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General Discussions

DbD Needs Something Big

Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

Right now the game is in this kinda limbo of not really dying, but not really growing either. The same patch cycle with a few skins sprinkled in between the 8 or so weeks between each major update is basically just keeping the game on life support. Might be the 800 hours talking but DbD really needs something big to happen if it is going to grow. Some big event, big change, big gamemode, anything out of the ordinary. A new map or character won't cut it, an event that lasts a few weeks won't do it. This game needs some kind of ambition to happen. Now they are working on a new chapter which will release in a month or so of which a PTB we will see in about 2-3 weeks, they also are finishing with dedicated servers so they can get them to live before 9/21 (end of summer), and they got their switch release. While all of these are good and solid things for the game. I don't think any will make the game grow, the closest would be switch, but I doubt it will take off. Once that all happens we do have the upcoming archive system (better version of daily quests) and the rift (battle pass). I do think this will give the game a new spark, but definitely not enough to really get it going. Then besides the mobile version and a few chapter releases the last thing on the road map is Rank rework "initiatives". I do agree ranks need a major rework way more than the emblems could do, but again its not going help the game grow.

This is all speculation but from what I have seen in the past, I don't think the game will surpass 25k players average this year on PC, aside from double bloodpoint/events. I do want it to, but its gonna take something big.

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