Build in ruin (basekit)

Since devs never talk about second objectives and I personally lost hope on that (cuz devs are just so focused on adding new DLCs noone needs atm or just simply can't because idk) I thought about adding ruin into basekit to counter genrush but with rules and requirements:
- Ruin can't be destroyed
- Ruin will deactivate after 3 hooks or/and 3 gens popping
- The effect of ruin is depended on killer tier and survivor rank (Nurse for example will have a weaker version of ruin than wraith, rank 1 survivors will have to deal with a stronger version of ruin than rank 15 survivors, maybe rank 16-20 has no ruin)
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The classic "no" without telling the reason. Damn boi u so cool, tell me how to be like u. I want to be a damn cool boi aswell.
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Yes, but no at the last point (the ruin being weaker or stronger depending on the killer or rank)
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So many cool bois, tell me the secret. I want to be cool aswell once in my life
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Now that's illegal
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Short version: No
Long Version: No, because it's already boring to hold M1 on a generator, and adding even more time to generators would really drive away experienced players.
We need something that slows the game down, and is fun for everyone. Your suggestion does slow the game down, but isn't fun for the survivors.
We need a second objective that makes survivors move around and be more interactive in the game.
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Nah. I don’t see any reason for this becoming base kit when there’s other perks than ruin that you can run to slow down the game.
Not to mention, the gen rush when two gens left would then be the topic of discussion.
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Kind of rediculcous to asl for an implementation of something that can only be taken out of the match when the survivors are about to be and or already are taken out of the match like have you tryed to play survivor with ruin activated lol
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Actually, he wants a "why" because "no" isn't enough to tell him what's wrong with his idea. He's fine with receiving a "no" but not fine with getting no reasoning behind your disagreement.
This is a big Pet Peeve for me.
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I totally agree, but as I said. Devs will never add a second objective. Everyone who observed dbd since release and how long it takes for changes comes to the same conclusion. I mean, nearly 3 years of endgame survivors holding hostage till EGC was introduced. And that mechanic isn't even finished/good.
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Well, why posting "no" when not wanting to discuss and tell your position? Might aswell just move on but no, everyone wants to be one if the cool kidz in the Internet nowadays.
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Darn, autocorrect. :(
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Gens can indeed go very fast, but I don't feel Ruin should be built in. Especially not as long as it is more effective against lower rank survivors than against high rank survivors.
If it was though, it should definitely be a destroyable totem, that's for sure.
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Just run ruin
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Inner Strength is coming, and soon you won’t have to worry about being gen-rushed cause everyone will be looking for totems at the start of the game
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hell no, ruin is so boring to deal with and im forced to do it always cause everyone wants that juicy totem, besides low ranks would hate it to no end just like i did when i was newer
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If you want the Ruin effect then run the perk.
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That's why on low ranks ruin would be weaker than on high ranks. Did you even read my post or just the title? You probably read just the title
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Ruin is a very poorly designed mechanic. It has very little effect on experienced players who can hit skill checks and a huge impact on newer players. The game is difficult for new survivors enough.
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I'm agree, if survs have DS and BT as basekit to avoid campers
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Nope. I agree that something should be done to increase the time it takes survivors to blow through generators, but Ruin baseline is not the solution. They should add a secondary objective instead.
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Why do you think devs don't do it? If new objective last 3 or 4 minutes, our probabilities of survive will be at least 10-20% lesser, and you'll 4k almost every game.
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It's because you can't have the same second objective against wraith vs Nurse. Wraith needs that extra time, Nurse not at all. So they need to do extra second objectives individually to each killer. Something like pig bear traps, but less random and more controlled and tied to killer tier. To much work, never will happen with the current dev team working on DbD
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My opinion is certainly irrelevant, but I'd vote no, because it's kind of boring (even though I can hit most of the skill checks and don't run around to search the totem) and really good killers can get along without it, meaning it is by no means as mandatory as the internet says it is. Even players who aren't among the best ones (like me) can do very well without it. I never ran Ruin except for Adept Hag.
With Ruin as built-in you could make the game so easy for top killers who learned to get along without it that they might lose interest in the game if it becomes too easy.
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While we're at it let's make a popular survivor perk be base kit for every survivor
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Sure this is a good idea but while we are at it let's add da and dead hard as basekit for survivors.See how ridiculous it sounds now
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Hell no, I would like noed to be deleted from the game. Unhealthy perk and especially after ruin built in not needed at all (if it is even needed now in the first place)
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Hell no, I would like noed to be deleted from the game. Unhealthy perk and especially after ruin built in not needed at all (if it is even needed now in the first place)
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This is just another way to say "raise gen times" lower ranks are probably good enough to make ruin a moot point regardless of higher difficult ruin. (Because to make it more difficult to the point of actually being a problem would be a little to difficult to be fair)
Ruin isn't that big a deal really. Definitely not enough to be considered a base part of the game. It's an option. Plenty of killers get by without it.
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Nah, just run the perk itself.
Ruin built in would really put a strain on a lot of people.
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I read the entire thing. But making something stronger or weaker depending on rank and killer tier is a terrible idea in my opinion.
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What, terrible? Devs will never balance killer power out. Nurse will always be the strongest and wraith one if the weakest
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No... You have to get better at map pressure.
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I don't think it should be built in. That's too lazy a work around. How about making gens require gas before they're even powered and if the person that is carrying the gas gets downed the container has to be refilled. Another way to counter the speed of gens getting done is to change the skill checks to QTE. If the skill check was a random button to press every time there would be a greater chance of people messing them up.
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So much salt from you my guy wow.
Also, No.
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Learn to prioritize time management splitting it between gens, chases, map awareness. We dont need to make the game annoying.
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Im gonna say no on this one. It feels too much like a poor bandaid on the gen times and ruin problem. The whole concept of ruin is just not fun for either role. Ruin is a crutch perk on any killer that isnt Nurse or Spirit. It feels awful to be doing everything perfectly on lower tier killers but then have 3 gens pop in no time regardless, because you decided not to run ruin trying to experiment with a different build. As for survivors, its not fun to sit on gens a little longer then usual pressing one key/button and hoping you land the occasional great SC. The game either needs an objective rework or the design of killers must be based on all of them having global or semi-global map pressure like Nurse does.
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I've wanted Ruin to not create a lit totem for the first 3 minutes of the game thus making it indestructible for that crucial amount of time, but your recommendation of deactivating after 3 hooks would be even better. Right now Killers are always outnumber 4 to 1, in our posts, on the game, etc. Survivors constantly abuse the killer with rubber-banding pallets, flashlights, insta-heal medkits, drive-by generator fixing mid chase, and SWF. The games go too quick in the high tiers (sub 3 minutes consistently) and when you are the killer and can barely get a single person on the hook before they break themselves off the hook, adrenaline heal, and sprint out the door before tbagging at the door, you know the game is broken.
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To be honest, I think the easiest thing to do would be to add time to the gens by about 15 or 20%. All it would do is make games go slightly longer. You can't really argue that it would be detrimental to newer players. Bad killers will still lose, and good teams will still win. It will just add a bit more time for EVERYBODY.
I hate waiting 10 minutes for a match as a survivor only to be done with all the gens and run out within 5 or 6 minutes. It's dumb. I want the matches to be just a little longer and more intense. I don't see how this would be a bad thing. I have matches where sometimes I don't even see the killer once. Adding some time increases the odds that all players will get into at least one or two chases.
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No. It would punish new and inexperienced survivors who can't do a gen through ruin much, much more than it would punish SWF groups, and would make it nigh impossible to escape at low ranks. We need something that makes it tougher as a SWF or super experienced group and not on everybody by carpet bombing the situation.
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I can deal with that playing Nurse 24/7. But I want to play wraith aswell.
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No it wouldn't. Read my post again. There are already measurement taken to help new players with my idea. But nowadays people just read the title and start talking.
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Sure bud, sure.
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Oh I read your 'measurements'. Let's go over that shall we.
Basing effectiveness on rank doesn't work, rank reset buddy. Also if as a rank 15 I group with a rank 12, a rank 7 and a rank 1 which takes priority? We know how this game works, you know the answer here.
Basing off killer strength, who decides that? Besides Nurse and Spirit the rest of the cast is always being debated as to strength. If you believe Leatherface is strong do you get a better ruin when against him?
Listen, you want something to slow the game down, run ruin. Asking for it as base kit in any measure is insanity, might as well ask for survivors to hook themselves when you down them because hooking costs you time.
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You can do it with any killer the difference is learning how and where to apply said pressure. Some objectively have a harder time applying this either based on killers skill cap or the players.
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I can't see how that would be necessary. You definitely don't need ruin. If you feel that it's worth a perk slot, as many do, you can always just use the perk. That is what perks are for, after all.
Forcing it to be active all the time until a set number of hooks or generators have been completed would be pretty controversial. At that point, there is no counterplay. You can't just go find the totem. You just need to slog through it.
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Ah classic passive aggressive response to a answer that doesn't agree with what you wanted.