So... bullying Spirit mains is a thing now?



  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    I disagree I think people over exaggerate to pressure the devs to nerf spirit cause it's worked in the past when people gripe about anything they don't like to play against. It'll work again i'm sure and then we can all run around jungle gyms connected into cow loops and other jungle gyms and loops that have 0 mindgames cause thats not a bigger issue at all.... It's whatever i'll be a survivor main when they nerf killers that can deal with them until they fix all the maps in 4 years

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943
    edited August 2019

    You can look at legion and see how they over did it on there power when they didnt need to in regards to there speed and addons.

    The overly safe loops have been problem for years and they are just now getting into changing them when it could be as simple as putting door by the window in iron works of misery for example. They have made bad maps up to legion chapter with Mt. Ormond with it's connected shack into 2 jungle gyms and the plague chapter with the huge temple map with waist high unmindgameable loops it's like they just realised how bad they are this year smh. I didn't say anything about Badham I think it's fine, but if they did it right the first time they wouldn't have to come back and redo it cause they thought that was good map design in the resent past.

  • JetTheWaffleCat
    JetTheWaffleCat Member Posts: 284

    People sending message like that to you are absolutely disgusting. No one should think it's okay to spew filth like that over a video game.

    I love the Spirit to death, asthetic, power concept. I personally like playing her as she's on my roster with Huntress. I must confess I haven't been playing her as much as I use to mainly because I feel bad. Reason, almost everyone hates facing her.

    I don't have any strong opinion about versing her, it's whatever. I'd still rather go against a Huntress or Billy. But I don't hate going against her like I do Trapper or Clown.

    She just needs a few tweaks to make her a little less annoying to go against.

    My main issue is the collision. It feels awful when you're trying to move around trying to trick her but she bumps into you completely ruining your "mindgame". To me it's a lot like juking a Nurse's blink but she ends up messing up the blink and you still get punished for it. I'd be fine if Spirit had no collision with survivors while phasing. It gives ballsy survivors the attempt to run through her to disorientate her sense of hearing.

    I also wouldn't mind making the vaulting animation a little more noticeable.

    I'm not really sure what else could be done to be honest. If you mess with too much of her base kit you risk gutting her.

    Also, Father Glasses and Prayer Beads need a different ability. Both remove ways to counterplay the Spirit. Whenever it's not hearing her phase emission always being at risk being grabbed without even knowing her location or hiding your scratch marks, but her being able to see your blood with no way to hide or trick her.

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    Tbh I hate going against Spirit.

    But still I give my best every single game and I'd never offend the killer for their character choice.

    Spirit is in the game as playable character and if you want to play as Spirit you should just do it.

    I tried her a few times and I can tell that it is a lot more fun to play her than going against her. Just use the killer you like the most and don't let you tell otherwise.

  • RockRage8962
    RockRage8962 Member Posts: 46

    I main Spirit myself, and let me tell you, don't let them get to you. She was the first and only killer I managed to get a 4K on, and to this day, it's my proudest killer achievement. Use whichever killer you want, and don't let them tell you otherwise. They hate her? Then let them DC and report them post game. Even as someone who mains survivor mostly, I will admit, I don't care who I'm up against, as I know how powerful killers can be, even without their most OP add-ons.

  • Bloodlust_Gamer69
    Bloodlust_Gamer69 Member Posts: 167

    Let's just delete her and nurse and Billy and Ghostface. While we are at it delete noed beacose it has nooooo counter. (joke)

    Survivors will always back away from a chalange. They want easy games.

    I am playing both killer and survivor at red ranks and spirit is my favorite killer to go against. After all its a horror game not a "bully the killer until he dcs" game.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Three questions,

    1. Do you play spirit and how often?

    2. Do you play other killers (if yes to first question) how long before you picked up spirit

    3. How skilled are you at spirit?

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    so does killers. i think pretty much everyone wants easy games. not just one side.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Also next time someone messages you like that you can probably get them immediately banned from whatever platform the message was sent on all it takes is reporting it as harassment and laugh as they have to do maybe two years worth of grind all over again (its bad when they do it on ps4 cause that's all the progress for all their games they put on the line to harass you and they need to pay with that progress)

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    i completely agree. games are supposed to be fun to play but this game isnt fun at all when playing against spirit.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Lol if I had only saved that video of where I stunned a spirit as she was coming out of phase you realize she still has collision while in phase? Use it to your advantage if you can't move step away and drop simple

  • Ghost077
    Ghost077 Member Posts: 713

    Do not be so dependent on the opinions of others :) Spirit is fine, cry of baby-survivors should not worry you.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    There is no real risk playing spirit. Press m2 and use your ears and eyes.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Might be just a new spirit player, no clue what this should proof.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Spirits risk factor is so low even though it so obviously is?

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Even if you count freaking one minute per chase its longer. You can easily win even against good spirits, because you can mindgame her too.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    No reason to just dc against her. While I don't think she is op, I wouldn't mind some adjustments to her.

    Still, dcing against any killer you don't like to face is a little ridiculous. Boy I hope that dc's will get punished more in the future.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748
  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527
    edited August 2019

    Yeah,jumpscares are not even true scares ,but whatever.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    It means that her ability is completely unique relative to other killers, not that it's OP or without counterplay. She's the only killer who can get nearly 100% hard countered with a perk loadout. You could argue the stealth killers and OoO have that problem as well

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    It's not a flip of a coin when using her power.... also this is the silliest thing I've read this morning

  • cybercat
    cybercat Member Posts: 11

    i seriously hate spirit more than freddy if that's even possible. just no. i see p3 spirit, i kill myself on hook. she is very annoying killer with few counterplay but it's not just that,her add ons are just too good and need to be looked at imo.

  • boostedneamain567
    boostedneamain567 Member Posts: 21

    When she phase walks I normally stand still and crouch in a corner and they never see me,also run iron will incase you do go against one but some run strider so be careful

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    You can play what you want, but then dont be disappointed if survs doesnt like to play vs OP killers, which in fact is Spirit.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Yeah experience will effect spirit more and that's something I love about those type (huntress, nurse, spirit) of characters rather then a character like trapper or wraith where when you invest 100 hours into them you prettymuch know them...

  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 735

    I dont mind the player behind it. And I think spirit is a great designed killer, but I personally enjoy a nurse more than a spirit. You can just "outplay" a spirit with unbalanced strong loops. If you don't she will fck u up with her braindead plays. Nurse need skills and mindgames. Spirit just needs add ons and thats it.

    I would enjoy her more, if she wouldn't have collision. That would be enough for me to deal with her and enjoy the match more.

  • dist0rt
    dist0rt Member Posts: 32

    i think she is in a good spot and if you cant counter her then that is on your shoulders. those streamers with a bajillion hours just cry nonstop about everything anyway.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Now I can understand changing opinions... I just dont see how it can go straight to ----> spirit requires no skill and is not fun.... when before she was a ton of fun to play for him and now "alls you need is good headphones 4 head!".... idk it just seems hes just trying to fit the narrative that's driven by players that dont wanna try new things or just wanna counter everything by running in a circle when the devs want more for the game....

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    really people here rubbing spirit with nurse?

    lol, if you people get used to being match those 2killers everytime

    more like mori full setting spirit = range increased 2blink nurse < 3blink range nurse

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    still spirit is op compare to billy or other all killers

    billy should be a target so its not normal thing for a fighting game

    nurse needs mega nerf with sanity

    delete keys instaheals and moris for red ranked battle

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    I would never bully a killer, but I must say I hate Spirit with a deep passion. Half her skill is outplaying yourself because you have no idea where she is phasing to, whether she is standing still or vaulting until it is too late. Spirit with prayer beads makes me instantly want to DC, though I never do. I don't care that Spirit is good. Nurse is good but I enjoy playing against her more. Spirit is just REALLY unfun to go against, like a pre-change Legion. I'm hoping the perk Fixated will open up some potential for mind games against her for a change.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Instead of focusing so much on how annoying its gonna be once she gets you, take in the game for a moment and enjoy the tension and fear of wondering if she's phasing :>

    As soon as I stopped looking at this game competitively and like "I NEED to win" and just started enjoying the smaller and more atmospheric parts of the game, I've had a much more enjoyable experience. I've played so much that I started to miss how terrifying the game felt when I first started.

    Anyways, stop complaining you can't win every game. There needs to be killers like this, just stop looking at them as such a bad thing.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    To be honest I find Spirit harder to fight than Nurse. With Nurse you are either screwed or you aren't. If the Nurse can aim that's it and it's gonna be a short match and that's fine I can move on to my next match quickly. The rest of my team is going down in short order. If she can't you can probably lose her and juke her easy.

    Spirit is a lot trickier, she can pull so many mindgames on you, is she using Mother's Ring? Is she faking me? I don't hear the vacuum. Or maybe she is just standing there waiting for me to circle back. Or am I supposed to run away now?

    Spirit is a bigger pain to go up against and she can catch you just fine if she really tries. There's no chance to get away either unless she sucks or you have Iron Will, and I don't always bring Iron Will.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Shes low risk because despite her powers cool down, the fact she can't see people in phase. She still functions without phase and her power very well for a manageable 16 seconds. Any semi good Spirit can learn to manage the cool down. You can use the Spirits phasewalk in several different ways to apply pressure. It's when you start putting them together you can become a better Spirit.

    High reward part. I shouldn't have to handfeed you the information on this otherwise there would be less threads about her.

    Overall Spirit is Low Risk High Reward because survivors let her be. There's a reason Spirits worse at lower ranks compaired to higher ranks. Shes forces a playstyle that "good survivors" dont want to use and instead complain shes too Strong and OP please nerf.

    If it makes you feel better Spirit is indeed one my Mains you know of 4 different killers I commonly use so I have seen hundreds of different tactics against her. I have adapted to Spirit and very rarely lose too her because instead of just accepting shes too strong I changed my build. I evaluated what was strong on my survivor build and what was weak. Instead of complaining your usual Meta builds not up to the task of Spirit maybe you should start evaluating the meta and what perks are good against these "top tier killers"

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    You’re right. Those loops arent fair and really should be looked at, but that doesnt change the fact that people just dont have fun against Spirit and a very good Nurse.

    Also, what about the loops that even m1 killers can mindgame? Imo this gives killers like Nurse and Spirit the same exact problem, its just a lose/lose for the survivor no matter what they do.

  • Kycer
    Kycer Member Posts: 337
    edited August 2019

    I guess she is one of the most hated killers because she is one of the very few killers that actually has the advantage in a 1v1 situation, in a 4v1 game...

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2019

    Imo to many people forget about the 3 other guys and also see it at as their right, that all the fun in a match has to be for them (not even for the 3 other survivors and certainly not for the killer) and of course, they always have to win.

    Too many people seem to forget that this is a horror game and not a meme game where you runing around in circles with a bright colored jacket.

    That is just my answer to all the "this killer is too strong" threads.

  • Corrupted
    Corrupted Member Posts: 157
    edited August 2019

    The new Nancy perk will be a solid response to spirit. I enjoy playing Spirit, she is very fun to play however I'll have to agree that there is very little counterplay to her. At red ranks I usually dominate with 3-4K's.

    Your best bet is to use iron will and walk, as someone with great headphones - I can hardly hear a walking survivor. Q&Q+Lithe is great. I personally enjoy playing against the Spirit, and I think she has a neat design. I'd like to have more Japanese/mythical killers. Spirit has a lot more control than other killers, the game is more dependant on her making mistakes and just how good she is opposed to other killers.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Oh I guess this was a misunderstanding. I thought you were complaining about Spirit's skill level. I mostly agree with what you said, Survivors refuse to adapt. I apologise.

  • DwikeyMain84
    DwikeyMain84 Member Posts: 107

    man don't you know that you aren't suppose to kill people in this game?!! survivors are far too good to ever be killed so if someone kills them then there has to be something that you did wrong or cheated or something....psshh get real man, if you kill someone then you most definitely either cheated, camped, tunnelled, or your internet is so bad they lagged to the point they couldn't properly play to beat you....don't you know this?!!!!!! seriously though don't feel bad cuz 99 percent of people are just mad that someone is actually better than them and they can't take it, its the reason why everytime we get a new killer that is bad ass they end up nerfing it because of the whiners who get mad that they have to learn new skills and aren't the "#########" anymore at kicking killers butts so instead of honing their craft and learning how to play against a new killer they just whine and cry until it gets nerfed. You just keep playing and having fun, if they DC it's cuz they are mad they got beat or got downed or whatever or maybe they have bad internet (sometimes) but it's not about them cuz you bought this game so you could enjoy it, so play and enjoy it! see ya in the fog (btw i play a lot more survivor than killer so no i am not a killer main)

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Sore losers will throw toxicity at you.

    Sore winners will also throw toxicity at you.

    The best thing you could possibly do is to close that chat window and never open it again. Free yourself.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Another person thinking standing still and using your ears takes skill. Awesome.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Other than "normal" killers she got the red glow mindgame, the standing still mindgame and the phasing mindgame. And even without Spine Chill or Iron Will you can just HEAR her footsteps while phasing. I know thats an effort but thats how it is. She takes much to be played good and to be played good against.