The matchmaking change makes it hard to play with newbie friends

The Stranger Things chapter brought in a LOT of interest from some of my friends that are huge Stranger Things fans. I'm rank 1 and my friends are only around rank 15, still learning the game quite a bit. But now if I queue with them...even though there's three rank 15s, we get a Rank 1 killer.

They don't stand a chance (and neither do I) and quite frankly they've been miserable because they all die instantly. I understand matchmaking was broken, we didn't really notice it was broken because when they first started at 20 ish we were getting rank 15 killers, but wouldn't it make more sense to average the party ranks instead of having it just be the highest..?

Going against a rank 10-11 killer would still be hard for them but at least do-able.

On top of that, if we don't have a full group, it takes very long to find a game unless we have a full team. A random rank 1 survivor will join the lobby, see two or one rank 15s and then dip (I don't blame them).



  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    @Tizzle I just think it should have averaged if there is only one high rank. I can understand if there were 3 or even 2.

  • jordirex
    jordirex Member Posts: 204

    I like the new system, really. For both sides is good. Feedback from a very high end player.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Good. Tired of people abusing the rank system by boosting.

  • Darkwing_Dork
    Darkwing_Dork Member Posts: 31

    Maybe it should be a weighted average so red ranks pull the rank down a bit more?

  • aazimuth
    aazimuth Member Posts: 190

    So how is it fair for 3 rank 20's to play with someone in red ranks because their friend isn't new at the game, why do they deserve to be punished.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,146

    The three rank 20s could just play together without the red rank in order to gain some experience at their own skill level. Or they could get together in KYF where the red rank can teach them how to play.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    Maybe it would be good to show global level in match making so you could tell you experience if the player, if not their actual rank. This could cause lobby dodging, but under the new system it would probably be ok. Why Dodge when a rookie shows up, and this way killer could go easy on the new guy if they want

  • aazimuth
    aazimuth Member Posts: 190

    Yeah but some people have friends they want to play with. This game isn't competitive, its a party game, rank shouldn't matter THAT much.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    @ABannedCat So with this mentality the same could be said about how it is now... “If you’re a newbie killer you know what’s coming to you”... the old system was bad but the new one isn’t better.

  • Duckodb12
    Duckodb12 Member Posts: 45

    They need to completely do away with ranks. It’s always been more trouble than it’s worth.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited September 2019

    Look at it this way.

    Your friend has three choices

    Play with you and meet high rank killers, play alone or play with players around ther same rank and learn the game until they get to your level.

    You have to think about not only your own circumstance but the new players who came in with the ST dlc who want to play the killer. They never had any choice to be matched with you just because you wanted to play with a low ranked friend.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    The reason why this is a better solution is because the survivors can choose what team they play with. Killers cannot choose what rank survivors will be when making a lobby. Those choices being playing solo, teaming with others close to their rank, and if they choose to team with a higher ranked friend they need to accept that they will go up against a higher ranked killer but with help

    Again, it is the the survivors CHOICE. Killers have never been and still are not able to choose what ranks to play against. Survivors were able to and still can make a guess guess as to what rank range they will be up against.

    It was the the equivalent of hustling or something akin. Someone hiding their skill with whatever game. No, I'm not saying all swf have that intent but the result is the same. Killers had no idea what they were up against in regard to experience/skill level. While, the survivors did and could expect a lower ranked killer if teaming with lower ranked survivors and prepare accordingly (No I don't mean they could predict what the killer or perks will be). Especially on PS4 where it doesn't show hours played. Regardless of the survivor's intention it was extremely unfair to the killer.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    About time. Survivors are gonna have to suck it up like we did for so long. If your friends care enough to play the game in a team, they might want to think about getting good at it first. THEN you can come with legitimate complaints.

  • Darkwing_Dork
    Darkwing_Dork Member Posts: 31

    If I queued with 3 rank 15 friends I would not be against a new killer, I would be matched against a rank 10-11 if the average rank was taken

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    It's not just about being completely new but also not being good enough to get passed those ranks. That wasn't fair to be matched with you when they had no choice.

    You and your friends have a choice so why should the one who doesn't be the person that gets disadvantaged?

  • aazimuth
    aazimuth Member Posts: 190

    Well, anyone can say this is a good change but this literally just gives people even more of an incentive to derank than ever before.

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    "It's bad for new players to be forced to go against players much higher rank than themselves" is a sword that cuts both ways. At least the SWF version comes with friends and voice chat, the killer version just comes with lonely, bitter tears of regret.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    @danielmaster87 you’re the epitome of biased in this game.

    I never liked the old system but I don’t think the new one is fair either. All I’m asking is to meet in the middle. You on the other hand... well you’re just happy that now the other side has it “bad”.

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    We actually get fast matchmaking now suck it up

  • ImmortalReaver
    ImmortalReaver Member Posts: 243

    do a custom game, problem solved.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Only the ones that only want to play if they can play with their high-rank friends. And I guess other Survivors who get paired up with those SWF groups.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    No. If it went the other way, it would be super unfair for the newbie killer to get stomped -- and unlike the present situation, they would have no control over it. As-is, you're making a conscious choice to queue with better players, and therefore you accept the risk. This is working as it should.

    My suggestion for new players who want to queue with experienced friends is this: queue as a group of four, so that you're the only newbie. You'll get a much better learning experience that way, because you'll be with multiple people who can teach you good habits -- and you'll be out of the newbie ranks faster.

  • joan
    joan Member Posts: 122

    Another change to make happy killers. Nothing we can't saw during months. They are killing the game, and they don't notice it.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    How in the world would a killer know what rank everyone is? That information is not shown to them in the lobby.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Any killer that claims this change is good is delusional.

    This guy in the OP just wants to play with friends.

    Guess you gonna have to find another game or create another account buddy !

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Once again: How else would you have it? Should a bunch of high-rank players get matched vs. a low-rank killer because they grouped with their newbie friend? It's less fair to the killer, because he has no choice in the matter, and I suspect a low-rank killer rather not be bullied by a high-rank survivor group that is way out of his league.

    The survivors effectively control the matchmaking, and this change ensures that they can predict -- based on whoever has the highest rank -- what the killer's ballpark rank is. The lower-rank player is making a conscious decision to accept this challenge because he is queuing with his high-rank friends. The burden should be on the group with the power to choose, which in this case is the survivors.

    The only other equitable solution I can think of is a SWF rank range restriction (i.e. you can only group with players +/- some degree adjacent to your own rank), and that would make everyone even angrier. What would you do to solve this problem, while also not forcing someone with no choice to put up with being bullied by a group way out of their range?

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    No, killers do not see what rank the survivors are. Have you played killer? It doesn't show the rank like it does for survivor is the lobby.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    “You guys are so mean! Op just wants to play with his friends!”

    Funny how so many high ranks have a newbie or low rank friend.

    Also newsflash: you can still play with your friends. You just have to look out for them while you’re facing a killer your own size.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926
    edited September 2019

    This right here. There is no good reason for anyone to be upset by these changes. It evens the playing field.

    In general, red rank killers would have more experience against swf and be able to deal with it how game breaking it is.

    In other words, I don't give a ######### if high ranked survivors "have a difficult time" teaming up with lower ranked survivors.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    I would have done this already if I could keep my damn perks lmao..

  • cetruzzo
    cetruzzo Member Posts: 323

    As a killer main, I think that killers should try to go easy on survivors that are clearly newbies. The few times i play survivor i mostly get tunneling killers even at 5 gens, when it is totally unnecessary at rank 11, which makes the game really unfun.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    Lol imagine feeling so sore at losing your gg ez games that you consider making a dbd smurf. As ridiculous as it is in Overwatch, at least rank gives you SOMETHING and the community is so uptight about playing different characters. There is literally no excuse for a dbd smurf - especially as a survivor - other than “I enjoy peeing in other people’s cereal.”

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    We get rank resets ever so often, so you will be able to play with your friends on a closer rank.

    If you are that kind of a monster survivor that will reach rank 1 in no time, just embrace the challenge and help your friends to get better themselves, you apparently are an absolute beast as survivor and should be able to help your friends. You can coach them over voice and support them. If they face higher killers, see it as a challenge, in the worst case they still have you to help them out, help them understand the killer, their powers and counterplay better and they will naturally grow with your encouragement.

    This new system is way better than the old one, because before a sole rookie killer was getting bullied by way to high rank survivors with no one at their side to help them or figure out what to do in that situation.

    Kudos to the devs for that decision.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    My solution would be to keep facing a killer of the average rank.


    Add a debuff to higher ranks mate.

    Just like in dark souls. When you summon a friend that has a highest level than you, that guy gets a debuff on his stats, based on the lower one.

    That could be a debuff on gen repair, or the non ability to bring items, or having perks capped to tier 1, for example.

    But no, you guys just claim this change is good. It's not.

  • Gayce
    Gayce Member Posts: 14

    And just get 0 points. And when you're only 2, KYW is so fun yeaaaah. Of course it's ironic.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    My wife has 700 hours in three years and hasn’t played in forever. She’s been wanting to play again lately. Now if she wants to play with me she has to face rank 1 Killers. So in other words, she doesn’t want to play with me now.

    Basing it on average was much better.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Some people dont have a full 5 person group. Or dont want to play killer.

    And to be honest, rank DOESNT matter.

    But this change isnt bad....its basically how every other "create a party before starting" game works.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    OP, you write yourself that you are rank 1 but are not skilled enough (currently) to face rank 1 killers: "They don't stand a chance (and neither do I)"

    So you are going to de-pip until you are at a rank that matches your skill. And then your friends won't have to face rank 1 killers anymore, either. I don't see a problem with that.