Just delete ghost face if you wont fix him.

Having a killer like ghost face would fine if you could actually break him out of stalk. But no you literally cant, every single ghost face I've been up against ive stared directly at MID CHASE and no matter what he wont break out of stalk and it wont detect that hes even being looked at. Hes easily one of the most annoying killers ever made so PLEASE fix him or delete him.
Its only a small box on your screen that you can break him out of Shroud, like 2/4ths the screen towards the center, make sure you body isn't blocking him
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It's not that hard to break stalking. You're probably jus not doing that right and you do realize he has add-ons to make it harder to break his stalking.... Gotta love the knee-jerk reactions asking to delete a Killer.
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He is a buggy mess. Everyone knows it and it was multiple times shown live on Twitch by several streamers.
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Asking to delete ghostface and not spirit or nurse.. Good post
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How long is Ghostface's exposed effect supposed to last? The couple of games I've played against him it seemed incredibly long. I'm assuming he has addons to make it last longer. But it seemed crazy long.
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I've been broken out of stalking a fair bit at Red Ranks actually...
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He can be broken out of stalk I do it all the time and I’m broken out of stalk and when playing ghost face
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It's fine, You probably shouldn't be allowed to be in a literal open field and not being broken out but you have to look at him right to break it. What they should fix is being revealed behind walls
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I'm a ghostface main.
I dont see any struggle to kick me out off my night shroud ability (Red Ranks).
Maybe your doing something wrong ?
Asking to delete a character because you aint able to do it sounds exaggerate to me..
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People say this all the time...I literally never had an issue with it... either getting revealed or revealing him. It works...
Today even, probably revealed him 6-7 times in 1 match, during chases, while on a gen, on a hook... (can even upload it if you don't believe me).
It really feels like people just complain about a "bug" because someone did it once and everyone jumped in the bandwagon.
No. That was never a thing. He just needs to be very close to the center of the camera
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It's mostly just latency and it goes both ways. A ghostface can be kicked out of stealth while hidden and can remain in stealth while being watched
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it also works the other way around though...
its not very uncommon for me to get revealed even when i'm standing behind a wall, just because they cought a glimpse of me for a second.
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We both know removing him isn't a valid option.
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There is three options that may make him hard to spot.
1). The latency
2). The add-ons
3). Simply the obstacle blocking more range as it's supposed.
As i mentionned above the reason 3 are most likely the case. As sometime if GF is leaning and move a bit to hide himself more, He is totally undetectable and that's a bad design
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The real problem is that you can stare at him in the middle of a chase in an open field and he won't get broken out of stalk.
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The only problem is being kicked out of stalk behind walls and being kicked out of stalk by hooked / downed survivors.
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being kicked out by a hooked survivor is pretty fair though, because that means you are most likely camping or proxy camping at least, for a hooked survivor to see you. But I agree to the broken behind walls that isn't fair for the killer.
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I guess people aren't used to these...or conveniently leave em out of discussions.
There are multiple factors to attribute to failed stalk breaking. Several have already been listed, but sometimes you're jus not doing it right, or the Killer has been able to successfully dodge your attempts, latency can also be an issue...but people don't like hearing that. It's easier to claim broken and slap a "nerf" and jus auto play the game more. He's already had his Stalk add-ons nerfed and I recall revealing him was fixed a bit after release.
Ya know what is a good example of stuff that was broken & needed to fixed? Moonwalking Legion, Clown having bugged insta down bottles. I play Killer far more than Survivor and Ive successfully have broken a Ghost Face outta stalk.
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Ghost Face is a mess with how buggy he is, it really is hit or miss if you can break him out or not. Some games I have no problem, others he is perma t3 myers and cannot be broken out. Dedicated servers might help with that though, but I think fixing the issue requires a lot more, but it is lower priority because those who play ghost face on the regular are few and far between.
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14:37 - this was today. Broke him out many other times too if you wanna watch the rest of the video.
Point is, was in a chase, easily broke him out.
Now, show me a video of the reverse happening.
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45 seconds without add-ons. 55 with add-ons.
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No, he's incredibly easy too break out of stalk. The window too break him out of stalk is small, and with addons it gets smaller. Plus theres a buffer where you can still pull him out of stalk even if he's out of sight. And if you can't break him out of stalk you could try and make him miss an attack or stun him, which both pull him out of Night Shroud.
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I never have issues like that when going against Ghostface. I rather enjoy playing against him. I mean, he's literally the only killer who in some cases tries to avoid you, if you approach him.
Never really had issues with breaking him out of night shroud mid chase. If his body is not covered, you'll win the staring contest for sure (if he didn't 99% you before).
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He seems fine to me, both as and against him.
It's not perfect or seems always feels fair but it isn't "a broken mess" to me.
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Ah yes, another delete post.
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I say ghostface cause he just keeps getting so many bugs. He's fine if not for the fact you cant break him out of stalk
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Im not asking to delete cause hes op (also yall should know im not seriously askin to delete him) he just has soooooo many bugs. Also he wasn't running any anti-reveal add ons
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He was literally out in the open, with no ant-reveal add ons, while chasing me. There was so stealth play because he knew no one could break him out so he just straight up chased us all because we couldn't reveal him.
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THANK YOU this is what im sayin
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This killer is just so riddled with bugs and weird detect boxes
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Yall can't tell when someones not bein serious huh
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currently im rank 5 and its not that he's so OP and needs a nerf they just need to make it so when we are staring directly at him out in the open he breaks out of stalk (also congrats on trusted status)
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Not being serious ? Im telling you i keep getting kicked out of my ability's at high ranks. Can you tell me your point ?
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Huh, how about no
Just aim at his chest when in a chase and not everywhere
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I feel like some matches you can be broken out of stealth extremely easily.
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Wasn‘t one of his addon to make breaking out harder bugged and he gets broken even easier?
I had matches where I was 100% behind cover amd crouched, yet I was broken out 1 or 2 seconds after I got in cover. Something is off with Ghosty
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I get broken out of nightshroud a lot. It’s a bit harder in a chase when I’m right on someone’s ass and they have to know where theyrE going and look behind them but it still happens pretty frequently at red ranks. You CAN run addons to make it really tough to break you out but then you have a 45 minute recovery so they’re rarely worth it. License/chewed pen is viable but I would still rather rubbing the address book or blue lens
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Explain this then
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I believe it's 45 seconds, but yes, add-on can extend the active time.
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Yes you can. I get broken out constantly. I get broken out so much that I use the Shroud mid chase and strafe left and right to get survivors to mess up their pathing and run into walls.
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i always break him out of stealth, sure it has issue but it can be done
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seconded. hes trash for both sides to play
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Just an fyi legion was able to break him out of stealth too. If legion can break it so can you. Applause to those that got the reference.
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i would like to mention that it depends if ghost face has built his power to almost full, like shape (myers) stalking. they build it up so when they see the next survivor they instantly knock you down. nothing survivors can do. this should answer to why you can't break him, most of the time.☺️
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I laughed a bit
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maybe it seemed like that to you because you didn't see the actual survivor that did it. i have to say both gfhostface and spirit are annoying!
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watch at 1:09:50 and tell me that reveal was justified.
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It was... gf was on the "center" of his screen for at least 1.2 seconds. There's a 0.3 second buffer where even if gf hides he can still get revealed. Leading to looking like he was revealed through a wall