Suggestion for lightweight

Surely lightweight is weak compared to most dbd's perks, and this is my idea to make it worth:
-Your scratchmarks last 40/50/60 % less
-The noise produced while crouching, waking and running is reduced by 50/75/100 %
This to make the perk similar to iron will, allow interesting mindgames, but still worth using even without iron will
This wouldn't be op at all. This because if you used the perk alone, the killer would have always scratch marks, blood trails and grunts of pain.
So even if combined with iron will, the killer could always find you with iron will
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So what about just no sound ?
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Just because a perk makes the game unfun for killers doesn't mean it shouldn't be a thing. Especially if it isn't that strong to begin with. I think it's a decent buff to the perk
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Yeah exactly. As a killer with 1550 hours this buff wouldn't be a problem, especially if survivors would have to sacrifice one of their strong perks like adrenaline or others. This said, survivors stay near generators , and it's nearly impossible to lose them in a chase, especially after the first hit. What should they have to be completely stealth? No mither, Iron will and lightweight?? They definitely would never do that
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It wouldn’t be that powerful. Killers has mori, nurses calling, noed, ruin and crazy add ons to easily get 4k. I’m not going to edit my first sentense but taking of audio 100% is unfair. I already can see Prestige 3 Claudette using lightweight, urban evasion, iron will and calm spirit if audio gets of.
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This is way too much. It's not because it would be unfun (and it would lol but that's not the main point), it would make that OP as hell.
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The only way to see if it could be potentially op would be testing it
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I like the idea of less sound as it kinda fits the perk, but the scratch marks buff might be a little too much. Also, if Lightweight gets buffed, I think Predator should also be buffed to make scratch marks last longer.
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This is a reasonable argument. Some say that no sound would be op. I mean, how could it be? Just because your dear spirit would get rekt if combined with iron will? That's it.