Good example of Balance on High Ranked from Tru3ta1ent



  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    @SovererignKing said:
    only1biggs said:

    @SovererignKing said:


    You really need to become a Killer Streamer. You know, considering you’re a damn god at Killer from not only this thread, but others I’ve seen you post in. Go on, show us how it’s done.

    I have NEVER stated I'm good, I just know what a good killer can do and I know what ######### killers look like when I see one. I also find it laughable that people keep posting these terrible videos of awful killers playing badly and then saying, "look at this, look at the state of ____", like that holds any merit whatsoever. It's like a lower league footballer blaming the game for being worse than a footballer in the top league. (yes yes, the game is survivor sided and some of the maps are broken, but we're talking about playing around flashlights here).

    People who couldn’t do better themselves have no right to criticize others performance. I despise OchiDO and Noob3, however I know for an absolute fact I could never play as well as them. I hate their troll play style and attitude, but they are good. Like it or not. That’s like me who’s been at a job for 7 years, going up to my co-worker who’s been at it for 37 years, and telling him he sucks because I’ve seen better. All you’re doing is throwing criticism based on a “if it was this person”, so that you don’t have to shoulder the ire of those you’re criticizing. 

    There’s a saying where I’m from, “Don’t talk ######### if you can’t back it up yourself.” Don’t use other streamers as a scape goat so you can sling #########. Plus, who’s to say Zubat or Marth would have done better in the same situation? Literally sometimes there is nothing you can do. You’re using a hell of a “what if” on this to justify your criticism. As well as trying to avoid taking responsibility for your own criticism.

    Prove you can do it better yourself, or don’t say anything. 

    Yes they do and I have. Who's saying who's the best here? Not me. I've only stated a thousand times that flashlights can be outplayed and then given clips of people with WAY more experience and are better than me saying the same to back it up. This is not what you have said I have done at all and you are twisting the narrative to support yourself. I have never stated I am better than anyone and I do not wish to "shoulder the ire". What are you driveling about? I also never said this person or that would have done better, just that the person in the video made a tonne of mistakes and then got angry with everyone/thing else in the game but himself. Someone else actually made a point by point post but no body seems to have said anything against that.

    I'm not talking #########. If I was I'd back it up you fool. I agree with your saying. I take responsibility for all my actions and words. If I am to be corrected I will hold my hands up and say as much. If I mistype or misunderstand, I will say so. I have done so on this very forum.

    Your last sentence is laughable for a myriad of reasons, one of which being that you are relating this statement to something we aren't even talking about.

    I'd like to just move on now as I grow tired of the constant back and forths going nowhere.

    Yet sometimes flashlights CAN NOT be outplayed. You seem to base your criticism that there is ALWAYS a way. Tell me, how do you outplay a flashlight in the middle of a damn cornfield? Or, like in this video, even looking at a damn tree didn’t work. Go ahead, tell me “just slug them”. Yes, because it’s easy to slug the flashlight person(s) and make it back to the downed person before they are healed up. I’m not twisting anything, I’m literally saying there are times you can not doing anything about it. Then you proceed to call Tru3 a ######### Killer, to which I said if you want to call him #########, prove you can do better. 

    You are talking #########. You think seem to be under the false impression that there is ALWAYS a way to outplay flashlights. Wrong. Sometimes there isn’t. All you can do is take it, then try to down the guy again in a more favorable position. Chase the DS flashlight user? You lose the game wasting an assload of time. 

    Sometimes you just can’t win. Stop acting like there is always a way. 
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    There's your typical DbD rank 1 game right there. That's why your killers quit. Too many completely broken crutches for the survivors that you're helpless as a killer.

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824
    Meh, Tru3 didn’t play well, those survivors played optimally and deserved the win. I say that as a killer main who knows this game is a broken mess balance wise.

    Doesnt change the fact that Tru3 made a lot of poor plays resulting in his demise.
  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    You know I may be one of the few people here but I don't even think Huntress is that good without add-ons, but thats for a different topic.

    I had a game just like this recently, it was an AWFUL experience so yeah, devs DESPERATELY need to look at balance in this game

  • Doom_Punk
    Doom_Punk Member Posts: 371

    @only1biggs said:

    @Doom_Punk said:

    @only1biggs said:

    Of course my profile is stop weirdos like you creeping around on my page for no good reason :D

    I'm not assuming anything boy. You are and have. You're so out of touch with the point you have resorted to whatever it is you are doing now. Sucking off streamers? Quake? What? Get a grip.

    Not one of the streamers I mentioned thinks the game is balanced and I said as much. But..selective reading on your part, so whatever, it's clear for all to see now.

    Also, back down from what? An excuse to not record? Oh, like you just did? Why would I take up streaming just to appease you? Moreover, even if I wanted to stream, I too lack the hardware to do so.

    So just looking at your number of hours is creeping on you? Lol. I see it more as you're hiding something. I check hours with people that make troll posts such as yours to get an idea on how much they actually know about the game. Can't do that on private profiles.

    I'm just simply knocking down what you're saying, this nonsense of 'fake pick ups and look at walls' or 'this community is not great when it comes to flashlights' to then have an average Tofu agree with you. You always reference the same streamers and same points that it really seems you're sucking them off good. How much did they pay you to write nonsense and refer them? Every point I'm making you're not even trying to answer back to. I bring up Quake a lot when people talk about 'skill' and 'mistakes' in this game, acting as if anything requires much effort in a 4v1 gangbang where the 1 has to pray to the almighty Entity the 4 are weak.

    I've been bringing up that game so much, not only cause I got back into it recently, but it's an example of comparing balance. Quake has it and needs skill whereas DbD does not.

    Then why do you and they act as if it's up to Killers to mess up? Lemme go bring up some points about flashlights that work on idiots, if you don't do these then it's your fault and you deserve to lose reeeeee. When anyone with a brain knows they don't work. I've seen it in game, doesn't work on me, unless there's a wall there's no countering it.

    Lack of hardware isn't an excuse, so if such is true, then we both can't. This laptop is about as fast as paint drying. I just figured you being a troll on here you'd muster up some stupid reason as to why you won't do it, but hey, atleast you proved one thing right. Gotta count for something.

    I'm not hiding anything other than not wanting randoms to check on me. You. Weirdo.
    You're trying to look at my hours because you think that has some indication of my knowledge? hours are BIG.
    You've not "knocked down" anything I've said.
    If you can't outplay flashlights but "average" people can, what does that make you?
    Agreeing with someone's rational though isn't "sucking them off", you creepy weirdo. Get a grip. Get a prostitute. Jeez.
    What point are you making exactly? It's impossible to argue or counter such people as any alternative is seen as "trolling".
    Comparing Quake and DbD is stupid.
    Anyone with a brain knows how to counter flashlights correctly. You do not it seems. Therefore you have no brain.
    "Lack of hardware isn't an excuse"!?!? You said that first you poor fool! :D Oh my god, now I just feel bad for you.

    Let's agree to disagree and move on :')

    • You hide your supposedly "BIG" hours.
    • Yes, you talk "BIG" hours but don't show them. No reason to have a private profile on Steam anyway.
    • You've not answered to anything I've said regarding your bullshit. I brought up points that your flashlight counters don't work and you can't prove they do and won't do so, I said they work on idiots, you can't prove to me they work on good players.
    • I can outplay flashlights... on idiots. Anyone with a brain won't fall for those 'counters'.
    • You bring up those streamers over and over to try and back up your points, you blindly agree to what they say about blaming themselves not the game, flashlight 'counters' and so on. Just can't seem to get away from that juicy streamer D. I dunno about you, but telling someone to get a prostitute is actually creepy. What a weirdo.
    • Making a point of your flashlight counters are worthless on anyone with a functional brain. You bring up your streamer buddies to back you up when you can't actually prove it works on functional Survivors. It's impossible to argue with someone that uses streamer XYZ saying something ABC that you believe is right. You're not proving anything.
    • Quake isn't the best example but it's an example to show you what balance actually is and what mistakes can do, not DbD where you claim it was Tru3's fault he lost. Face it, any other streamer in his position would have lost the exact same way. He lost cause of terrible balance, if he didn't make mistakes it wouldn't have mattered.
    • Anyone with a brain knows to not fall for flashlight 'counters'. You do not get this it seems.
    • And what about that? I'm straight up telling you it isn't an excuse because it isn't one. Reading comprehension is hard, I know, but saying you can't because of hardware isn't an excuse, you literally cannot even if you wanted to. An excuse would be something along the lines of "I'm too busy" or "I don't feel like it". If what you say is true, it's not an excuse to not do it because, well, it's impossible to. That word is interpreted differently a lot but what I meant with it is, atleast you didn't bullshit your way out of that one. You call it an excuse, but it isn't. It's a legitimate reason not to stream/record.

    @SovererignKing Good post, sadly it's like talking to a brick wall.

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489
    edited July 2018

    I dont know why people love true so much hes an average killer at best, plays by the survivors rules ( not camping, tunneling etc..) and then he cries that survivors are op.
    I agree survivors are powerful but true is over exaggerating here.
    Besides swf and gen rush noting to nerf on survivors.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    edited July 2018
    Idk if this helps or not, and I suck ass at killer*just to let that be known* however when I play for dailies I just look up when I see them going for a flashlight save. literally tilt your killer head up towards the sky. This counters flashlight.
  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    @HeroLives said:
    Idk if this helps or not, and I suck ass at killerjust to let that be known however when I play for dailies I just look up when I see them going for a flashlight save. literally tilt your killer head up towards the sky. This counters flashlight.

    this means the survivor was crap and did not time it right. true is doing the same thing, but these survivors are not crap at flashlights.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @Tsulan said:
    If the devs would play their own game consistently on high ranks vs SWF, the game would be balanced.

    Remember that match Matthew (Dev) played hag vs a Korean SWF team. They danced around him, t-bagged/blinded/D-strike his ass from start to finish. He even remarked "that was not a fun experience". This was a long time ago and still not much has changed. SWF is a huge problem because it give so much more power vs fighting solo survivors. i also believe rank should simply be removed if it cannot be measured/balanced accordingly.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @MegaWaffle said:

    @Tsulan said:
    If the devs would play their own game consistently on high ranks vs SWF, the game would be balanced.

    Remember that match Matthew (Dev) played hag vs a Korean SWF team. They danced around him, t-bagged/blinded/D-strike his ass from start to finish. He even remarked "that was not a fun experience". This was a long time ago and still not much has changed. SWF is a huge problem because it give so much more power vs fighting solo survivors. i also believe rank should simply be removed if it cannot be measured/balanced accordingly.

    Remember it? I´ve bookmarked it! It was clear that he was not enjoying that match. If the devs would play their own game more often, they would notice how frustrating it can be.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    Remove purple flashlights. Buff yellow/green to have 10/12 charges respectively.

    Remove purple mist. Make 1 yellow mist the max stack.

    Decisive Strike should only work for the obsession. If you are not the obsession it does nothing for you. However, so there is some benefit to using it and not being the obsession, for every instance of the perk the DS skill check for the obsession will be 5% bigger. Then by having more DS in a group you are just ensuring the obsession will more likely succeed in the skill check if/when it comes up.

    Move some god pallets to non-god pallet positions. Don't let certain windows be open if certain tiles have pallets nearby.

    Self Care should only allow you to heal 12/24/36 charges (1/2/3 full heals).

    Equipping Sprint Burst should prevent you from recovering Exhaustion while running.

    Add a system that will prevent survivors from completing a gen within 20 seconds of completing another. Gens should NEVER be able to pop 2 or 3 at once.

    Give more emblem points for hooking each survivor once over hooking the same survivor 3 times to encourage killers to camp/tunnel less and reward players that take risks necessary to actually win games. If you are a killer that relies purely on the stupidity of survivors you should be punished.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Doom_Punk said:
    Survivor in Dead by Daylight. You can make so many mistakes and play like trash, as the Quentin did, and still win easily.

    To make a point here, the Quentin's chance of escape was entirely dependent on his team. He was getting carried, which is not necessarily a product of the game just the circumstance. A bad player can get carried in any team oriented game, it doesn't mean that there is something wrong with the game.

    That said there is still a lot wrong with this game. For one, that Claud that was able to loop him HARD early, then SB in the middle of a chase when he had her, AND she had DS. In fact it seemed all of them had DS, which is a problem too since they all get a free escape. Then the flashlights are quite OP, not just with how fast he was blinded, but also the duration. I don't see body blocking as a problem since that could potentially backfire on them if he decides to hit them. The only reason that's safe is because of DS and all the flashlights, if you take those away he is free to chase anyone trying to body block.

    The other problem is the way gens get done. You can pop multiple at once which totally destroys killers. When it goes from 5 to 2, that's a GG for the killer and it's kind of dumb.

    There is also a problem seen with loops. That main building let's you loop killers so hard and very easily. Move some pallets/windows so that can't happen.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @only1biggs said:

    @Master said:

    @only1biggs said:
    @Master ...You can have this for right now.

    I see a nurse streamer being in lobby?

    ...Talking about people like you :)

    I asked for a non-nurse killer game that manages to stomp a decent 4man SWF with flashlight/DS actually tryharding.
    You provide "proof" by sending me a clip of a random streamer trashtalking about flashlights are fine while he is queueing as nurse, ok bro :wink:

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Goobz said:
    I’m pretty sure True’talent’ just isn’t that good. Everyone has ######### games stop crying. 

    Are you better? Then please teach us how to play so well that you can beat flashlight/DS squads

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370
    edited July 2018

    @Tsulan said:

    @Doom_Punk said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @ChraizE said:
    Nurse is too OP so I am happy for crutch perks like DS otherwise it would be survivors RQing. Can you imagine a god nurse with chilli and make your choice? give me a break! Nerf the nurse first then remove DS!!

    How about hiding? Or maybe... if survivors spend as much time evading the nurse, as a nurse player spends to master her, there wouldn´t be a problem.
    So it might just be a classical case of Git Gud!

    Spending some time to get better at this game? Pfft, what's that?

    Yeah, i know...
    Survivors got used to being spoonfed by the devs, that it´s to much to ask for to actually learn how things work. I´ve encountered only a handful of survivors which can actually juke a killer. They have all my respect, and i am not even mad at them, when they manage to juke me for several gens and escape.

    I love the ones that you hit and less than a second later they are gone. Poof. Gone. Nowhere to be seen. How the ######### did you do that? Where the ######### did you go? I just ######### hit you so how can you disappear into thin air? It has happened three times to me. Three times in over 1500 hours. That is magic. More of this please and less benny hill circles. they are not crouched undre my FOV nor behind me.....i checked.

  • Wicked_Django
    Wicked_Django Member Posts: 128
    Is the volume of this video complete ass for everyone else?
  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    @Wicked_Django said:
    Is the volume of this video complete ass for everyone else?

    Turned maxed volume, I recorded it when it was on low imao

    @marth88gaming said:
    Welcome to the nurse meta. I used to love play all other killers, but ultimately the only other 2 that stands a slim chance is billy and huntress.. Till devs fix maps and remove some of the 2nd chance things survivors have.. High rank game play will be torturous every once in a while. Most games Tru, Zubat, myself and many others can and will 4k many games, but the problem is that it was not our skill but most of it was the survivors stupidity. The thing is this game is not hard, it just very unrewarding and a chore at high ranks because it either be some of the horrible map layouts or just the numerous dstrikes you have to eat through. A killers skill in this game is determined by how well they capitalize on mistakes from survivors.

    Thanks for dropping by Marth, see to see there are individuals who thinks you're a bad killer

  • ChraizE
    ChraizE Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2018

    @marth88gaming said:
    Welcome to the nurse meta. I used to love play all other killers, but ultimately the only other 2 that stands a slim chance is billy and huntress.. Till devs fix maps and remove some of the 2nd chance things survivors have.. High rank game play will be torturous every once in a while. Most games Tru, Zubat, myself and many others can and will 4k many games, but the problem is that it was not our skill but most of it was the survivors stupidity. The thing is this game is not hard, it just very unrewarding and a chore at high ranks because it either be some of the horrible map layouts or just the numerous dstrikes you have to eat through. A killers skill in this game is determined by how well they capitalize on mistakes from survivors.

    Well if it isn't Mr. God Nurse himself! Hello Sir! Please make more DBD content playing solo and killer more often, you have much to offer the community, allow people to watch your skill and learn. Please don't walk away.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @RemoveSWF said:

    @Master said:

    @Goobz said:
    I’m pretty sure True’talent’ just isn’t that good. Everyone has ######### games stop crying. 

    Are you better? Then please teach us how to play so well that you can beat flashlight/DS squads

    Tru3 is a bad killer.

    You beat flashlight squads by equipping Lightborn, which he didn't do in the video. He also refuses to use NOED because he considers it cheap, so he gimps himself for no reason.

    He walked away from the hook, saying out loud "I don't know why I'm walking away, I don't get anything" when he could've camped and maybe got rid of one of them.

    Then he mercilessly tunneled the weakest dude like a pathetic bully because the others were owning him. When the team was good at rescuing the weak guy, he started screaming and he ragequit.

    A pathetic display, nobody should consider him a good killer.

    Tunneling the weakest dude is literally the best thing a killer can do.
    Yeah I agree, he doesnt use all the tools the game gives him ....

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @Master said:
    Tunneling the weakest dude is literally the best thing a killer can do.
    Yeah I agree, he doesnt use all the tools the game gives him ....

    Yep, at High Ranked you pretty much have to tunneled since a survivor have 3 lives, there really isn't any incentive to go after new survivors, more time on wasting means you lose the game

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Master said:
    Tunneling the weakest dude is literally the best thing a killer can do.
    Yeah I agree, he doesnt use all the tools the game gives him ....

    Yep, at High Ranked you pretty much have to tunneled since a survivor have 3 lives, there really isn't any incentive to go after new survivors, more time on wasting means you lose the game

    Survivors had 3 life's if crutches weren't a thing
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    Welcome to the nurse meta. I used to love play all other killers, but ultimately the only other 2 that stands a slim chance is billy and huntress.. Till devs fix maps and remove some of the 2nd chance things survivors have.. High rank game play will be torturous every once in a while. Most games Tru, Zubat, myself and many others can and will 4k many games, but the problem is that it was not our skill but most of it was the survivors stupidity. The thing is this game is not hard, it just very unrewarding and a chore at high ranks because it either be some of the horrible map layouts or just the numerous dstrikes you have to eat through. A killers skill in this game is determined by how well they capitalize on mistakes from survivors.

    People wonder why I bothered to learn Nurse on PS4 with all the FPS issues and everything. This right here is why. I’m tired of of my win/loss dictated solely by *if* the Survivor screws up Looping or whatever. Dictated by if I can burn through all their damn crutches fast enough. Dictated by if they optimize Gens or not. I don’t feel very accomplished even if I win as Killer unless I’m Nurse. I didn’t win because I’m good, I won cause the Survivors screwed up one too many times. Hollow victories aren’t much more fun than a loss.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Goobz said:
    Master said:

    Someissues said:

    @Master said:

    Tunneling the weakest dude is literally the best thing a killer can do.

    Yeah I agree, he doesnt use all the tools the game gives him ....

    Yep, at High Ranked you pretty much have to tunneled since a survivor have 3 lives, there really isn't any incentive to go after new survivors, more time on wasting means you lose the game

    Survivors had 3 life's if crutches weren't a thing

    Honestly just get good. You can’t blame a perk and an item for doing ######### in a match overall. Watching that video he played like absolute #########, you can’t blame everything else besides your place style when you get ######### in a match. It’s his own fault. 

    Could you post a video of yourself, playing with Wraith on that map vs a SWF group with DS and Flashlights, please?
    Just want to see, how you Roflstomp them...

  • Doom_Punk
    Doom_Punk Member Posts: 371

    @Goobz said:
    Tsulan said:

    @Goobz said:

    Master said:

    Someissues said:
    @Master said:
    Tunneling the weakest dude is literally the best thing a killer can do.
    Yeah I agree, he doesnt use all the tools the game gives him ....
    Yep, at High Ranked you pretty much have to tunneled since a survivor have 3 lives, there really isn't any incentive to go after new survivors, more time on wasting means you lose the game
    Survivors had 3 life's if crutches weren't a thing

    Honestly just get good. You can’t blame a perk and an item for doing ######### in a match overall. Watching that video he played like absolute #########, you can’t blame everything else besides your place style when you get ######### in a match. It’s his own fault. 

    Could you post a video of yourself, playing with Wraith on that map vs a SWF group with DS and Flashlights, please?

    Just want to see, how you Roflstomp them...

    Alright I will. I’ll do it with no perks either if you want to be a smartass. 

    waits patiently to see him fail

  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    Jesus, I ran out of popcorn half way through this train wreck!