Perk Idea

Broken Wood (Ok, I suck at naming perks. The tier order for all effects goes 1/2/3):

When you break a pallet while HOLDING space (instead of just pressing it), you leave behind broken shards of wood & nails.

Survivors who Sprint/Sprint/Walk (walking or crouching negates at tiers 1 & 2, only crouching at tier 3) through these areas cry out in pain, alerting the Killer to their location (same noise alert as Madness or Iron Maiden), & suffer from the Mangled status effect for 30/35/40 seconds. This can only happen to the last 2/3/4 pallets broken by you.

Pallets affected by this perk make a sharper noise when broken, and small bits of wood & nails can be seen on the ground. If you break another pallet while the maximum has been reached, the oldest set of Broken Wood fades away.


I just figured it was a fun little idea; it gives Killers a sort of chokepoint-denial without harming Survivors too much. Mangled just means 'more blood' and 'slower heals', and THIS version wears off over time.

It WILL punish a survivor who's running through the area without paying attention, though, by possibly drawing the Killer in that direction.
