Has anyone started playing without Ruin?

If so, what are the main differences between games with and without?
Mainly the time
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Survivors rush gens immediately if I don't have ruin.
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When i play my freddy with ruin they usally pop the ruin but by then the games basically over but when i play my demogorgon it usally ends in me only getting 2-3 survivors but it might be because i haven't gotten to good at the demogorgon yet rank 12 btw
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I don't instantly hear thunder within 30 seconds of a match. Not much difference besides that.
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Without: You get gen rushed.
With: You enter the game, after 20 seconds you hear a thunder, then you get gen rushed.
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I've started playing without ruin on new Freddy after a while and honestly I haven't noticed that large of a difference, or if anything I'm doing better. Mainly because I only keep track of kill or no kill and so if I got a 4k at 5 gens or 2 gens makes no difference to me. So yeah, I've been getting the same amount of kills, or if anything more because it opens a perk slot up for something else.
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What rank are you peanits and what killer do you like playing the most sorry if this is off topic
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I ditched ruin and started doing better.
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It doesn't do anything sometimes, people still power through it. it's only good for taxing people who can't consistently hit great skill checks....
Sometimes, people waste time looking for it which is also a bonus. But thanks to a lot of new perks these days, you don't really need to rely on the perk anymore... Unless it's a Killer like Trapper or Hag that need time for set-ups, or Myers who needs time to get Tier ll at the start.
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Do you play dbd often
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This made me laugh more than it should have hahaha
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Never used it. I don't do so well all the time but I'm working on tracking and chase pressure, with killers and builds I enjoy.
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I usually play without it.
The thing about hex perks is they're high-risk-high-reward. It could get cleansed in a couple of minutes or 30 seconds into a match. I've played lots of games when it lasted the whole match, as a survivor player, it's not fun at all. I'm one of those rare players who actually cares about all players having fun during a match.
I prefer to use something like PGTW to regress generators and I just prefer using a variety of perks.
But this is coming from a player who cannot get beyond green ranks at the moment 😒
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Never used Ruin, I prefer perks like PGTW instead, one of my favorite perks in the game, lifesaver.
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It's difficult to perform without Ruin in high ranks. No matter the circumstance, even with ruin... competent survivors are going to finish it. It's not only the perks, but the players who surround the game, many of which are smart and knowledgable about the time and space they have to finish a gen.
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Dont really use ruin unless im playing the hag and thats only really because shes only lv 12. So I have little to no other perks I can use instead of it for the time being.
So basically i dont play with ruin. I honestly prefer gen regressing perks and the likes as opposed to having to depend on ruin. Which honestly is very map dependant or totem spawn dependant. Hate gambles.
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Is your stream name the same as your username and which platform do you stream on I'd love to watch you play
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I’ve never used it before lol
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I've NEVER played with Ruin and it's actually cause I have always used Small Game as survivor and messed with the killer's hexes in seconds. I prefer using Corrupt Intervention and Discordance as a combo, it lets me either place traps (trapper, hag, demo) or have a chase for the first 2 minutes without me worrying for the gen rush. I use discordance cause survivors tend to gather into a specific gen whenever they see CI is active.
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I got very used to using ruin, so it feels weir to not use it.
But yes, I did stop using it in every build some time ago(still have to unlock better stuff to use in some killers)
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For me, Ruin is Great Skill check training for survivors. This causes faster gens without Ruin and in turn increases the need for Ruin.
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Did for hillbilly and Freddy a month or so Nurse is next.
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I played an entire year without ruin. From October 2018 to August 2019, I only got Ruin when it appeared in the shrine
I like to only use it on killers that need time to set up such as Ghostface, even then I always put up Weasel as backup. It's just so annoying to have two gens pop within 60 seconds every game
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tHaTs 11 MoNtHs nOt 12
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I play without ruin on stronger killers such as spirit billy nurse and hag, but I can't play killers such as clown or doctor without it.
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ruin is such a bad perk, i've stopped using it ages ago.
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Lol, it's a perk I bring in when a random perk wheel gives it to me xD
Really overrated, there are better perks (imo) that can't be removed in 2 seconds so miss me with that ruin stuff :x
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I'm so scared to remove my ruin, I don't know... gens pop so fast without it and even with it lol
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I almost never use Ruin. The difference between with and without is that with you play with 3 perks most of the time, but if you try to protect the totem you won't get anything done.
Not really worth it imo.
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I generally play without it on both high mobility killers, and killers that can end chases quickly, like Spirit and Demogorgon. To me, it's not worth taking a perk that may get only 10 seconds of value when I can fill that slot with a way to get more information, like Rancor. Makes the game's pace a little faster too.
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So why do you run the perk then?
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What is your playstyle like? Do you spread the love or do you focus down one after another?
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When I play with ruin, I may get a few hooks before they get gens if im lucky.
When I play without ruin, I get people completing three gens within minutes while i struggle to try to get one person on death hook.
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Get ruin*
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Just means you didnt pressure enough... lol jk. Before I used ruin. Normally two gens pop or close to pop during 1st hook against good loopers. I use it just slow the game a little bit. Little bit meaning the 12 secs it takes to break the totem thats laying in the middle of the field.
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Barely ever use Ruin.
The difference is that when i don't use it, i don't hear thunder sounds every match.
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You have to play like not having soul. A complete slugger. I've done it for years, but it's boring, I prefer ruin to be able to do more chases.
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i have literally never used it and never ever will
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I don't run Ruin. Here are some of the sets of Killer perks that are sitting on my Killers right now. Some of these might be different if I had more perks on the different Killers, but I really don't use Ruin much.
BBQ, Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher, PGTW
Brutal Strength, Fire Up, Overcharge, NOED
Enduring, BBQ, PGTW, NOED
Bitter Murmur, NOED, Bamboozle, PGTW
PGTW, Spirit Fury, Enduring, NOED
Franklin's, NOED, Agitation, Iron Grasp
Sloppy Butcher, Whispers, Nurse's Calling, BBQ
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What I try to do is spread it, to the point where I ignore survivors if they're the newest unhook or slug them and basically refuse to chase them until I've hooked someone else; probably explains why a lot of games get down to exit gates or 1 gen left lmao.
Btw mostly experienced at around ranks 10 - 8 (w/out ruin) since they're the most fun ranks for me, but I can hit rank 1 with or without ruin (but only on Freddy lmao)
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Haven't played with ruin for almost a year
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Ahh I see. Do you not get stressed at all when you are going for high ranks?
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Its a stupid perk lol on the switch version im practicing without it.
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I have never even played with ruin. Ever. I should try it sometime.
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I've never used it once. I think it's a boring perk.
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I can play without Ruin on my Nurse or Billy.
But I prefer having it on my other killers.
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Never ran it, never really wanted to. I do just fine with CI and PGTW.