Are the devs killer mains?

I’m starting to believe so because I noticed survivors get nerfed/patched immediately but killers on the other hand take weeks/months if your lucky. Ex.When chapter XIII released low rank killers got high ranking survivors, it got patched in like 2-3 days (I can’t recall the exact time frame) but now I’m getting potatoes as teammates and brown ranks on my team when I’m rank 1 going against rank 1 killers. Where’s the fun in that I can’t loop forever especially when it’s their first time EVER encountering “ruin” so they just run around like headless chickens. Sad part is the patch (if we ever get one) won’t come out until after the BP event is over.
You've never been around for the last two years if you think devs are killer main. Plus, until survivors have god windows, they should never consider themselves nerfed.
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Been here since release, and what do you mean by “until survivors have god windows”.
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Cause its impossible to counter loops as killer? I did not know this. Cough.
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Both are pretty balanced but tbh devs are leaning towards survivors never killers. Last bone they threw at me was making the Hag traps a bit faster. It was like a year ago I think.
Post edited by TheUnendingNightmare on2 -
Since the patch I've been queued with almost exclusively red ranks (as a red rank myself) when I solo queue.. every once in awhile I'll get a purple or green if it's a long queue... Only exception is if a red rank has a swf with a brown rank... Which isn't the devs fault.. in those rare occasions jus requeue if you don't want to deal with it...
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Of course they are, why else would the game be so heavily tilted in favor of Killers? And why else would they try to cover up this fact up by making the Survivor pip system a complete joke?
If the survivor (and killer) pip was based on surviving and killing (as it should be), then the number of red rank survivors would be a small handful and the red killers would be a flood. This would more accurately explain the state of the game and how balanced, or not, it is.
The problem is Killers (and Devs) think that in order for a Killer to "win" a match, they need to kill everyone. 3/4 is meh, and 2/4 is a complete loss in their eye. Which if were being honest 2 survivors in a game is a draw, and the most equal match possible.
And it's not survivors that need "buffs" and "better perks" it's killers that need nerfs and perks taken away. Why Killers should be able to see survivors through aura's is quite possibly the dumbest thing ever. Likewise nearly every killer has a form of 1 hit down ability or ######### over gens. Ruin/BBQ chili (the two perks that should be removed) are in every game, that tells you how broken these two perks are.
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I often have to re que about 2-3 times but that’s the problems the ques already take forever
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They don’t understand, if you’re playing against a good team and your a good killer someone is bound to escape and that’s fine. And I play killer and survivor and see how easy it is to cheese games . Constantly making Buffs/patches/nerfs to allow killers to get easy 4K’s is biased but the only people that like these changes are who? KILLER MAINS... I wonder why
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What lead you to this conclusion because I have numerous reasons as to why the game leans more towards killers favor but I would like to hear your reasons before hand.
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Not to mention THE CURRENT BUG every time you try to play swf someone gets left behind in lobby or it auto disconnects and you have to search for 5-10min all over again
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You've actually got this completely backwards.
Survivors have been receiving nerfs because survivors have been the power role by far since the games release and still are. These nerfs have been "slowly" trying to get them more balanced.
Also, devs play both sides a lot. We have the balance issues we have because most of them don't play at high ranks to understand how bad the balance actually is.
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Can confirm Devs are pretty split as to what sides they play on, most of them actually play both sides most often!
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This is just so wrong. Look at this video and learn first hand how survivors are the power role in the game:
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Insta-heals don’t work against good killers I had a full team run insta-heals, long story story short I still got the 4K.
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Yes I agree survivors were op at the beginning, but that’s not nearly the case now. They can’t just keep nerfing survivors and buffing killers the scale will never be balanced at this rate.
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Survivors still are the power role by quite a bit. If you play killer at rank 1 you'll see what I'm talking about.
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I’m rank 1 both sides.
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Do you have any basis for saying they should be removed aside from they make you have to change your tactics as survivor? If anything ruin gives survivors an opportunity to make more bp as it encourages hex cleansing which gain points (yet many survivors would rather ignore them.)
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I either don't believe you or you have low hours. No one with with decent hours playing both sides at rank 1 would disagree with anything I've said.
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So because I have my own opinion I’m lying/don’t play the game enough ( I play everyday). Seems like a toxic mindset to carry around m8
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Unless you're Nurse or Spirit, the survivors are in control unless they make a mistake. You're just bad dude, that's fine.
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Once again I main spirit-_-
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Nice bait
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Like the guy Twinbros said
BBQ and Ruin are OP overused
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I'm rank 4 both sides and no insta-heal is one of the most toxic thing in the game. If you failed with 4 insta-heal it isn't the game's fault.
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I play spirt so those insta heals were useless cause they just gave me stacks for STBFL and then they were right back where they started.
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Like I said, insta-heal won't save you if you can't do anything but try against my SWF group. Lol
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