How do i start a thread?

Are you trying to start a discussion in the "Ask the Community" category? This section is for questions only. If you want to start a thread that isn't a question, try a different category.
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When I go to other categories, it won't give me the option.
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If you go to, say, the General Discussions forum (here:, there should be a "New Discussion" button on the right-hand side of the page.
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I can't find it. I'm haven't sent the confirmation E-mail yet, so maybe it will let me after I do that.
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This is the "Ask the community" Sub-forum. You can only ask questions here (Unless you change it by clicking the arrow next to "Post discussion" and clicking from the variety of choices.
What you want to talk in is the General discussions, you can click on it from the homepage and either choose to ask a question, make a regular post, or make a poll there by clicking that same arrow where you can naturally post discussions.
Hope this helped!
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That's probably the issue, then.
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Yeah, that also could be the reason since his email confirmation isn't... confirmed yet.
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I started a new account on this forum, because I mistyped my E-mail the first time, but it still won't send it. I might have screwed it indefinitely.
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@Kenshiro84 I can help try to help you with this. Give me a few minutes then try to start a thread.
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Sorry, I was gone for a few hours. The option for a new discussion available now. Thanks, although now that I started a new account, I can't press the button, as I didn't ask the question on this account, and I can't go back to the old one.