standard higher then 0

  • MezzaMind
    MezzaMind Member Posts: 39

    Red forest
    Using chainsaw and tiering up bloodlust

  • ghostnappa1927
    ghostnappa1927 Member Posts: 5

    All maps
    All Characters
    Sometimes when i throw bottles as a clown, my FPS drops, including when the match is completed the FPS drop suverely. This goes with all other killers.

  • Naewin
    Naewin Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2018

    PS4 Standard
    All maps. Especially on Haddonfield, Wretched Shop and Coldwin Farm.
    Killer & survivor (but it happens more often with killers)
    Just before a hatchet hit, tiering up bloodlust, using chainsaw, blinking, etc. + random moments

  • Wicked_Django
    Wicked_Django Member Posts: 128
    edited July 2018
    Xbox One X
    Lery’s Memorial Map, All Farm maps, Crotus Penn, Haddonfield, Wretched Shop

     From the very start of the game until the end of the match you can immediately tell that the frame rate is suffering. It seems to get even worse when large interactions occur like running into a survivor, activating a power, or powering generators that do larger events like the center generator in Lerys
  • SoulTaker
    SoulTaker Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2018


    Well on XBOX ONE S I seem to have the biggest fps problems when using effect heavy killers like clown doctor, nurse, and all the time as Freddy (probably because how misty the dream world is).

    These problems are really noticeable on swamp map, farm maps as well as the red forest map which has the rain fx.

    Certain actions also cause frame rate drops when you kick a pallet as killer the pallet animation looks laggy and when the debris from the broken pallet is in the air it also leads to frame rate drops. Whenever a survivor starts spinning like they are doing a 360 I don't know why but for some reason it makes it feel weird (I don't know if this is possibly motion blur?) As well as when you find multiple survivors at once it makes the frame rate drop like crazy when they start running all at once.

    Other things that cause a little bit of lag is when Michael Myers enters ew3 near you (Michael Myers also gets a couple frame rate issues when entering EW3) . Entering bloodlust tier 1 also seems to make your frames go down like crazy for a second or two it's really noticeable. Also to add to that if you enter bloodlust in the crop fields on a farm map say goodbye to whoever you're chasing because it's almost impossible to keep the chase up unless they are running in a straight line. When someone enters the dream world Freddy tends to have some drama drops as well. What I believe as well is that the fire fx from barrels lowers your frames as well if you're near it or looking in it's direction.

    I almost never tend to get frame rate issues as survivor though most of the frame rate issues always happens as killer and like I stated it happens to effect heavy killers like Clown, Doctor , Freddy (too much mist) and sometimes even Nurse.

    On another side note for some reason the main menu is always laggy on Xbox moving the cursor can sometimes be a big pain because it moves at normal speed then for whatever reason it slows down a lot then it speeds back up again.

  • CrookedWookie
    CrookedWookie Member Posts: 2

    Xbox One X
    All maps
    All killers
    The frame rate gets really choppy doing skill checks - I don't know if that's being caused by the other FPS issues being mentioned, but it's where it hurts the most. The arrow on skill checks doesn't move in a nice predictable swing on consoles. Sometimes it'll suddenly lurch and speed up and cause you to miss a check. Sometimes you watch it going for the sweet spot and then it hangs for a second, and you hit the button and miss the check because it froze for a second when it should have entered the Great zone.
    This is bad enough on regular skill checks but on some of the 'fast' ones that pop up out of nowhere and seem to be moving very fast the jerky speed of the arrow can make them nearly impossible to hit at times.

  • BluFi
    BluFi Member Posts: 7

    Various maps (Badham Preschool, Coldwind, Crotus Prenn, etc)
    Basically the whole match feels choppy. Placing down traps, getting close to survivors, hitting them, all feels choppy.

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    My second post. I have more to add. 

    PS4 Slim
    Michael Myers
    Mcmillan Estate : Suffocation Pit
    While hooking someone fps drops real bad. There's a long pause for a second or so as that animation plays. 
  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited July 2018

    Shelter woods,Auto Haven(All versions)
    All killers and survivors
    Any killer/survivor if i go to the center of shelter i get huge fps drops for autohaven its as billy and its just random fps drops at random
    Any actions when going towards the center of shelter and any actions on auto haven

  • Captain_Pidgey
    Captain_Pidgey Member Posts: 1
    1st gen Xbox One
    Mainly Nurse, sometimes survivor.
    Most maps, mainly Pale Rose, Haddonfield and Badham though.

    I don't care what anyone says, the Nurse is actually playable now. I'm a Day 1 Xbox player, and the FPS for killer are the best they've ever been AS A WHOLE. FPS are still lost often though, especially on Pale Rose and Haddonfield. 

    The few times I play as the Clown, when multiple bottles have been thrown the FPS gets really nasty. Almost impossible to time a hit sometimes.

    I don't think most players appreciate/experienced how good it has gotten since last years launch. Keep up the good work with each update!

  • JacetheAce
    JacetheAce Member Posts: 3
    Xbox One (original model)
    Maps: Lery's, Haddonfield, Springwood, MacMillan (all 4)
    Killers: Doctor, Hag, Myers
    Tier-ups on bloodlust and Evil Within tend to drop frames. Doctor in treatment mode heavily decreases FPS. Played a game as the Hag on Lery's and it was choppy the whole time. Lery's seems to be the worst map in general.

    Thank you for looking at this issue! I hope my feedback can help you all out!
  • PoopyX
    PoopyX Member Posts: 3
    PC Specs APU Ryzen 3 2200g, Ram 8gb(2gb for VRAM and 6gb for the game)
    Settings: 35% of 900p Resolution on Low

    Worst perfomance wise maps: Shelter Woods(28FPS), Red Forest(40-50FPS), BadHam(only on boiler room, 40FPS).

    Best perfomance wise map: The Game(60 FPS locked)

    I havent noticed anything related to killers that affect my fps. The only thing though I have noticed is that I always have 60 FPS locked on all maps when I am close to my initial spawn area.

    All other maps vary from 50-60FPS

  • sunnyariane
    sunnyariane Member Posts: 60
    Ps4 Pro

    I think it starts arbitrarily and you can only fix it by restarting the console.
  • Wicked_Django
    Wicked_Django Member Posts: 128
    Xbox One X
    Red Forest

    game started fine as far as fps. Got a significant drop after hooking two people when everyone was injured. When they were all slugged it seemed better. 
  • AndyMXM
    AndyMXM Member Posts: 41
    Xbox one s

    All maps on killers 
    Red forest is terrible played at down to 15 fps
    And When most of my team mates are around the framerate gets horrible again

    A game like this should be pushed to 60 fps no matter what, drop the resolution down to 720p whatever but make the game playable, running around a pallet or trying to hit someone with a hatchet, nurse or chainsaw is terrible at sub 30fps
  • oooK3NJ1ooo
    oooK3NJ1ooo Member Posts: 81
    I had a long gaming session today (8am till 4pm) and noticed the following:

    - the drop in framerates was stronger over time. In the morning (i guess with less players on the servers) it was ok... not 100% fluid but arround 80% when more players joined the server at arround 1-2 pm the frame rate dropped enourmes (70 - 60%)

    - killers with "effects" are suffering more than "normal" killers. I had no problem with billy but a lot of problems with Doctor / Clown / Freddy (with fog offering). Could it be that the effects are to strong for the server connections etc.?

    - before the patch i had fram rate problems with the doctor only (thats why i switched him as a main)

    I hope this will help.
  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,452

    Xbox One base model
    Various maps (MacMillan, Coldwind, Swamp)
    Billy, Myers, Trapper, Wraith, Clown
    Using powers, hitting Bloodlust Tier 1(!!!), Evil Within Tier 3 (especially bad near survivors or when combined with Bloodlust), Being close to survivors to engage chainsaws or hit them normally.

    It seems like it only happens when you play as the killer. I think the game is most choppy on Coldwind.
  • SilverWolf
    SilverWolf Member Posts: 3

    Intel 8250U, Intel HD 620
    Original Maps - Coldwind Farm, Autohaven Wreckers, MacMillian Estate
    All characters
    General FPS on the original three realms has been greatly decreased since the 2.0 update. Shelter Woods used to get ~20-25 fps, now it gets down to 12 or less near the center. Cornfields on all the maps seem more intensive, it's the most noticeable on Fractured Cowshed though.

  • IndoorElephant
    IndoorElephant Member Posts: 2
    Xbox 1S
    All killers, all maps, only killers. (Survivor plays fine)
    I’ve been playing on ~20fps for killer since I started. Very frustrating since survivors literally disappear around corners or after hits because of missing frames. 360s are near impossible to counter at this frame rate. Please help. I have quit the game on 2 occasions because of this but I really want to play and buy skins.

  • josephxerces
    josephxerces Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2018

    Xbox One
    The Pale Rose
    The Clown
    Gaining Bloodlust, and hitting survivors is choppy making it difficult to see where they run off to

    Xbox One
    Suffocation Pit
    The Hag
    Gaining Bloodlust, and hitting survivors is choppy making it difficult to see where they run off to

    Post-game scoreboard is also choppy, with the characters on the right side of the screen running at a very low framerate. Moving the cursor over perk, add-on, and item icons is very slow on the lobby and loadout screens.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    Xbox One S
    Lampkin Lane, Léry's, Coldwind Farm maps, Red Forest, Badham Preschool
    It's really choppy when blinking and after blinking, so it's almost impossible to hit someone. Framerate drops also occur when somebody repairs a generator.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Shelter Woods, Blood Lodge, Auto Wreckers
    Playing as survivor
    Frozen in place from the beginning of the match till the end, i can crouch and struggle only nothing else.

  • Vaudran
    Vaudran Member Posts: 1

    PC, Intel Core, i5-6200U CPU 2.30Ghz; GeForce 920MX (2gb)
    Almost all maps, with huge drops of FPS since 2.0
    Playing as survivor

  • xywwak
    xywwak Member Posts: 16

    PC - configuration higher than recomended requirements (it´s not only on consoles...)
    All maps
    All killers
    Main issue is freezing game for about 1-2s, or very high fps drop - this problem affecting survivors connected to my game!! (many of them told me that during this matches they were unable to use Dead Hard propertly)
    Main trigger from what I saw is Bloodlust tier 1, every time Bloodlust comes in play this happens.
    Recently I experienced similar problem (it´s like 2 weeks now - just around Bloodhunt event) and still happening - same problem - triggered by lunge attack around corner or over pallete with quick turn - like fake red stain before going to smash suvivor waiting to drop pallete.
    One time it happended when I played Leatherface, using his chainsaw a during starting part of chainsaw i made turn for 180° - freeze, i lost my chase because of this.
    Hope it help to find out what happening....

  • Scorpion_rulezMK
    Scorpion_rulezMK Member Posts: 25

    PS4 Pro
    All maps, worst are the dark ones Macmillan Estate, Swamp and Huntress forest map, mist offerings make it worst the more mist.
    Billy chainsaw, nurse blink, doctor shock, pallets, turning camera, initiating a hit, pretty much anything you do will cause an FPS drop as killer, anykind of game loading also causes a drop.
    As survivor its mostly noticable when the killer is about to attempt a hit on you, everything freezes and you can't see until you are hit. Areas with a lot of light also help the FPS drop.
    Opening the store sets in the FPS drops until you restart the PS4 entirely, to which it "fixes" back to post 2.0 FPS. The store is the only trigger I could find.

  • OneAngryRooster
    OneAngryRooster Member Posts: 13

    All Maps.

    Mostly happens during chases. The survivors will become erratic, jerky and then boom, the frames start to drop tremendously. Jittery. Like spasms. Happens more often on the cornfield maps.

  • SendNudesPlz
    SendNudesPlz Member Posts: 1

    Which platform are you playing on?

    What map were you playing on?
    Every. Even the title/menu screens are now running at 15fps(ish). Previously I've never seen it drop below 60fps.

    What side were you playing (killer / survivor)?

    What killer was in the game?

    What actions (ie: dropping a pallet, using a power) were you doing when you experienced the FPS drop?
    Constant 15-20fps on the same exact PC that ran it at 60+. Menu, in game, it doesn't matte what I'm doing. Tried dropping the quality to low and had no effect. All the textures also look terrible now, even on Ultra. I haven't played in about 2 months however this is the first time I've run the anti-cheat. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    Xbox One classic
    All maps, all survivors.

    Activating spring burst at the start of games or for the first time in a while.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,452
    It seems to only happen when I play killers, it’s never happened when I played survivor. On most maps on Xbox.
  • Lmatt
    Lmatt Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2018

    System: PC
    I7-6700HQ 3.6GHz 4 Core
    16GB 3000MHz Ram
    GTX 970m 3GB GPU
    Windows 10 Home edition
    Driver Version: 398.36
    No problems with any other game (PUBG, Battlefield 1, GTA V 60-120 fps on high or max settings).

    Problem: Horrible framerate on menu or in game (15 fps or lower) when using any settings other than low.

    Map: Every / also menu

    Killer/Survivor: Both, noticeably worse as killer.

    Action: Constant FPS issues, serious fps spikes occur as either killer or survivor (drops down to 0-5 fps) when a survivor is hit and when a notification appears for the first time such as ruin or exposed.

    Post edited by Lmatt on
  • MasterLoli
    MasterLoli Member Posts: 73
    edited July 2018

    All outdoor maps
    When i'm shocking survivors and they are running around causing scratches, when there are too many scratches the game gets laggy combined with my static field.

  • ppqq131
    ppqq131 Member Posts: 1

    Ps4 base model
    MacMillan Estate
    Playing as doctor. Fps drop like crazy when I change my stance during the chase. Also, when bloodlust go into level 2 fps drop as well

  • besjo33
    besjo33 Member Posts: 22
    Any update on when this is getting patched playing killer is the most infuriating thing on Xbox atm playing against survivors who aren’t even good and can’t hit them due to lag is really starting to piss me off! I’m getting to the point of just dcing if I get haddonfield as the map! That map has the worst lag in the game I can’t even get through the houses when in the chase I just get threw into walls constantly. 

    I also feel feel like if it was survivors lagging this badly the game would have been patched already! I play survivor too and there is hardly any difference from before, maybe a little bit of lag but killer is pathetic!

    Also the FPS drops means a survivor can very easily 360 the killer because when they 360 they are already running the other way before the killer even knows! Please! Please! Focus on an optimisation patch for console! 
  • ErickHammet13
    ErickHammet13 Member Posts: 9

    Xbox One S
    All Killers: When you hit a survivor or run around in circles it makes it almost imposible to land a hit, FPS drop in huntress thowing axes, nurses blinks, hag teleports, doctor general walking in treatment mode.
    Survivor: Only playings vs freedy when he puts you to sleep, and huntress when you get a hatchet
    All Maps especially, corn maps or swamp.

  • Geondp
    Geondp Member Posts: 35

    Is all of this info doing anything ?

  • Tactics
    Tactics Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2018

    we need 60fps for xbox x. This game look and run amazing on xbox x but its terrible. Frame drops on ps4 have gotten worse for me also. Freesync ? We should have it