Looking for group/mentoring

I bought DBD 2 days ago and I'm getting the feeling like it would be worthwhile to find other people for regular grouping. I've been reading up on the game and watching tactics on youtube, but could really use someone walking/talking me though best practices.
Let me know who's got some time.
Best Answers
I would strongly recommend joining the official Dead by Daylight Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/deadbydaylight
There's looking for group channels there where you can find some people to play with. You should be able to find some people who would love to show you around.
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Thank you, just the direction i was looking for
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What platform do you play on?
I'm looking for some players on Ps4 :)
It depends what role you're asking to be taught the basics. Because I can do both, but I prefer Killer as it is what I main after all.
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That's actually a better idea, @Zeroday go try it out. I'm sure you'll find someone who would more than happily give you some pointers and show you the ropes of thy dead by daylights!
Good luck with it, I hope it goes well!
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PC. I had never heard of this game before a week ago. Its a lot of fun... Was hiding from a killer and my dog barked right behind me and scared the shite outta me. :)