Dead by Dead Hard

Finally, after decades, people are finally realizing how strong the perk is, and (Surprise) is stronger than balanced landing.
Actually It's been 2 weeks since I haven't played dbd, and I want to know:
Main killers, how are things with Dead Hard (at rank 1?) ?
It's a free health state in every chase if the survivor knows how to use it. You use it to gain a small boost of speed to clear a pallet or window, keeping a chase going and potentially letting you get a surprise pallet stun that lets you run to the next tile. Or you use it to dodge a hit out in the open if the killer doesn't expect it, but that's a lesser use.
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I usually try to get really close to a survivor in a chase to get them to use it, then swing and down them immediately after.
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I disagree, balanced landing is much stronger... unless you’re on shelter woods lol
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Balanced Landing is downright broken when used properly on certain maps, but if you use it, Shelter Woods is exactly where you're going. Dead Hard is fantastic on all maps at all times.
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It really do be like that huh?
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I prefer using no exhaustion perks. When I do it's either BL or Head On. Sad part is whenever I consider using DH and decline I always end up facing against a great Nurse.
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Just touch their booty in chase and they'll use it. Its not that bad unless they use it to make it to a pallet, but thats still just once so.. Still not that crazy.
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Dead Hard is danger for only new killers.
- Chase surv
- Come as close as possible
- or he will lose DH for nothing
- or you attack him by short hit
- ????
This perk is balanced. I never have real problem with it, like i have problems with balance landing on Heddonfield, as example.
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Lithe is the tough one for me.
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Dead hard grants at least 3 extra hits per match, sometimes is uncounterable and can gain you extra distance to a safe pallet the killer has to break, lose bloodlust then chase you more...
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Yeah, especially if truetalent says the EXACT OPPOSITE
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Lol man, those times where you think you're gonna do a hit right under the pallet, and instead they dead hard and stun you. Lol it's so common dud
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Why is everything called "free" on these forums? It's not free because you need the perk, you need to not be exhausted, you need to already be injured and you need to time it right/hope lag doesn't ######### you over. Not to mention it's usually only good once per trial against a killer that's paying attention.
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That man is good, but not nearly as good as everyone says he is. You can tell he no longer actually enjoys this game as much anymore. He even tried to stream other games and started to lose viewers. He used to be much much better compaired to what he does now.
He's a god in his own mind and that of his fans. Anyone ever watch him live? He legit complains about everything that goes wrong then edits it out for his YT videos. Still he has played for a long time and a lot of the information he has is legitimately worth looking into.
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It doesn't matter if a killer knows you have dead hard. They can't stop you from using to clear a window.
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dead hard requires really high skill cap but once u learn how to use it oh boi its really really strong
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Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Dude seems so bored and unhappy when he streams.
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It's opinion based and just because Truetalent is somewhat a celebrity in the community, it doesn't make his idea or opinion better or actually correct. Let's see... being popular and having a bunch of people watching you doesn't inherently make your argument anymore special or anything. That's a big and bad misconception to make and have.
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Well, yes they can, it entirely depends on the circumstances. And fortunately for killers there aren't an infinite supply of windows all over the maps.
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I used to enjoy watching him. Now it feels painful to watch. I feel bad for him.
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I think Dead Hard is a really versatile perk. Since it’s manually activated and is an Exhaustion perk, it opens up a door for many different plays and strategies that other perks can’t quite do. It’s probably one of the most unique in the game besides Head On.
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2/4 have it most of the time, hate this perk
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When i saw him playing with DH, Adrenaline, old MoM and DS, I understood he really lost the fun of playing the game.
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Dead hard is too easy to bait to be the best exhaustion perk, you should've been around when exhaustion recovered in chase I would probably agree with you at that point and time, but right now Balanced Landing is a way better use of a perk slot and actually works when you want it to as oppose to Dead Hard where there are plenty of times it doesn't even activate and you get smacked
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Well, maybe he plays dbd almost every day, for at least 4 hours consecutively, and has tons of hours?
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Yeah, just because you're bad and you can't counter it?
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once i know they have it it doesn't work, what i mean by hate it is it give them the distance they shouldn't have to reach the window or pallet, that's what i mean, and F-O for saying i am bad
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It's a strong perk but killers have plenty of strong crap. When I play killer I know a lot of survivors are going to have it. But let's not pretend like killers don't use Ruin every game.
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They use it a lot, but it works only 0 to 1 time(s).
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If you use it for distance instead of trying to time it to a swing, it works everytime.
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DH is strong when used correctly, but Balance Landing is outright broken on most maps because unlike DH. BL doesn't have any counterplay.
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Well I’m not rank 1, I’m rank 13 for killer, but there was a rank 4 with dead hard and they’d ran me around for a bit, I got a 3k including them with the other opening the exit gate and escaping. Oh yeah bill had dead hard, but he didn’t make it that far either.
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Yeah it'll work.
And then I catch up in a sec.
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Is more often used as a means to gain that small bit of distance to make a vault I would have normally hit them at, and sometimes to make me miss an attack.
I normally just assume everyone has DH the first chase I have with them so often its the second or third chase that would catch me off guard if they saved it.
Strong perk but it has a defined counter so I have no complaints...unless I'm playing console Nurse, then its just mean...
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He’s not the greatest player ever, and another well known streamer makes a point Balanced is stronger because even when exhausted you still get a benefit from you.
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Right, every survivor he plays against is using busted perks but he also plays DH, DS, iron will, QQ. And he complains about killers not “being chill,” but I’ve never seen him actually take it easy on the other team if they have a player kill them self on first hook either.
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My favorite is his tangent on "THESE are the survivors we get when we play killer, but we never get these survivors when we play survivor".
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I dislike Dead-Hard because it can completely counter a good mind-game
Mind-Games are a huge reason of why I play, and it's annoying how even if I execute the mind-game perfectly the survivor can press the "Oh I just messed up" button, get to the pallet, and reset the chase
Very annoying. Still I highly prefer facing Dead Hard to balanced landing which is just bloody tedious
"Yes, yes, we know you have balanced landing. Yes, yes we know I'm going to be so shocked that once I run around the mountain and get to you while you've been standing by that ledge for 20 seconds, you'll drop down and speed away"
Behavior really needs to change the meta for DBD away from the omega chances build, you cannot blame anyone for using it because it is very strong
It's just really boring going against the same loadout over and over again
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Lol right, I mean I like his streams I still learn stuff but his “woe is me,” speeches are getting to be a bit much. Yes every game as killer you’re against an optimal SWF and every game as survivor you have to carry three potatoes.
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Only works once, and even then has a 50% chance of working bc of how hitboxes are currently.
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Well, you shouldn't even be able to hit a survivor with spirit fury + enduring when you get stunned, but you have a perk that (Surprise) does that
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It IS annoying af BUT you can learn to deal with it. Like a good work around a survivor you know has dead hard is to hit them when they are vaulting since they can't deadhard.
Lure them towards a vault heavy area and then when they loop thinking they've won STRIKE!
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Hes pretty good at normal movement, like moonwalking junglegyms for tricky hits and all, but as far as knowing killer specific things... He'll get surprised when his traps as Freddy dont work against awake survivors and such.
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how often do you see it? and again, 2 perks vs 1, so fair
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Or leaving people laying on the ground to wait out DS when there is no Obsession at all. Anyways we're off topic thanks for the chat!
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As always
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So True is the only person allowed to make observations based on experience?
Didnt know he was the one making the rules and opinions for the entire community..
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Dead Hard is a trash perk. Works one time until the killer knows you have it. Then they just wait for it every time after that
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no I didn't say that, I meant to say that his opinion is stronger than people who have even 1000 hrs, this because he always plays dbd, 4 hours)/day, every day, since 2016.