Some new totem spots are BS
No it's passive. He sets traps, walks away, doesn't need to come back until the absolute last moment. PASSIVE. Active would be him patrolling the area or coming to check on it immediately after disarming a trap, which as I've said is not necessary when he has Iri Stone.
Address what? You said "dead hard past the traps" you can't because the closest trap is right next to the totem. You can't be doing the totem without stepping in the trap, DH or not. It has to be disarmed.
It's really not. You have to disarm 3 traps, so unless he hears 3 traps pop he doesn't need to do squat. He can chase as he pleases. Not to mention, disarming 3 traps and doing the totem takes enough time for him to finish a chase (or at least slug someone).
I really feel like none of you have actually experienced this. Every one of your solutions are not solutions. You can't do this totem against Trapper unless he just doesn't give a fork and let's you disarm 3 traps and do the totem. If he has Iri Stone he doesn't even need to pay attention to you because the trap DIRECTLY UNDER YOUR FEET will likely open before you finish it, and if you do manage to finish it one or two of the others will arm and then you are stuck. If the killer comes over that's a free hook, he just needs to stand and wait for the one under your feet to arm. Sabo is not an option unless you have a toolbox, and to sabo 3 traps takes a long time. It would be very easy for him to just peak over and see what's going on to stop that.
It's one of the totems tucked deep into tall trees on Badham. It's similar to the one that's tucked behind some boxes on the corner of the water tower on Macmil maps. He can set 1 trap right in front of the totem, 1 in the middle, and 1 at the very edge. You MIGHT be able to step around the first one but it's really really tight so I doubt it. There is also tall grass all over that tile so he can easily set another trap around there to catch you running away.
All I'm asking is that Trapper should NOT be allowed to set traps in the nook. If he wants to set them around that tile fine, but not IN the nook. Again, this was something that was previously in the game and then was REMOVED for the exact same reasons this should be removed. Yet no one has bothered to even address this point. It's all "just do gens" "he's wasting time" yadda yadda yadda. That's not the point. The point is that these kinds of totems can't be done unless you are in a super coordinated 4 man or the killer just doesn't care (which is rarely if ever a thing).
0 -
You're speaking as if theres no solution and as if trapper is OP with totems which is not the case.... time to disarm 3 totems is maybe 15sec at the most, time to cleanse totem is like 16 seconds, they're tactics and such that you can use to overcome an actual challenge given by one of the mid tier killers.... I know that you know that trapper isnt that strong even after the buff...
0 -
You can't DH it, you will just DH into the last trap SMH 🤦♂️
There is literally no space between the traps.
You clearly don't understand the situation.
"Traps cannot be placed so close to each other that using dead hard between them is impossible."
I beg to differ. They can indeed be placed close enough in this particular area that you cannot just DH past one and not hit the next.
0 -
The explain to me WHY the devs chose to change several totem spots where Trapper was able to do exactly this? Really explain it, and then justify why he is allowed to do it here.
You can't. They changed it because it made it impossible to do the totems without disarming the trap. Now he can do it TIMES THREE. If that's not reason enough to change it IDK what is.
Counter tactics aren't the issue. The issue is that THIS TOTEM IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DESTROY against a competent Trapper. Especially one with Iri Stone. It doesn't matter if you can counter it by some other means, the totem being impossible to destroy. Is. The. Problem.
In theory, back when you could face camp to block an unhook, the "counter" was to do gens. But that doesn't solve the initial problem of an unhook being IMPOSSIBLE. Same thing here. And again, it was something they fixed with certain totem spawns already, so why has it been brought back?
0 -
Ok so your solution involves 1) having DH in the first place, 2) being injured so that you can use DH, 3) purposely stepping into a trap. No sorry that's not a solution. And that totem spot you speak of can't be trapped like this one can. He can put 3 traps in that area, he can fit maybe 2, and there is enough room to DH into a spot where the trap won't hit you. The spot I'm talking about is literally 1 survivor wide all the way in and 3 survivors deep. There is no way to step around any of the traps.
0 -
Because those aren't solutions! They don't actually solve the issue I'm talking about. They are HIGHLY circumstantial, HIGH risk (you are almost guaranteed to get hooked even if you get the totem), and don't address the fact that THIS WAS ALREADY REMOVED FROM THE GAME PREVIOUSLY!!!
You guys just want to defend this BS because "totems need to be hard to find". Yea, hard to find not hard to destroy. I'd be fine with it if he couldn't put 3 traps in this tight little nook and you could actually do the totem without literally killing yourself in the process.
0 -
This is a lot different then old facecamping dude..... theres always the gen rush meta that counters all until the devs take the butcher hammer to it.... and even then it's not "impossible" especially with SWF.... theres a lot of different things to try... obviously the wind sprint tactic is the first, while hes forking around with you guys gens should be getting done, it eventually gets to the point of "whats more important?" for both sides, in which case if 2gens are getting completed at once.... time is on your side as the survivor..... and in that case... why in the honest hell would even care about breaking it when you can use it against him?
0 -
You're not getting it. I don't care if you can do all 5 gens and all 4 other totems in 2 minutes. That misses the entire point I am trying to make, LIKE I KEEP SAYING.
NO TOTEM SHOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO DESTROY. Unless the killer wants to actively patrol it, you should always be able to destroy the totem.
It was removed from the game previously. Explain why this is acceptable with these new totem spots if they already made it clear that it's not. Still no one has bothered to say anything about this.
And it is the same because it makes an action impossible to do (at least not without purposely killing yourself).
I've seen plenty of new, well hidden spots on Badham that don't have this issue. The particular spots I am pointing out simply don't need to exist, or at the very least need a mesh that prevents traps from behind placed in the nook.
0 -
I can guarantee it only worked because the killer didn't try to stop you. Also it's not the same totem spot, like I said you have more room to do that stuff in THAT spot. Maybe try it against a Trapper when his totem is in the spot I mention first, then see it's not possible like I keep telling you.
"But hey, many people don't care about fixing bully squads because it's "highly circumstantial and rare." Nobody wants to fix keys because "they're highly circumstantial and rare"."
Has NOTHING to do with this discussion.
0 -
Actually, this trapper tactic was already possible in McMillan because the water tower has a crack where he can fit 5 traps in. I'm starting to think this hurts the Trapper more than it does help him tbh. :(
3 -
Even mid tier is too generous for Trapper. Especially without add-ons, he has arguably the most lackluster base kit among all killers.
3 -
But there were the totems inside LT walls that were changed for this exact reason. The boxes on either side of the totem were moved apart so he couldn't trap the totem like that.
And yea it's possible on this spot on Macmil maps, which should be changed too, but now we are getting MORE spots like this, so it needs to be address sooner rather than later.
0 -
Why this thread is still alive ? This game has bigger problems than this and someone already said that your problem is highly situational to happen. The killer needs to be Trapper, the totem needs to be in a very specific spot, survivors needs to not spawn on top of the totem and cleanse it before Trapper even gets there and Trapper will probably waste 2 gens just to find and place 3 traps to secure his Ruin.
Trapper is a garbage killer which is barely played, so your odds to verse him are low, same with the odds for the totem spot to be actually a decent one, majority of them are in the open or besides gens.
You complain about something which will happen in 1 out of 1000 games and yet you can still play around it by doing gens with Ruin active. You are not entitled to destroy every totem in every match, especially when it's not something like Devour Hope with 5 stacks.
0 -
It's not impossible dude... you've been told so many viable options including a few from me.....
Theres no point in worrying about a totem that maybe worthless anyways......
Its not like these defensive killers towards their totems haven't existed......
Ya got rail gun/snipe doc w/thrill
windstorm wraith
Nurse exists
Billy exists
And the ultimate totem protector queen since we're including addons......... mint rag rusty shackle hag W/thrill......
So it's not like other killers cant be overly defensive about their totems.... it's how you use that against them...
0 -
Dude. ..Dude...
That was one map with one Killer who got lucky to have one powerful totem in one exact place. AND to trap it before anyone found it.
It's called 'luck'.
'Your totems are not meant to last all match'. Yes, they are, if you can't destroy them. Don't stomp your feet and pule like a child just because you got unlucky. By this logic, a totem should destroy itself if 'it's not meant to last all match'.
Ok, let's extend your logic, OP:
Survivors should auto-hook themselves. They are not MEANT to escape, since it's the Entity's realm.
Generators should auto-regress, since your not MEANT to escape easily.
You're basically upset you had some bad luck and instead of coping, you're demanding devs screw over the Killers so you can have easier matches.
It's not that totems WILL get destroyed but they MIGHT get destroyed.
You need to accept the fact that you can't always destroy totems. Stop whining for totem nerfs so you can GGEZ.
3 -
This is all so false.
"It's called 'luck'."
Yea and there are some spots that would let you infinite a killer because you get "lucky" and particular windows spawn. Devs removed most of them, some still exist, but saying something shouldn't be balanced "because luck" is dumb.
"'Your totems are not meant to last all match'. Yes, they are, if you can't destroy them. Don't stomp your feet and pule like a child just because you got unlucky. By this logic, a totem should destroy itself if 'it's not meant to last all match'."
No they aren't. The only reason it would last all match is if the survivors let it. If I see the totem and want to destroy I should be able to. It shouldn't be impossible unless the killer actively stops me.
"Ok, let's extend your logic, OP: Survivors should auto-hook themselves. They are not MEANT to escape, since it's the Entity's realm. Generators should auto-regress, since your not MEANT to escape easily."
That's not what I'm saying. Actions should never be IMPOSSIBLE to do. Facecamping to body block unhook prompt made it IMPOSSIBLE to make a save. The devs changed it. Trapper being able to put traps in front of some totems made them near IMPOSSIBLE to destroy. The devs changed it. Now we have new totem spots that break these rules AGAIN.
Still waiting for someone to explain why the devs would change those totem spots, but now it's suddenly okay to have even worse totem spots.
"You're basically upset you had some bad luck and instead of coping, you're demanding devs screw over the Killers so you can have easier matches."
No I'm asking for balance. A fair and reasonable chance to do the totem. Bias much?
I've even said new totem spots on Badham are good because they are well hidden. Hidden is fine. Tucked into a tiny nook is not.
"You need to accept the fact that you can't always destroy totems. Stop whining for totem nerfs so you can GGEZ."
AAANNNNDD there we have it. The clear and present killer bias that is the basis for your position, and many other arguing with me here.
Again I said I want better hiding spots. I DO NOT want totems that can be made impossible to get.
1 -
"Viable options" that will pretty much guarantee that you get caught and hooked. Sorry that's not viable. "Doing gens" is not viable because it doesn't address the issue. You could "do gens" against a face camping killer but it didn't change the fact that body blocking the unhook prompt was unbalanced.
And I'm still waiting for one of you to tell me why the devs would change totem spots previously SPECIFICIALLY to address this same issue, then turn around and make new totem spots that are 100x worse than the ones they fixed.
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"If I see a totem and want to destroy it, I should be able to".
You are. You just dont want to get caught breaking 3 traps to do so.
0 -
It was only made impossible because he got lucky that an active totem spawned in a place AND he was playing Trapper.
It would have been moot if it was a Dull totem, or if he was ANY OTHER KILLER.
So yes; you're asking for devs to hold your hand and allow you to break any totem just because 'you wanna'.
That's not how the game works. Other people already said it; he was ACTIVLY stopping you by using up 3 beartraps, plus the time needed to pick them up, carry them, & place them, one at a time.
But, to you, using his power is not 'actively' stopping you, so you came here to whine that you want easier games with placements where YOU get to decide if a totem gets destroyed, not the Killer.
It does not work that way, but go off, dude. You're 100% wrong, but feel free to whine.
2 -
There are several spots in the game similar to this one, though this one seems like the worst. And with killers asking more and more to hide totems, these spots will be more common. Luck shouldn't give you a near invincible totem spawn. It should give you a well hidden totem spawn. There is a very big difference here.
And no placing a trap is not actively stopping me, especially when I have to disarm 3 of them, and ESPECIALLY if it's Iri Stone because then he doesn't even need to reset the traps. Like I keep saying, if the killer comes over to waste time to stop me that's not the same as being in a chase with someone, catching them, and still being able to stop me on a totem I should have had done 30 seconds ago.
Face it you just want to defend this stuff because you are killer biased. It's not enough that you get more well hidden spots, the totem should be invincible too. Might as well spawn it outside the walls then. SMH
0 -
No you are not.
Explain why the devs would remove the ability to do exactly this on other totems.
0 -
Did it ever occur to you that you're complaining because you're survivor biased?
You have literally said 'Totems should not last all match', which, if you don't/CANNOT clear it; yes they should.
You've also said 'If I want to destroy a totem, I should be able too'. This is ALSO biased towards saying it's should be SURVIVOR input and not Killer agency that protects a totem.
Killer agency protected this totem; he used his beartraps.
Again; it was blind luck that it happened. I don't see you complaining when a Survivor starts 3 feet from a totem & destroys it 20 seconds into a match.
Because your whole argument is Survivor-biased.
2 -
All the spots werent "fixed" anyways.... any corner or crevice spot can be trapped this way..... the basement totem in badham has existed since its release ..... survivors have gotten since back then and the totem spots that they made were terrible.....
Yes and while chasing you theres no pressure on gens, while humping the totem no pressure on gens.... which the main thing here are the gens.... I doubt anyone else will truly worry about that totem if theres no pressure on the gens and they're completed before devour activates or lullaby has a chance to become viable......
I'll sit there and break those totems and annoy the crap out of that trapper and laughs as he wastes his time wind sprinting back and forth
1 -
Man this post has just turned into one person refusing to come to reason and admit they are simply being stubborn/ignorant of the situation.
3 -
Dude I play Trapper at rank 1. I use Iri Stone often. The fact Trapper can trap these totems in this way is stupid (as is his ability to trap attic hook on Thompson House but I disgress).
"Again; it was blind luck that it happened. I don't see you complaining when a Survivor starts 3 feet from a totem & destroys it 20 seconds into a match."
DUDE I HAVE SAID I WANT HIDDEN TOTEMS! I don't want totems to spawn right in front of survivors and for them to find them ASAP. Show me where I've said I want this as a survivor. The reason I don't even mention this is because the devs are making new totem spots that are good spots, so there is no need to beat a dead horse.
This, however, is an issue that was fixed and now is coming back. We got the spot on Macmil by water town. Now these spots on Badham. Should address it before it becomes even more common.
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Or maybe a bunch of killers refusing to acknowledge when something is clearly broken, even though they already got what they asked for (better totem spots).
Given the track record of this place it's not surprising.
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I'm a survivor main, and I think the Trapper being able to trap, and all that that implies, is fine. If anything, it's a little weak.
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Which I normally agree. Except this is a case where it's definitely not "a little weak".
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True there are still some spots where a Trapper can put 1 trap to block you, but this is 3 ######### traps dude. THREE! If it's unacceptable to have it be one and they fixed a bunch of them, why is this acceptable all of a sudden?
I'll just say it, you guys are never going to convince me that this setup is okay because it's not. The devs changed those spots for a reason, and they should change this one for the same reason because it's even worse.
How any of you can defend this is honestly baffling.
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And guess what? When a new spot happens, a Trapper can block it with 1-6 traps, if he feels like it.
Unless it's in the middle of a wide open field. If it has a wall or junk around it, the Trapper can trap it, since he denies area.
And then you will be back complaining about this same exact thing again.
It's what the Trapper DOES. It's what the layout allows, and will ALWAYS allow if a wall or junk blocks off even one direction.
I don't know what else to tell you, dude; it will always be possible with the Trapper.
What you should have done was man up; 1 person disarms a trap and crouches somewhere close by to hide (leaving no scratch marks). Trapper returns, resets trap, walks away. Person comes out, disarms, hides. Trapper returns, etc.
The other THREE people should just power through gens & look for other Bones. The Trapper would spend so much time guarding his Ruin that the Survivors should (eventually) win.
But no. You want to come here and demand an impossibility and an over-tweaking of traps to make the game easier for you instead of trying.
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Which is fine by me. The Trapper should, in fact, not be a little weak. There's counterplay, it just involves doing something else. This isn't a sandbox game, sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and forgo of what you want to do.
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I play both in equal parts (maybe more survivor and nearly 99% solo) so I'm sorry but you cannot use the "killer main" excuse to just ignore legitimate counters, advise or balancing.
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That's why 80% of totems still spawn in the open/besides a gen/besides a survivor, because we got better totem spawns boys.
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Aside from the spots I'm talking about there are one a few where he can put a trap and block the totem. But that's 1 trap, that's not a big deal. THREE traps is kind of a big deal. This not even mentioning that they have tweaked other totem spots and the way you can do totems from different angles to address this issue. I'd be willing to bet those spots that still exist will eventually get changed, but these spots need to be changed first. And the idea that totems need to be put in these deep nooks needs to be thrown out. That's not necessary to hiding them well.
And your whole solution requires a 4 man. In this specific instance I was playing with 1 other person, I have no control over the other 2. If we all can coordinate he can keep it locked down indefinitely.
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'Putting them in deep nooks needs to be thrown out'
..How else do you hide them? If it's not in a nook, it's easy to see, and thus not hidden.
It will always happen that a Trapper can trap ANY totem except for those in the middle of a field. Accept it and stop complaining.
People gave you advice and you brushed it off to continue to stomp your feet and complain and demand the devs give you totem changes so you can ALWAYS break totems.
You. Can't. Always. Break. Totems.
Accept this.
4 -
So your upset because the game isn't easier for you? I mean come on man go do gens and stop screwing your team by wasting time. If it is trapped disarm them and when he comes back to arm them it means he is not patrolling gens...jesus use common sense.
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I play more survivor than killer...soooooooooo......
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OP acts like winning against a Trapper who wasted half his traps is impossible with Ruin up... If the guy keeps coming back to the totem after you snap his traps... I feel like that would just be the perfect distraction to keep him away from the gens, lol.
@thesuicidefox If anyone had a toolbox, you couldve saboed the traps to prevent them from rearming. Then the killer would have half his traps broken placed around a broken totem.
1 -
You had mentioned passively protecting the totem, well trappers entire power is passive. He cant go around physically placing a person in a trap. He has to actively place traps then passively wait for someone to step in it. Good trappers can try to herd survivors into traps but still it isnt up to trapper if a trap is triggered.
He has the most unfair power out of any killer to himself. One of only a couple killers where the survivor determines how strong he is.
Personally as a survivor, just to make life fair for him, i would want him to be able to protect every single totem in the game like that.
It isn't unfair to the survivor it would be very fair for trapper.
0 -
You're not going to disarm and sabo 3 traps before he has the chance to come back. That's a full chase and a half. He will stop you.
It's clear by everyone's response here that none of you know what I'm talking about. Wait until a Trapper pulls this on you, I promise your tune will change when you see how dumb this setup it.
0 -
I had a trapper pull it on me on The Spirit's map.
Guess what we did? Powered through and continued to play.
Guess what we did NOT do? Come onto the forums & whine that totem placements needing to change because of ONE match in 133 hours of playing.
6 -
It is crazy that the OP is so entitled, he is just QQing because he wants an easy match and acts like no one has ever ran into this before. Funny thing is most of us have and it was the easiest thing to counterplay.
4 -
Wah wah wah git gud
1 -
Most of us have had this happen but instead of crying like a toddler we adapted and I bet most of us won that match. If you do not like a challenge and want a game that even simpler that this simple game already is there are easier games like My Little Pony Adventures.
2 -
You still fail to see the point.
It's not about winning. It's about the totem being almost invincible. What if it was Devour? Or NOED? I wouldn't have much of a choice but to cleanse it.
I hope a Trapper uses this on you guys someday soon and you see my side.
1 -
Welp, this shows you're ignoring anyone who disagrees.
I did say a Trapper used it on me. We even lost all 4 people because of focusing too hard on trying to get to the Totem.
And we did not come onto the forums and demand that the Devs make the game easier.
4 -
Try suggesting an easier game than that...
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I’ve faced it, we did gens.
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Ive often wondered if the game would be more fun w/o totems all together. Where the totem perks would be active until the trap door conditions are met. Likewise, Haunted grounds will trigger once the trapdoor conditions are met. Thrill of the hunt might need a rework but that's a general perk so it's probably fine.
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Hex: Ruin would be nine flavors of OP if it just existed with no way to turn it off.